…are horrible sugary drinks making the sky boil, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Trudeau threatening grocery stores.

…are horrible sugary drinks making the sky boil, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Trudeau threatening grocery stores.
Oh no not because of Brandon…
We understand

Bwaha! Lolgf
JOE SPEAK: A handy reference guide.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yep. Becoming more apparent every day.
Never a doubt!

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Representative Lorena Boebert sets a good example for her children… and all children.
Apparently stoned or drunk, the belligerent Republican fondled her date’s crotch as he fondled her breast. She was also vaping (against theater rules), denied it (see the video) and when escorted out of the facility gave the staff the finger.
Said Ann Coulter, “Can’t Colorado find SOME Republican not trashy and stupid to represent them in the 3rd congressional district?”, calling Boebert a “totally embarrassing bimbo”.
In other news, SD Gov Kristi Noem (R) was reported having a years-long affair with Trump aide Corey Lewandowski. Both are god-fearing, married Republicuns.
” why do you say the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how could you say to your neighbor let me take the speck out of your eye well the log is in your own eye you hypocrite first you take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbors.”
you should really be more concerned with cleaning up the rot filth perversion child sexual abuse and corruption in your own party before you worry about the sins of people in the Republican Party.
You could start with erasing all the hate in your hearts for everybody that doesn’t agree with you for everybody that’s white for everybody that’s Christian for everybody that’s Jewish. You can eliminate the hate in your heart for those who have things that you don’t have wipe out your envy and in your particular case cut down on the gluttony would be a good idea since you’re about 900 sizes too big.
When you’re a big fat ugly partisan slob like you are you really need to keep your criticisms of others to a minimum.
You excuse adultery, public intoxication and public groping. Good to know.
But after all, your mobster Messiah, Fat “Grab ’em by the Pussy” Donnie, is a serial adulterer, rapist and groper. And those are not even his greatest sins!!
You’re a riot!!
Can’t you simply condemn adultery and public crotch massages? If not, why not?
In fairness, Governess Noem (R-SD) denies the affair, but the evidence is persuasive.
PO1135809/Noem 2024
Dear Elwood:
“ITEM 5: CNN reported, “The Democrat candidate in a competitive Virginia House district denounced reports that she and her husband had performed sexual acts on a pornographic livestreaming website, describing the sharing of those videos as ‘the worst gutter politics.’”
Candidate Susanna Gibson peddles sex tapes online and has 5,700 paying customers. She wants police to arrest Republicans for pointing that out. Maybe Democrats should not have nominated a porn star.”
Commenter trolls for Don Surber…
Anyway, although many cons prefer extramarital sex, it’s NOT illegal to have sex with your spouse, nor is it illegal to have sex on camera, although it may be unwise.
In Virginia, it IS illegal to record the couple without permission, and IS illegal to distribute it.
What does the commenter feel about Representative Boebert’s public antics?
Dearest Elwood:
You brought the subject up.
But I’d rather have my Rep/Pres grabbing pussy than starting WWIII.
Fat Donnie accused Biden of starting WWII!!!
Seems to be a bit of a problem.
Selective Outrage

Bwaha! Lolgf
Is a puzzlement!
According to the belligerent right, America’s Second Amendment guarantees Americans’ rights to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.
Today, the belligerent right is convinced that the White House, Congress and Deep State bureaucratic tyrants are fascist/communist/nazi occupiers oppressing the rights of Americans! Even President Trump says so!! The left-wing fascists/communists/nazis/occupiers have seized your Leader and plan to imprison him!!! They arrested and imprisoned hundreds of Patriots who were courageous enough to “protest” the powers stolen by the fascist/communist/nazi/occupiers!!!
So under these obvious palpable threats to the Republic, why are the Patriots of the belligerent right keeping their powders dry? The fascist/communist/nazi/occupiers are destroying our Republic!! Isn’t it time for the Patriots to save our country???
Is a puzzlement.
The mobster Fat Donnie was interviewed by the tenacious Meet the Press moderator, Kristen Welker.
Fat Donnie claimed the Democrats are pushing for abortion after delivery (after birth!!)! He said he would NOT sign a federal law at banning abortion after 6 weeks gestation but would be willing to negotiate “with the parties” for a later limit. Fat Donnie would not commit to personhood for zygotes, embryos or the fetus. He favors exceptions for incest, rape and the well-being of the woman.
Go to meetthepress.com to see the full, unedited interview.
Unlike Rimjob or Brandon, Trump is willing to face his adversaries.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Where do want to meet, fluffy?
8100 Leafland Court maybe?

Should one phone first?
Bwaha! Lolgf
We can meet at Leith Honda, 3940 Capital Hills Drive, Raleigh, NC 27616 and ask for Porter.
Oh, Lil Rodney (yeah, we know…). You are such a tough lil doxboy. Rodman is a such a cowardly lil boypussy.
We can’t believe that Leith Honda of Raleigh NC supports this kind of scheisse from Porter Good.
Call 919-876-5200
No shirt, No shoes, No… nevermind