Another day, another bit of cult induced doomysaying
The Slow Death of the Sun-Seeking Summer Vacation
The images emerging from the Mediterranean in late July resembled a fixture of the evening news: the desperate crowd fleeing adversity. But these fugitives walking along hot tarmac or waiting to board rescue boats in the night were not the displaced victims of a broken republic. These were pleasure seekers in flip-flops and tank tops, toting beach bags over sun-tanned shoulders, retreating from a glowing sky.
On the Greek island of Rhodes, the peak summer travel season had arrived, and with it had materialized a hapless avatar of the times, the tourist-turned-evacuee.
More than any past year, this summer felt like the moment that climate change came for the vacationer. It began with heat waves across Southern Europe, where popular attractions closed to avoid the intolerable midafternoon temperatures. The infernal heat cured the kindling for wildfires, which were soon raging in Italy, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and elsewhere, forcing holiday cancellations and, as in the case of Rhodes, large-scale evacuations. On the other side of the world, another fire, this one likely supercharged by hurricane winds, consumed Lahaina on Maui, killing at least 115 people.
You mean all the wildfires that were the result of arson or incompetence? What caused the intolerable heat in the 30’s, when people packed up and moved to California? If the heat is so intolerable they why do so many move to warm states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona? The Carolinas?
What should we make of this chaotic summer? The kind of headline-grabbing ordeals endured by some travelers — not to mention the people and communities they visited — in recent months has remained the exception rather than the rule. Nonetheless, watching the Northern Hemisphere’s prime months of recreation play out against a backdrop of calamity has seeded a sentiment that is hard to shake: that the hallowed sun-seeking summer holiday might soon be incompatible with a warming world.
When’s “soon”? Name the timeframe.
Moreover, there are broader ethical issues at stake. In an age of overtourism and environmental collapse, it’s tempting to see modern tourists as an emblem of human hubris and self-satisfaction, bent on personal pleasure while the world burns. The profound dissonance of people seeking hedonism in places reeling from flood or fire has provided further grist to the mill of anti-tourist resentments that have been festering for some time. In Hawaii the devastating Maui wildfire has reanimated longstanding tensions about the costs imposed on the archipelago’s inhabitants by large-scale tourism and its wanton excess, which so often upsets the cadences of local life and reroutes resources from local communities. This conversation is set to run and run.
Oh, good grief. These people are simply insufferable.
It is difficult to forecast what repercussions the havoc of the summer of 2023 will have on next year’s season. It seems fair to suppose that an existential threat to August escapes to the Mediterranean, far more than news of barely survivable conditions in rural India, will help to bring home the immediacy of the climate crisis to people who might otherwise prefer to ignore it.
Oh, so no frame, just a cult member yammering about doom. Remember, this is all about science, though!

Teach the 1930s were not globally hot, just regionally with the US being only 2% of the Earths surface
So anything that’s not global has nothing to do with global warming? Or is it anything that happens regionally in the US that doesn’t count?
Every time there’s a fire, hurricane, a heat wave, a cold wave, or anything else you run around screaming global climate crisis. You realize all these things don’t happen around the entire globe?
Yet when teach points out that regional anomalies have occurred before that has nothing to do with anything.
You radical leftists are so brainwashed you can’t even lie good anymore. Especially you H, you’re starting to sound like Biden making a speech every other sentence is a lie.
Of course things that happen here in the USA havedome importance to the phenomenon of globalwarming/climate change. But only about 2%,”CarolAnn”
Regional anomalies, extreme weather events are only factoids in planetary global warming.
Carol Ann do you believe that the Earths temps are going up? And if so why do you think they are,, and do you think the rate of temp increase is also increasing?
Through my own personal anecdotal experience during my short 70 years growing up west of Boston I can remember skating on cranberry bogs in December before new Christmas skates. Our local high school practices on pond ice. I never dksged on what I still call artificial ice until I was in high school
Now years go buy before the town will allow skating on the pond because ice isn’t thick enough
Johnny-this temp rise isn’t any faster than earlier in the Holocene with much lower CO2.
Not all changes in global temperature is caused by changes in CO2. The current warming period IS caused by an increase in greenhouse gases, especially CO2.
No evidence of that, sorry. That’s called a correlation
Sorry, but you may be confused. Correlation IS evidence.
You may recall that scientific theories are not proved, but are generally accepted as supporting evidence becomes convincing. The correlation between greenhouse gases and temperature is evidence, but alone is not convincing. It’s just a piece of the evidence.
That CO2 absorbs and releases infrared radiation is a piece of evidence. That the increase in CO2 comes from burned fossil fuels is a piece of evidence.
Consider if there was no correlation between CO2 and warming – we’d not be having an argument.
Always appreciate your comments “Carol Ann”
Lol do I am being blocked
Some food for thought.
Las Vegas just went through 271 record-setting days. It was the mildest and coolest 271 days on record.
This 271 days was followed by 30 days of the hottest month on record. All we will hear about is the 30 days, not the 271 days.
Las Vegas has had 3.99 inches of rain. Las Vegas is built in the middle of a DESSERT. Their average annual rainfall is 4.00 inches.
All you will hear about is how desperately short of water the greater southwest is because of Draught. Ignoring the fact that even Los Angeles is built in the middle of a desert.
We as a species are intruding into areas that are hostile to Humans. But with enough water, we can overcome any obstacle in this regard.
I personally do not care how we power the world as long as the world is powered.
AGW movement is the greatest threat to mankind.
The only person not granted immediate bail of those arrested in Atlanta for the HAHAHAHAHA Innsurrection proceedings was a BLACK MAN who is a spokesman for blacks for Trump.
Current polling shows Blacks approve of Biden down to 70 percent now.
Hispanics are down to only 47 percent.
Yet Biden will get 100 million votes in 2024 and the Republicans will laugh all the way to their super yaught or Martha’s Vineyard super mansion.
All in all. AGW will win the day, the world will cease for your children and we will be run by a totalitarian govrernment in 20 years. 1984 is just 50 years late in happening.