In fairness, the George Floyd protests in Goldsboro, NC, did not become “fiery but mostly peaceful”, and the calls for defunding the police were not as strident as other cities, nor did they continue loudly. In fact, the police department received a 5% raise because too many were leaving for surrounding cities who paid more.
WRAL News has learned the victims of a triple shooting this weekend in Goldsboro are a mother and her two daughters.
In the wake of Saturday’s shooting, some community leaders are calling for more action on gun violence in the city’s affordable housing complexes. (snip)
“It’s a lot of questions there and a lot of concerns from the community members,” Robinson said. “If they’re living in safe environments.”
Activists say it’s just the latest incident of gun violence in Goldsboro’s affordable housing communities.
Four people have now been shot on Day Circle in the past six weeks.
Robinson lives in public housing in the city. He says shootings like this are one of the biggest concerns for residents.
Why have public housing areas always been dangerous? The area has held multiple protests for Something To Be Done about the shootings this year, and it has worked out as well as other demonstrations
Robinson told WRAL News that Goldsboro police need to take more action to address gun violence in affordable housing developments.
On Day Circle, a mobile surveillance tower has been set up that is equipped with multiple cameras.
Activists say it’s a step in the right direction, but they’d like to see more officers on patrol there as well.
The problem here is that no one will ever snitch on who the criminals are. Many times it’s a family member or someone they know. The same people will also demonize the police, and are happy to make up stories about the police, accusing them of all sorts of things, even though there are a lot of Black people working for the Goldsboro PD. They’ll complain about the police patrolling. We’ve seen the same types of activists complain about measures like Shotspotter (this was instituted in Durham, has been working great, and the activists are complaining about it being raaaaacist). If the cops start with stop and frisk, pull over more vehicles, they’ll be accused of raaaaacism, even though the police are usually aware of whom the bad guys are. They want it both ways. They want to almost blame the police, yet, rarely blame themselves for allowing a criminal atmosphere to continue. They have to be willing to snitch and let the police in force. They won’t, which is why things rarely change in these areas.

Once again the leftist morons begin shouting for controls on gun violence. There is no such thing as gun violence guns don’t do anything violent they’re inanimate objects. What they need is to control the nigga violence.
You don’t see this crap occurring constantly in white neighborhoods. Even poor white neighborhoods. Which just goes to prove it’s not poverty that causes crime it’s people. Control the animals and you’ll control the crime the violence the drugs etcetera etcetera.
Black men kill other Black men. White men kill other white men. For whatever reason, women don’t kill many people.
About half of homicides are committed by Blacks, about half by whites, BUT there are some 5 times more whites than Blacks, therefore the homicide rate is some 5 times greater for Black Americans. This also means that Blacks are victimized some 5 times more!!
Cutting the overall rate by half (e.g., by eliminating American Blacks) would cut the US homicide rate to about 3.5 homicides/100,000 residents. Even at that, over 110 nations would have a lower homicide rate than the US. Clearly, the US has the MOST violent non-Hispanic white population on the planet. More homicidal than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland… you get the idea, we hope.
Blacks in the United States, as a group, are far more violent than Blacks in other nations. Why is that? Whites in the United States, as a group, are far more violent than whites in other nations. Why is that?
These facts DO NOT ignore that American Blacks are 5 times more homicidal than American whites!! Nor does this ignore that men are some 10 times more homicidal than women!!
Reasons? Are men and Blacks genetically more likely to commit homicide? Is it environmental, e.g., poverty, weapon availability, lack of mental health support etc?
Mr White suggests that locking up more “niggas who kill niggas” will help solve the problem, but our prisons are filled with “niggas” now.
Poor Blacks had wanted to “defund the police” because of publicized police killings of Black men and women. Rich whites want to “defund the FBI”, “defund the DOJ”, “defund the prosecutors” and “defund the courts” because of publicized indictments of rich white men.
So many Rimjob questions.
Too few Rimjob answers.
More Rimjob enlightenment.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Sorry Elwood but it’s the work in whites wanna defund the FBI and the DOJ prosecutors and the courts because they all been corrupted by the demo commie party and all they do is support democratic agenda. They have ceased to have any relationship to equal justice or law. That’s how the average white man sees them by the way it’s also how the average black man sees them.
Rich white leftist women wanna defund anything that has to do with wall they’ve been brainwashed in college. They’re like you and have surrendered personal thought for groupthink. You really need to explain to me what the publicized indictments of rich white men are. I’m still waiting to see The Client List from Jeffrey Epstein. It seems the only white men rich or poor that get indicted are Republicans specifically trump supporters we still have trump supporters in jail who haven’t been convicted of a crime do you agree with that?
You really have become a partisan hack it’s pathetic. You even tolerate people going to prison for three years without being convicted of a crime as long as they’re trump supporters. Just like you’re OK with Ashley Babbitt being killed because she was a Trump supporter.
Mssrs White and Lewis,
We’re sorry, but you, like most far-rightists deny reality.
No matter how strongly you believe something that is clearly untrue, violence against the nation is not justified. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
No doubt, that 40 or so jailed insurrectionists have NOT yet been tried is unconscionable, so I agree with Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bob Casey, Jr., and the ACLU that extended solitary is “torture”. This is hardly the speedy trials specified in the 6th Amendment. The criticisms of the DC jail system is not new, but previously the jailed were predominantly Black or “niggas” if you prefer, largely drawing little empathy from our conservative brethren.
Right-wing Republicans being busted for actual crimes, think Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Bannon, Eastman, Giuliani, Powell, Trump Sr, Meadows? etc has prompted Republican politicians and media types to suddenly start calling for defunding the FBI, DOJ and courts. Coincidence? Hardly. Why Trump couldn’t persuade his loyal Attorneys General (Sessions and Barr) and DOJ to indict the Obamas, Clintons or Biden etc is a question for the right. Trump drove away more than one loyal AG with his dishonesty and illegal demands.
Ms Babbitt was killed for breaking through a window in the Capitol interior leading directly to Congress. There were thousands of Trump supporters there, and several hundred who broke into the Capitol. If Ms Babbitt had not climbed through the window she would likely be alive today. If Trump supporters were fair game, wouldn’t more have been shot?
Rather than waiting for right-wing “media” to present you a list of Epsteins “clients” and “associates” look into it yourself. Here’s one list and another.
It’s come to our attention that the pathetic, whiny, chronically victimized conservatives don’t want answers, but prefer their conspiracies and falsehoods!
Teach is terrified of tyranny trying to take his guns.
Dear Elwood:
” Rich whites want to “defund the FBI”, “defund the DOJ”, “defund the prosecutors” and “defund the courts” because of publicized indictments of rich white men.”
Bull. What we want is them reformed and “depoliticized.”
…but our prisons are filled with “n” now.”
Then we either need bigger prisons or fewer new thug inmates by reducing the inflow.
Is shooting the thugs an unacceptable method? If not, what is???
This article summed up the entire problem; we have shootings, we have victims. We can’t tell on our relatives or neighbors because they will come back and give us retribution.
Elwood your analysis is terribly flawed.
Typical of activists. Everything is cast in the context of their narrow activism agenda.
Typical of Journalists being uniformly Democrat and giving free press to activists that support their democratic party agenda.
I guess the “journalist” couldn’t find anyone in the neighborhood who wanted the police to find and punish the killers.
How so? Pick your 3 most serious objections. Thanks
“Poor blacks had wanted to defund the police because of the publicized police killings of blacks..”
Were they incapable of learning that by far the most killings of blacks were by other blacks? No. The biggest irony-“Black lives Matter”. Not to other blacks, it seems
“Defund the FBI, DOJ because of publicized indictments of rich white men”. No, because of publicized indictments of rich white Republican men.
It’s the rich white REPUBLICAN men committing the crimes against America and Americans. Sad but true.
Just as poor Black men commit so many violent crimes against other Black men.
The issue is with the government (in this case, local police) killing Black men and women. We’re surprised (not really) that white conservatives don’t object to this oppression by the state.
Yeah, stick with that. Tell it to the stockholders in your company when they ask for an explanation of why y’all pissed away $75MM in capital assets in less than 4 years.
I’m sure they’ll uhderstand.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You have eyes but refuse to see. You are a product of brainwashing and narrow minded obedience. You make a great anti white racist leader. I noticed that you changed it from republican to white republican. With you, as with your illegitimate party everything is race.
You are now and always will be a product of communist propaganda. You can’t think outside the box cause you are the box. You hate America and you hate Americans and you blame it all on Republicans which is a laugh. It’s your party that separates everybody by race it’s your party that turns one group against another it’s your party that separates everybody by sex it’s your party that separates everybody by religion you are the separationist just as you were when you declared war to separate from the union the first time around because you wanted to keep your slaves and you’re still killing them niggas.
I’m black and I know what you American hating communists have done to us through the years. You’re a hateful individual dab and you are a prime example of what your party is hate, greed, envy that’s all you are. And you’re so weak you can’t even own it you gotta try and blame your sins on everybody else. Well guess what you own them bitch.