The city government of SCLA is rather unhappy about having to put their money where their mouths are
10th bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in LA
Another bus from Texas carrying migrants from south of the border arrived in Los Angeles Saturday, the 10th such arrival since June 14, Mayor Karen Bass’ office announced.
“One bus arrived around 11:08 AM PT this morning with migrants traveling from Texas. This is the 10th bus that has arrived,” said Zach Seidl, deputy mayor of communications and spokesperson for Bass.
“The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year. As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan.”
The group consists of 39 people, including 21 children from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
Well, SCLA should be happy they aren’t getting all the young males like SCNY. Greg Abbott had a few words
“Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary city status. Our border communities are on the front lines of President Biden’s border crisis, and Texas will continue providing this much-needed relief until he steps up to do his job and secure the border.”
The Los Angeles City Council approved a motion on June 9 seeking to formally establish the city as a ‘Sanctuary City.”
They should want the illegals in LA, right?
(Fox News) Los Angeles Governor Karen Bass criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott when the ninth bus was sent when Tropical Storm Hillary was impacting the city, saying “LA has not extended an invitation asking for people to come. This is a political act.”
On Tuesday, Bass again condemned Abbott for sending the buses.
“This evening, Los Angeles received another bus from Texas. That means that while we were urging Angelenos to stay safe, the Governor of Texas was sending a bus with families and toddlers straight towards us KNOWING they’d have to drive right into an unprecedented storm,” Bass tweeted on X. “Evil.”
I can’t wait to see what Bass whines about with the 10th busload. Heck, it’s not even that many. Border towns in Texas get 100s a day. As for no invitation, well, Democrats have all but been doing that. Except to their own cities, I guess.

no. no, no!!! Malibu is the place, Martha’s vineyard, The hamptons, Chapaqua, palm springs, alpine, send them to where the virtuous live.
The illegal Teach: They should want the illegals in LA, right?
If these migrants are in the U.S. illegally Governor Abbott is breaking the law by bussing them around America.
Yet the illegal Teach and his illegal lackeys continue to accuse the illegal Governor Abbott of breaking federal law!!
If these men and women are “illegals”, then Governor Abbott of Texas and others responsible for arranging their transport around the nation are violating U.S. law.
It would seem these migrants are not “illegals” as defined by conservatives.
Since when do you believe conservatives get to define with illegals are? Common sense defines what an illegal is. Do you have common sense Elwood?
An illegal is anyone who comes into the United states without going through the legal system. They’re lucky we call them illegals instead of invaders. But invaders is what they actually are. They’re coming here illegally and invading our country. They have no legal paperwork they have no legal invitation.
As far as moving them around the country is concerned the federal government moves them around the country all the time if it’s legal for them it’s legal for Abbott and anybody else. Or are you working on your usual formula that Democrats get to do one thing and everybody else has to do the other? In other words two different levels describing what is legal one for you guys on the left and the rest for us poor suckers on the right.
As soon as I see you going to the law books or the constitution or the Bible I know that you know you’re on the wrong side because you would never quote our laws or our religion unless you were using it as a club. But you have set up the new rules so that nothing matters any longer and nobody is to be trusted. Especially if there’s a D after their name. Oh they are a bunch of damn liars.
Thank you for admitting these migrants, asylum seekers and refugees are in the United States legally and are therefore, not “illegals”.
It is illegal to transport people in the U.S. illegally.
Don’t get me wrong, this won’t stop connies from slurring them as “illegals”.
Heaven forbid referring United States law in an argument. You seem to understand little about asylum-seekers or refugees.
You “understand” they are brown, poor, speak little English and are here to sell drugs, rape and kill. Hence, “illegals”. Why not just call them “miggers” (Mexican niggers)?
Hypocritical much, Rimjob (aka 22Cent aka PorkChop)?
And you label conservatives racist?

Oh, that’s right you do it behind the safety of a keyboard.
Such a chubby tough guy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Ah yes, another creative legal “theory” from Rimjob (aka 22Cent aka PorkChop).
Oh, that’s right, theories don’t have to be “proven”.
Cry harder, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Nah, just pointing out how dumb you are, StinkyButt!
The U.S. Code is fact, not theory, you silly dumbass, LOL.
Suck harder, shorty.
Believe Rimjob (aka 22Cent aka Pork) wrote
Thanks for proving your own words incorrect.

Bwaha! Lolgf
§1324 was meant to target those helping illegals to hide, but since you want to take it literally, let’s do so. That would mean that even federal immigration agents attempting to mo0ve an illegal immigrant caught in the boiling Arizona desert and suffering from dehydration and heat stroke to a hospital for medical care would be in violation. Any private individual coming across an obvious Mexicano, not even knowing him to be here illegally, but in “reckless disregard of the possibility that he is, injured on the side of the road, to takes him to receive food, water or medical care, is in violation of §1324(a)(1)(A)(ii).
It doesn’t even have to be that. A city bus driver who picks up a passenger who reasonably appears to be an immigrant, and without checking his immigration papers, takes him to the next bus stop, whether to work or the grocery store, or even the federal courthouse for an immigration hearing, would be in violation of the law.
Of course, when the great state of Texas moves these fine people to Los Angeles, they are telling ICE what they have done, so there’s no effort made to deceive immigration officials, which is the point of §1324.
Glad to hear Mr Dana claim the government, police and prosecutors have discretion in dealing with alleged lawbreakers. That’s unheard of from a con but Mr Dana is a small “l” libertarian. Perhaps in an idealized police state every bus driver, person on the street, rancher, ambulance driver, uber driver and ER nurse would be required by law to confirm the status of with everyone they interact.
The law states…
knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law,
Anyway, I am not trying to make a case for arresting Governor Abbott, but rather to submit his actions as evidence that the kids on the bus are NOT ILLEGAL or ILLEGALS.
But connies gotta slur.
Would law and order Abbott risk breaking federal law to make a political point? Of course not. These are people at the border doing it the right way, but the United States of America is not up to the task in a humane and fair way.
Our immigration and border control systems are broken!! And with the crap (poverty, food insecurity, violence due to drug trade, and the impacts of climate change on extreme weather, agriculture, and livelihoods) happening in Venezuela, Columbia, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua etc and the attractiveness of the United States, it’s little wonder we’re being flooded with refugees, migrants and asylum seekers. With little hope, if your kids were starving and threatened by street gangs what would you do?
Congress needs to get their shit together and fix it. Enough of Obama, Trump and Biden exec actions, it’s going to take resources and determination. And cooperation and compromise, two approaches in short supply today.
Sorry, child, the Brandon (mis)administrtion already opened that door by flying illegals around the country, to places that are not “sanctuary cities”.
Sorry, girlfriend, that you just don’t understand.
10 bus loads @ 39 per bus is only 390 people and more than 1000 cross the border every day..
Good job Abbott,,,wasting Texas money that is. Texas is paying to bus these people around saving the NGOs monies that they otherwise would be spending. And they still would end up in CA.
I dont see the end game busing these people because it accomplishes nothing towards ending the insanity.
What would be more effective is if Abbott did NOTHING. Let the NGOs deal and dispo all of these people and the state stand back and watch the mayhem develop.
Texas is moving as many off the border as the NGOs are and they should just keep their hands in their pockets and watch.
Governor Abbott is getting rid of them far faster than would anyone else, doing so before they can establish a domicile in the Lone Star State, and before they consume as much in welfare and other government services.
Libs as hypocrites? Who knew..?
“Republicans debate to see who’s going to lose to Biden in a landslide mail-in vote in the middle of night…..”
LA is not getting it’s fair share