Who here has been to the beach and seen ads flying from airplanes? I grew up at the beach, and I learned to tune them out. I’ve seen them at many beaches up and down the east coast. This newbie had a snit fit, and, because it’s 2023, someone actually listened to the story and published a minor bit of whining. But, they went further
Is the era of truly peaceful vacations over? One Redditor spotted “unskippable” ads during their recent South Florida vacation, ruining an otherwise quiet beach day.
The video, shared to the Anticonsumption subreddit, shows an aerial ad flying just off the shore with a giant QR code on it and the caption, “You can’t adblock this.”
Another ad shows an image of a woman holding a semi-automatic rifle, with the caption from Lock and Load Miami that read, “shoot machine guns.”
“My vacation to Miami Beach is getting ruined by unskippable ads,” the Redditor writes.
Ruined! Compare that to the family in the last post who had their rental car broken into and lots of stuff, including a $1,000 in jewelry, stolen. But, wait! This post is always about ‘climate change’, right?
Not only are aerial ads like these disturbing to see, but because they’re attached to planes, they contribute to pollution and negatively impact air quality, particularly in densely populated areas.
They also require the use of dirty energy sources that contribute to planet-heating gases during sourcing and production.
So, I’m just wondering how she and her family traveled to Miami?

And just how did this ‘anticonsumption’ activist get to Miami Beach?
The freedom of speech and of the press carries with it the right not to listen to someone or read something. If this unnamed Redditor doesn’t want to read the ads towed by airplanes, then he doesn’t have to do so.
I think that if you investigated this you would find out that he is a she. I live in jersey and I go to the Jersey Shore and we see these planes all the time they have great ads. It helps business it certainly helps the advertising and small plane business keeps pilots flying and I can see nothing but an upside to them.
Yeah, only some dumbass bitch would complain about something as uncontroversial as airplane advertising at the beach. You don’t like it don’t look. They have a right to advertise and you have a right to ignore it.
We are now living in a land where everybody’s NOSE is in everybody else’s business.
Out of curiosity do you think she’s a D or an R?
OFFS !!!!
How does this person live without petroleum-based products?
I got banned from reddit like a year ago for posting too many conservative memes, love it