I do not really follow tennis that much, but, I know a few people who do, and will watch it a lot, including the parents. I’ve never heard them rail against Djokovic, not my dad call him a bum. But, really, this is more about COVID
In Winning His 24th Grand Slam Singles Title, Novak Djokovic Is Now The Good Guy
During the second set of Novak Djokovic’s historic U.S. Open victory over Daniil Medvedev on Sunday night, Djokovic, 36, was starting to show his age. Djokovic and Medvedev played a match that featured a slew of fabulous rallies—36 shots, 31 shots, 28 shots, 27 shots, 26 shots—and they appeared, at times, to be playing like two friends enjoying a hit-around at the park, except for the shots firing like rockets at one another, each man summoning the strength and concentration to return the ball over the net. (snip)
Only victory for Djokovic, whose 6-3, 7-6, 6-3 win over Medvedev gave him his 24th Grand Slam title, tying him with Margaret Court for the most singles majors won by a tennis player in history. What’s more, the victory finishes off a stunning transformation for Djokovic. He’s no longer a tennis heel. He’s a hero.
At the start of his run of titles, Djokovic was the cocky upstart from Serbia who crashed the Roger Federer-Rafael Nadal rivalry. Their dual domination would morph into a trio, and fervent Federer and Nadal supporters never forgave him. But now that Federer is retired, and Nadal has said he expects next year to be his last, some Djokovic haters have softened their stance. They have no choice but to admire his all-time greatness.
So, he was the “bad guy” for being good at tennis? No, Time Magazine really means this
He also earned many critics during the Covid-19 pandemic. He created a mini-tour that spread the coronavirus in June of 2020. He refused the Covid-19 vaccine, and was deported from Australia in 2022 when he refused to comply with regulations. He could not compete in the U.S. Open last year, since he was not vaccinated.
His stance may have been maddening for many. But it’s hard to hold it against Djokovic forever, especially now that we’re in a post-pandemic era.
And he and the others who caught COVID were just fine. Why would he need the jab when he already had COVID and developed the anti-bodies? Did the “vaccine” stop people from getting COVID? Sure doesn’t look like it. How many times have we seen tweets from people saying they’re jabbed and boosted and have COVID? Why are those lines included unless his vaccine stance made him a bad guy?

Truth be told, our health care bureaucrats and Leftie leaders took the typical stand that they knew better and would tell us what was best for us.
Why? Because the CDC had told the world that the efficacy of the new vaccines were in the 90% range with expected real world effectiveness of 85-90% thus leaving a failure rate of 10-15%. That’s really not a bad rate, some flu vaccines have been much worse and flu, pneumonia, tetanus and some others, require periodic boosters.
So they and their media coharts lied and said the vaccines were silver bullets and only required 100% participation for the world to be saved. They then compounded their failure by issuing conflicting information on masks and crowned it all by claiming that a short shut down would save us.
Lies and more lies and more lies when the truth would have directed our efforts at the elderly and the immune compromised.
Red states that did not vaccinate early or mask had per capital death rates up to 300% higher than the blue states that vaccinated and masked prudently.
Also, apparently the ivermectin didn’t help
H, that’s pure BS. Covid deaths are tied to the elderly and immunocompromised. So it is logical that retirement havens will have a higher rate. And the Red states are retirement havens.
Yet FL’s deaths per million od 4201 barely beats NYS 4010; PA’s 4012; NJ’s 4082 and MI leads the pack at 4331.
And if you want to see the effects of clean living?? Try UT with its very large Mormon population with 1689.
China still has no effective vaccine and must still try and rely on lockdowns
The reason “he” needed the jab was to reduce the rate of transmission to the people who might be most severely impacted, the elderly like your parents or those with compromised immune systems.
Teach why did you get vaccinated ?
By “they” did you mean Trump who pushed the vaccine at “warp speed”?
Looks like johnnie boy loaded up the hookah with batshit guano to celebrate today along with all the other Muslims.

Bwaha! Lolgf