If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post noting Bidenomic is brilliant!

It’s short shorts week!

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7 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Wyatt Earp says:

    Wow, that photo is… wow. Thanks for the link!

  2. […] Thanks to The Pirate’s Cove for the link. They’re good people. […]

  3. H says:

    Record low unemployment
    Record high stocks
    Record high corporate profits
    Record high yearly oil production
    3% inflation

    For 50 years the South has been voting for Republicans and they still are the poorest area of the USA

    • L'Roy White says:

      The poorest areas of the USA for your information H, are the bereft and bankrupt in their cities of Democrat controlled urban areas. They’re the poorest areas they’re the most crime ridden areas and they’re the most dedicated Democrat voters in the country.

      We don’t have record low unemployment we don’t have record high stocks we don’t have record high corporate profits except in certain areas most of which are controlled by billionaire Democrat donors. And we don’t have record high yearly oil production. We have 20 million people of working age in the United states who are out of work that’s not low unemployment. We don’t have record high stocks they’ve been higher before albeit they are in a good area. But that is mostly due to the fact that the stock market since the early 2000s have been basically controlled by a few investment firms like Goldman Sachs and such. They run it for themselves. Plus you have trillions of dollars being pumped into it from the feds. We don’t have record high oil production.

      Democrat comedy party has gotten us into a war in the Ukraine which is sucking billions of dollars out of our economy the only reason our economy as a whole seems to be doing OK is because they’re on a war footing. The Democrats as usual are killing people to make money. They do it in abortion clinics and they do it on battlefields. It’s their MO.

      If everything’s so damn good why is it so many people are asking why it’s lousy compared to 2019? You live in a dream world and that dream world is brainwashed into your head daily by your news media and your corporate sponsors. Basically you don’t do anything but regurgitate the lies you’re told. You know like men can become women idiot.

  4. Mac says:

    H – you are an idiot

  5. Jl says:

    Carbon boy-“record high stocks”
    The Dow is at 34,800. The record is 36,700. The S&P 500 is at 4515. The record is approx. 4700. More news from the back of your box of Cheerios?

    • Professor Hale says:

      You can’t really hold him accountable for “facts”. At this point we all know he is going to lie about everything. Equally, we already know he is not going to learn or even recognize your “facts” but will come right back tomorrow with the same lies. There is literally no point even engaging him.

Pirate's Cove