The climate cult is really ramping up the fear-mongering. But, we can solve this with a tax and your giving up your freedom!
Climate change could result in the deaths of 1 billion poor people
Human-induced climate change could lead to the premature deaths of around one billion people in the next century, according to a study.
If global warming reaches or surpasses 2°C this century, it’s projected that predominantly wealthier people will be linked to the deaths of approximately 1 billion people with lower incomes, a situation that bears a resemblance to cases of involuntary or negligent manslaughter, a study published in the Future of Energy Policy says.
“If you take the scientific consensus of the 1,000-ton rule seriously and run the numbers, anthropogenic global warming equates to a billion premature dead bodies over the next century. Obviously, we have to act. And we have to act fast,” said one of the study writers, Joshua Pearce.
The “1,000-ton rule” suggests that about one early death might occur for every 1,000 tons of fossil carbon burned.
These people are shameless, and WKBW Buffalo, and all other outlets who ran this article, are completely derelict in their journalistic standards running this piece of doom. There’s zero chance of hitting 2C this century. Poor people are more likely to die from the climate cult policies being implemented by those same rich folks. Like this guy
This would be the same guy who takes a fossil fueled trip involving helicopters, jumbo jets, fighter jets, and low MPG limos and SUVs almost every weekend. He could drive an EV home in around 2 hours. Or, at least just take a helicopter.

Futurist Teach: There’s zero chance of hitting 2°C this century.
Phew! Glad to hear it! Let’s assume Mr Teach means the Earth will not warm a total of 2°C more than 1900 baseline by 2099. Let us hope his prediction is correct!! Can he “prove” it won’t warm 2°C by 2099, LOL.
If the current rate of warming (0.19°C/decade since 1970) continues, the Earth will warm another (0.19°C/decade x 7.5 decades) 1.43°C by 2099. 1.43°C + 1°C (since 1900) = 2.43°C (4.4°F) by 2099.
If you believe all those fake numbers I have a bridge for you in New York.
It is simply amazing how much BS he left us propagate in a day. You have to be the dumbest bastards on the earth. No wonder you’re always running around saying how smart you are it’s a defense mechanism.
You should be more concerned about dying from eating yourself to death. If you cared about the future you go on a damn diet.
We know, we know that cons like you believe in their own fact-free world. For example:
Trump won. Global warming is a communist plot/scam/hoax. Gods and demons are fighting for “souls”. Covid was and is a communist plot/scam/hoax. Democrats support child trafficking, grooming and pedophilia. Obama born in Kenya. School shootings are Deep State false flag operations. Deep State. Hillary killed Epstein, Vince Foster and 100 more. HIV, coke, fentanyl, Covid were introduced by China, Deep State, Dems, commies to kill Blacks. Biden invited Putin to invade Ukraine to further the Biden Crime Family taking taxpayer money. MAGA. Unfettered abortion. Unfettered illegals. etc, etc…
You are all full of schiesse!! Kiss my ass!!
And let me ask… Do YOU believe/feel the Earth has warmed at all?
one billion dead babies over a century, or 10 million a year…..
and what happens if you, some how, manage to prevent these deaths??
have you thought out the unintended consequences of your actions??
talk about a population explosion. i thought population reduction was the
main goal of the PTB
[…] Via Pirates Cove […]
1600 scientist have said the climate crisis is a hoax.
160,000 climate scientists say global warming is real and CO2 is why.
I was not responding to you and again emphasize the fact I prefer for you to not comment in response to me. Your statement is a lie and matters little in any discussion.
Dr Removed the Wrong Testicle (aka Bill),
I prefer for you not to comment in response to me.
Yeah, just look around! Pay no attention to the CO2 math that has never worked, just look around… for your checkbook and give .gov more money and power, then go home and cower in fear because it’s really, really scary.
Trust us, would we lie to you? This is nothing like all the other crises that we caused, or made up, so that we could exert more control over your lives and steal your money and property. This is totally different, honest injun’.
Doing nothing also has a cost. The early estimate is that the little storm in FL yesterday will cost over $9 billion. FEMA is almost out of money this year.
The right-wing extremist movement (R-WEM) of today is glued together with conspiracy tales. Soros, Chinese, commies, libs, Dems are part of the Control Umbrella Conspiracy (CUC), which is the one Conspiracy to Rule Them! The mini-conspiracies under the CUC are the global warming conspiracy, the Big Lie conspiracy, the Deep State conspiracy, the Covid conspiracy, the Biden Crime Family conspiracy…
The R-WEM know the only solution is “temporary” authoritarian rule with a suspension of the Constitution and a strongman like Donald Trump with the “balls” to fix America “by any means necessary” (h/t to Jean-Paul Sartre).
and yet surprisingly the only strong man that “instituted temporary authoritarian rule” was limp dick hoe biden. Another one of your conspiracy theories you lying twat.
By the way you’re mixing up your hoaxes with your conspiracies. Get your shit straight will you?
Limp Dick Roy,
Lying twats such as you only have conspiracies and make believe.
Have you noticed that all your conspiracy tales have the same root, that is, they all involve dem/com/libs forcing control onto you “patriots”?
With donnie-connies it’s always projection. Fat Donnie makes no bones about it if he’s elected. Fascism to the max! “Lock ’em up!” He said he has NO choice but to lock them up! After all, an elephant never forgets! He also wants to rebuild the military in Nazi fashion.
Gosh, if there was only some way people could check out the world’s temperature in real time.
The Earth’s Temperature
Bwaha! Lolgf
Typical-“if it surpasses 2.0 degrees..” Interesting, because their non-scientific “tipping point” used to be 1.5 degrees. And it “could” kill 1 billion people, or it could not. Quite the fear porn number when they can’t even positively point to even one death caused by a slight temp rise. The climate circus continues…
Of course. after we turn over all our money, our rights and ability to make decisions on our own, the only thing that will change is that the stories, the analyses and “Scientific” consensus will be changed to tell us that all is now rainbows and unicorns. one would think that these folks have overturned the laws of thermodynamics to bring us to their utopia.
Kill a billiopn poor people? Isn’t that what the WEF wants?