Sure, it’s always a wise idea to pass more laws that drive more businesses out of the state, right?
California lawmakers approve the nation’s most sweeping emissions disclosure rules for big business
Major corporations from oil and gas companies to retail giants would have to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions as well as those that come from activities like employee business travel under legislation passed Monday by California lawmakers, the most sweeping mandate of its kind in the nation.
The legislation would require thousands of public and private businesses that operate in California and make more than $1 billion annually to report their direct and indirect emissions. The goal is to increase transparency and nudge companies to evaluate how they can cut their emissions.
“We are out of time on addressing the climate crisis,” Democratic Assemblymember Chris Ward said. “This will absolutely help us take a leap forward to be able to hold ourselves accountable.”
The legislation was one of the highest profile climate bills in California this year, racking support from major companies that include Patagonia and Apple, as well as Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the United Nations convention behind the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
So, the People’s Republik Of California is listening to people from Costa Rica who take lots and lots of fossil fueled trips?
The bill would still need final approval by the state Senate before it can reach Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Lawmakers backing the bill say a large number of companies in the state already disclose some of their own emissions. But the bill is a controversial proposal that many other businesses and groups in the state oppose and say will be too burdensome.
Will it? It had problems previously, but, supposedly it has a much better chance. They’re also considering lowering the threshold to $500 million. I wonder how many companies will simply bail.

And, as we saw with Obamacare and the 50 employee rule, companies near the limit will simply use some creative accounting to limit their income and stay below the arbitrary red line. We also have seen that bribery of Democratic party officials is effective in reducing burdensome enforcement. Trump is getting full enforcement because he wouldn’t pay the bribes and wouldn’t take the bribes.
Seems recently every action of the Democrat-commie party reveals a little more as to the reason they hired another 87,000 IRS agents. Seems they’re gonna rape America for its money before they cast us aside. I imagine they’ll try and coordinate the next and final election of our Republic with the collapse of its economy.
It’s really amazing how much the Democrat-Communist Party desire the destruction of America and all she stands for. From free speech and the right to bear arms to fair elections and the strong border.
Commenter: they hired another 87,000 IRS agents
We fully understand why lay connies believed this lie – Republicans kept feeding it to them. It’s part of the far-right’s one grand conspiracy – commie/fascist/Dem control of the populace…
Anyway, the states are the “laboratories of democracy” so you should celebrate California’s lead on global warming.
Funny-“report their emissions”, which would do what? Even if you believe the emissions angle, they can report and even cut their emissions and it would do nothing, as China continues to increase theirs. Virtue signaling…