Believe it or not, there’s actually a lot of empty space in New Jersey, but, really, they should be sent to all the areas that vote Democrat
New Jersey’s Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy said on Aug. 31 his state has no more room for illegal immigrants and lacks the resources to take border crossers from neighboring New York, despite his campaign promises to create a welcoming “sanctuary state.”
The Democrat gov. issued his proclamation after the Biden administration revealed that New Jersey’s Atlantic City International Airport is on a list of eleven facilities targeted for shipments of illegals to help alleviate the glut of 100,000 border crossers who have flooded into nearby New York City over the last year.
Murphy not only nixed the Atlantic City airport plan but he added that the whole state is off limits to Biden’s illegals. Murphy spoke on the issue during a New 12 “Ask Gov. Murphy” segment on Aug. 31.
“I don’t see any scenario where we’re going to be able to take in a program in Atlantic City or frankly elsewhere in the state,” Murphy said, according to New Jersey 12. “You need scale, enormous amount of federal support, resources that go beyond anything that we can afford. Putting everything else aside, I just don’t see it. I would suspect that that will continue to be the case.”
Newark is the only city in NJ that has declared itself a sanctuary city, but, Phil said he would make the entire state a sanctuary, and the Attorney General “Immigrant Trust Directive” essentially did that. No vote, but, the AG, Matt Platkin (D) is unconcerned with what lawmakers think.
They can be sent to Bergan, Passaic, Hudson, Essex, Morris (which is unusual, usually goes R), Sommerset, Middlesex, Union, Mercer, Burlington, Camden, Atlantic, and Cumberland counties, who all voted Brandon. Atlantic City is in Atlantic County. 52.5% wanted Brandon. Put the illegals in those areas.
Both Democrat and Republican officials from Atlantic County, for instance, have spoken against the Biden plan to house illegals at their airport, The Press of Atlantic City reported.
The mayors of Egg Harbor Township and Atlantic City — the first a Republican and the latter a Democrat — stood shoulder-to-shoulder to warn the Biden administration against sending illegals to the airport. Both had the same message: there aren’t enough resources and money to care for hundreds or thousands of illegals.
Atlantic City can figure it out. They voted for this…well, really, they voted for Somewhere Else to deal with the unfettered illegal immigration.
Association President and Absecon Mayor Kim Horton, a Democrat, is sending a resolution opposing the plan.
“Lawmakers need to work together to make comprehensive immigration policies that protect our towns and communities,” Horton told the media. “I’m happy that we are collectively up here, Democrats, Republicans, independents. We are a united front.”
The solution is right there: shut down the borders as much as possibly, require all those applying for asylum to do so outside the U.S. and wait for their case to be adjudicated. If you’re here illegally, regardless of why, you are deported immediately, if you have any assets they will be used to help pay for it. If you cross the border and are caught, you’ll be given a meal, a good nights sleep, and put right back across the border.

So, Massachusetts is having to call up the National Guard to ‘service’ all of the ‘migrants,’ New York City is running out of room for the illegals, Los Angeles is crying “Tío!” — Spanish for ‘uncle’ — and now Jersey has run out of room, yet the good Democrats of these sanctuary cities and states expected the Lone Star State to handle and house all of them?
It’s all been leftwing virtue signaling: the left said that they opened their arms to the illegals, but wanted the illegals to stay in conservative, Southern states, hoping that they’d eventually swing those states to the Democrats. But stockpiling the illegals in already Democratic states? What good does that do?
Stockpiling your illegals? I love your new term and I will continue to use it. The demo commies don’t need to stockpile illegals in blue states. As you stated it’s redundant. The object of bringing in 9 million new illegal immigrants into red states is to allow them to vote in elections. Nothing is stopping illegal voting nothing! It’s just another arrow in the quiver of the leftists. They were sowing the seeds for this way back when they started motor voter.
We need to do something about these leftists. They’ve got from troublemaking malevolent anti Americans and morphed into 1/5 column of Nazis and communists. We gotta get rid of them before they get rid of us. And that’s what they’re aiming to do.
One could estimate that in the last election at least 5 million illegal votes were cast by illegal aliens. No wonder leftists keep running around screaming they have the majority when everybody knows they don’t. The nearest breakdown is 20% of America is leftist 35% of America is conservative and the rest is in the middle or undecided as they love to call it. There is no way leftist comprise a majority. If they persecute us like they do. And they persecute us like they do in a one party state.
Mr Dana deduced the democommie plan! We wanted to stockpile democommie “illegals” to “vote” in southern red states such as Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona. Mr Biden won AZ and GA, and was close in NC in 202O and democommies have made progress in TX. MiniTrump (aka DeeSantis) holds sway in FL still.
It does us democommies no good to stockpile “illegals” in blue pillars such as NY, NJ, IL and CA!
Political geniuses in TX and FL once more outsmarted the democommie party leaders!!
Ah, More enlightened reasoning from Rimjob.
He are some kinda smart, ain’t he?

Bwaha! Lolgf
25%0f our agricultural workers are undocumented migrants
Will Teach promise to do their jobs?
Will the christian god no longer bless our country when we refuse to obey his commands as written in Leviticus 19:34 ?
The alien who resides with you shall be as the citizen among you: you shall love the alien as yourself, you were once aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. We know have 11 million job openings. Unemployment is 3%. The lack of workers is one of the 2 major causes of inflation(the other being the Russians and Saudis jacking up the cost oil
In NYC 70% of the undocumented are working. Who will do their jobs
Dear H:
The Old Testament was fulfilled by the birth, life, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
So we are governed by the New Testament. One of the teachings says…. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.