The Times just can’t quite make the connection that it is reckless and dangerous to entice people to make long treks from as far away as northern South America, as well as nations around the world, all to cross the US southern border and Demand asylum, which most will not obtain
Scorching Heat Is Contributing to Migrant Deaths
On patrol in the harsh brush along the border in South Texas, Deputy Don White of the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office paused to study some empty water jugs, torn clothing and several indistinct footprints, looking for signs of migrants who might have been lost in the scorching heat.
Through the long summer, temperatures have lingered for days at a time at 100 degrees or higher. The heat has been stifling for many Texans, but deadly for some of those making their way through the hot, barren shrub land where migrants travel to avoid detection from Border Patrol agents.
Fewer people are crossing from Mexico this year compared with last year, but already there have been more than 500 deaths in 2023 — confirmed by the discovery of bodies or partial remains by Deputy White and others like him as they conduct their grim patrols. In 2022, among the deadliest in recent years, there were 853 confirmed deaths.
Tracking migrant deaths is an imperfect science. Many drown trying to cross the Rio Grande; others succumb to sweltering desert conditions or a lack of water, with their deaths ultimately attributed to dehydration, heat stroke or hypothermia. The unrelenting heat this summer in Texas, combined with suffocating humidity, has contributed to many of the fatalities, local and federal officials said. (snip)
Since 1998, at least 7,805 people have died trying to cross the border with Mexico and more than 3,527 remain missing, according to the Colibrí Center for Human Rights, an advocacy organization that reports on missing migrants and conducts DNA searches to identify remains.
It’s a long piece on missing and dead illegals/migrants, which, surprisingly doesn’t jump into global boiling, but, the Times fails to make that connection that the Democratic Party, along with some Idiot Republicans, have been enticing all those people to come to the US illegally, since the Reagan years, but, especially since the late Clinton years. When you’re promising them free everything and all they have to do is come to the US, well, they’re going to do it, no matter how dangerous it is. No matter if they are going to die or be trafficked.
It’s hot in the summer. It’s already dangerous enough traveling thousands of miles through 2nd and 3rd world areas. The deaths of all these people is in the hands of Democrats, including the NY Times which never considers that their support of unfettered illegal immigration is murderous.

You know what’s even hotter than Texas and Arizona and New Mexico in the summer? Real Mexico! These guys who have invaded the United States from the south had to cross real Mexico to get here.