You know, because they worked so well last time, and we listened to all the lies from Fauci
In a Saturday interview, former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci spoke out in defense of masking up amid today’s rising COVID cases.
In the event that masks are again recommended, he is “concerned that people will not abide by recommendations,” he said in the interview.
“I would hope that if we get to the point that the volume of cases is such and organizations like the CDC recommends — CDC does not mandate anything — recommends that people wear masks, I would hope that people abide by that recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families,” Fauci told CNN.
Fauci, who also served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health until December 2022, also called into question a January 2023 Cochrane study that found masking to be ineffective.
“When you’re talking about the effect on the pandemic as a whole, the data is less strong,” Fauci said.
“But when you talk about an individual basis of someone protecting themselves … there’s no doubt that there’s many studies that show that there is an advantage [to masks].”
If mask mandates worked so well on an individual basis then why did more people get COVID with the mandates than without? And with all the vaccines. If masking works so well then why were we continuously treated to Elites playing mask theater, or just not wearing them?
(Breitbart) New York health officials are advising people to wear masks when in crowded public areas, as coronavirus cases are expected to spike following Labor Day weekend.
While no official social distancing or mask restrictions were set in place, New York City health commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan told the Daily Mail that people should follow precautions when celebrating the end of summer, as the city’s hospitalization rate for the coronavirus rose by five percent this week compared to the previous week; 502 patients infected with the virus were admitted to hospitals.
You mean liberal supporters of Fauci and all the restrictions aren’t masking up? There’s almost 9 million NYC residents: 502 is not much.

Sars-cov-2 is a bio-weapon, engineered with US funding and released intentionally.
The pandemic was planned as a disruption and an exercise in societal control.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both safe and effective treatments that could have prevented millions of deaths.
The vaccines are poison.
Masks are ineffective at best, harmful when used long-term.
Fauci knows all of this.
The question is, what do we do about it?
You must destroy the democratic republic of the the United States of America and rebuilt it in a form that would please the great American social philosopher Rush Limbaugh. This would cut government spending and employment by 80% and taxes by just as much. Most of the “letter” agencies will be axed or drastically reduced – FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA, DHS, NASA, NOAA, HHS, NIH, CDC, HUD, VA, DOE… Power will be returned to the individual states. The US will withdraw from NATO and the UN. Border security would become absolute.
Unfortunately, this will require a violent revolution followed by a temporary suspension of the Constitution and a period of authoritarian rule. Lock and load and be prepared to die rebuilding America. Murderers and traitors such as Fauci, Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Soros, Gates, Buffett, Bezos and thousands more will be tried and executed, not necessarily in that order.
“recommendations” and “are advising”…
You’re free to ignore them and mock those that take the “advice”.
Sars-cov-2 is a bio-weapon (unknown), engineered with US funding (there WAS US funding for the WIV until late 2020, unknown if the virus was engineered) and released intentionally (unknown).
The pandemic was planned as a disruption and an exercise in societal control (unknown).
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both safe and effective treatments that could have prevented millions of deaths. (“Only” 1 million in the US died from Covid. The US FDA’s conclusion that neither ivermectin nor hydroxychloroquine were safe and effective did not determine their uses worldwide)
The vaccines are poison. (No evidence to support that claim. Hundreds of millions of vaccine ‘shots’ were given in the US with few adverse events).
Masks are ineffective at best, harmful when used long-term. (Studies on the effectiveness of masks against Covid transmission are inconclusive. Some healthcare workers have complained of rashes from wearing masks for hours.)
Teach did you actually read thst study you quoted?
If you did you would have seen that is said masking was the best way of reducing the spread if Covid
Jan 11 2031
Howard, Huang, Li et al
Gives quite a readable summation if many masking studies, including the one you cited.
States that had the highest rates of masking and vaccinations such as Hawaii and Vermont had per Capita covid death rates up to 300% lower that red states like MS or AL
The Yale study on COVID deaths showed that after vaccinations became available the death rate for Republicans indicted about 2 times as many died as did Dems.
Extrapolated nationwide it indicated republican voters might have represented 750000 of the 1 million COVID deaths.
Also, mandated seat belts save lives wear them
“Ugly people rejoice over return of mask mandates..”.
Johnny-for those who drive alone in their car with a mask on there’s also a seatbelt developed to be worn when you’re outside not in your car. Where it to the grocery store with your mask to feel ultra safe! The belt goes around your waist with the cross strap going over one shoulder and attaching to the waist belt. Certified for morons….
Mask are virtually useless against a virus. The only reason that we were forced to use them was to make it appear that the politicians were doing something. The more you pushed back against the mandates, the more virtuous they appeared, especially to the liberal/ communist dumbass, such as our resident trolls.
Peer review in literature from history to medicine is broken and has been for at least 60 years that I know of. A study demonstrating the effectiveness of a mask would be impossible to put together but with our current system anything indicating the mask is useless would not be allowed into publication.
As to the use of the various medications. The so called studies were framed in such a manner as to assure failure. Both drugs were touted by doctors that used them at the earliest indication and seemed to have influence. The real question was why the government took it upon themselves to deny all patients any type of medical intervention wether good or bad and then came up with guidelines to assure the highest mortality. The rules of the FDA were used in a very bad way to reduce delivery of medical care except for expensive antivirals that had severe side effects. The Federal government stepped in which is something I have never seen and caused greater mortality. This had more to do with jackasses like Fauci, who caused the whole problem.
Jeff, this is not a comment in response to you and I do not desire to play your little game of lies and confucasion.
Misspelled word, use pattering