Back in the day when I and so many used to blog a lot about terrorism there was something called “splodin'”, which was when a jihadi unintentionally set off their bomb early, usually taking themselves and other jihadis out. My favorite was a jihadi strapping on his suicide vest in Pakistan, then tripped and fell down the stairs from the 2nd floor and it went off. Good stuff. Watching liberal mayors of declared sanctuary cities lose their sh*t reminds me of splodin’
Adams: Cost of migrants ‘will destroy New York City’
New York City Mayor Eric Adams made some of his strongest comments yet on his concerns about the unending flow of migrants coming to the city, warning it will upend neighborhoods and continue to strain resources.
“Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said Wednesday night.
Adams, a Democrat, was speaking at a town hall organized by his office on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. His opening remarks lamented the financial impact of the city’s efforts to house and serve more than 100,000 migrants over the last year.
“This issue will destroy New York City. … All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose,” he continued.
It’s a real shame when Democrats have to deal with their beliefs when they wanted the problem to be Someone Else’s problem, eh?
Republicans praised Adams, jumping off his words to promote the party’s position of reducing immigration and knocking the White House for not doing more.
“The first step towards solving a problem is admitting you have one. Credit to Mayor Adams for being truthful in this clip about the scope of NYC’s migrant crisis,” Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Now, he must repeal NYC’s sanctuary policies & President Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico to help solve it.”
The solution is simple: shut down the borders as much as possible. Anyone here illegally is to be deported immediately. This includes visa overstays. End asylum, allowing those here legally to assimilate, like has been done several times in the past. We can work on the “Dreamers”. I like my plan, we could also do Rand Paul’s plan, however, his doesn’t include forcing the people who “sinned” by bringing the kids illegally to leave the U.S. Enforce visas. No more constant reauthorization when they aren’t supposed to be, with the visa holders being here so long they demand citizenship, and are bringing over all their relatives. No. Increase the temporary worker permits, especially for Mexicans, we can get back to where everyone could cross the border at will and then everyone goes home.
Otherwise, Abbott and DeSantis should triple the buses going to sanctuary areas.

Oddly enough, there was one presidential candidate, I forget his name now, who ran on a platform that the cost of illegal immigration was destroying the whole county and he put policies in place to reduce those costs. Who was that guy?
I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here…
Your winnings (freshly laundered Federal dollars) sir.
Oh, thank you, very much. Everybody out at once!
Texas: “WHAT?”
Illegal immigration will destroy NYC?
Okay, but what is the downside?
Perhaps they should reconsider their position as a “sanctuary city?” Perhaps they should support border security? Perhaps they should support deporting illegals and handing them over to ICE? Perhaps they should increase criminal penalties for illegals who break other laws?
Until they start taking some actions that truly indicate that they understand the problem of illegal immigrants, I say let them be hoisted on their own petard.
Boo, fricken hoo.
Adams, a lefty and Brandon supporter, was a supporter of ‘open borders, and campaigned to be the mayor of a ‘sanctuary city’. Ye shall reap what you sow. You wanted it, deal with it.
Paraphrasing Ruralcounsel, hoist them on their own petard.
NYC was already on a downhill slide thanks to the previous Mayor. He defunded the police, allowed illegals to run free and spewed the usual commie propaganda.
You can fix this if you have the spine, but you don’t. So New Yorkers will suffer the results of electing you to office.
Maybe if this Mayor wasn’t such a dink, he’d be able to work out that IT’S THE WHOLE POINT.
The number of people in government who are concerned with the best interests of Americans is approaching ZERO.