Her attorney general refused to support the order. The head of the state police said he wouldn’t enforce it, as did the county sheriff and local Albuquerque PD
New Mexico Democrat governor’s sweeping gun order hits major temporary roadblock
A federal judge in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has issued a temporary restraining order blocking key parts of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s executive order suspending open and concealed carry across Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County for at least 30 days.
U.S. District Court Judge David Urias issued the order on Wednesday, blocking the portion of the order that prohibits lawful gun owners from carrying their guns in public for 30 days, ruling that it’s not enforceable.
“The violation of a constitutional right, even for minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury,” Urias said during the hearing.
The temporary restraining order will remain in effect until at least Oct. 3, when the next hearing is scheduled.
The judge was appointed by Biden, so, that should tell you how bad Grisham went over the line. Of course, she’s refusing to back down
Lujan Grisham said in a statement on the temporary restraining order, stating that “I refuse to be resigned to the status quo.”
“Today a judge temporarily blocked sections of our public health order but recognized the significant problem of gun violence in this state, particularly involving the deaths of children,” she wrote. “As governor, I see the pain of families who lost their loved ones to gun violence every single day, and I will never stop fighting to prevent other families from enduring these tragedies.”
She wants the legislature to Do Something, and said she intends to “update the public health order with additional measures to address public safety and health shortly.” Well, she won’t be able to appeal, unless she can get a private lawyer, since the AG stated he would not defend the measure. The question here, will Grisham pay a price for her blatant abuse of the US and New Mexico Constitutions? Of denying law abiding citizens their rights? Most likely not, because the Democrats pretty much have a 2-1 margin in the House and Senate. So, unless they see their constituents really having a problem with Grisham, she’s safe. And that’s a big problem: elected officials, and bureaucrats, can so often abuse their office and nothing happens.
Who paid the price for COVID tyranny? Most were re-elected. One of the worst was Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. People bitched, but, voted her back in.
tRuSt tHe SCieNCe! https://t.co/2v3WJwgcIS
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) September 13, 2023
Will she pay a price? No. And she knows it. Fauci knows nothing will happen to him
9th Cir., en banc, holds that California school district violated the First Amendment when it refused to recognize Christian club that requires leaders to affirm the belief that sex should only be between a man and a woman in marriage. https://t.co/391jmkvkoK pic.twitter.com/OeMveVNcNN
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) September 13, 2023
Will anyone be fired? Lose their pension? Demoted? Will there be any real penalties to the school?

Kabuki Theater
Governor gives illegal order
Police and local officials will not enforce order
State officials will not enforce order
Federal judge grants injunction staying the order
Democrats: See we’re reasonable, wink wink.
Given that the judge was appointed by the doofus from Delaware, I assume that he was doing everything he possibly could to not have to rule as he did, and just couldn’t find a way.
I’m old enough to remember the illegal and unconstitutional orders by many state Governors, Democrats and, sadly, Republicans, which ‘suspended’ our free exercise of religion and rights of peaceable assembly.
One could postulate that much would be gained if a high school civics level of comprehension of our governmental system and proof of a working knowledge of the Constitution should be required in order to qualify hold public office or a judgeship.
Wouldn’t have mattered. Governess Cordova¹ knew all along that her Führerbefehle would be challenged in court, and knew all along that it was in direct violation of the Constitution. Perhaps she hoped that it would pass muster under state law and the state constitution, as Governor Andy Beshear’s executive orders passed muster under a toady state court judge, and eventually the state Supreme Court, even though a federal judge threw out his order closing churches . . . ten weeks after the fact.
From NBC News:
Translation: the Governess doesn’t care if her diktat is actually constitutional, she expects the Sheriff to carry out her orders!
Is Mrs Cordova saying that Sheriff Allen is not enforcing the “red flag laws, domestic violence protections, a ban on straw purchases, and safe storage laws,” as violations come to his attention? Have there been ‘red flag’ warnings in which law enforcement did not investigate and take action is warranted under that law? Have ‘domestic violence’ violations not led to arrests or prosecutions?
If there’s one thing the Democrats really hate, it’s the Constitution of the United States, and the enumeration of our rights.
¹ – Michelle Lujan Grisham married Manuel Cordova in 2022, but did not respect him enough to have taken his name. Just because she showed him a lack or respect does not mean that I will as well, and therefore I refer to her by her proper, married name.
Brother Dana, I respect and agree with your comment.
It is my hope to point out the obvious ignorance of a significant portion of the population. Probably due to a mediocre system of education.
[…] who saw the Governor’s order as unconstitutional; as reported by William Teach, both here and on his website, Federal District Court Judge David Urias issued a temporary restraining […]
From the very left-wing The Guardian:
I wonder: did Mr Lieu say the same thing when state governors across this nation were suspending our First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion and peaceable assembly to fight the COVID-19 panicdemic?
[…] who saw the Governor’s order as unconstitutional; as reported by William Teach, both here and on his website, Federal District Court Judge David Urias issued a temporary restraining […]