Now, why would Democrats want to keep it easier to pass tax increases, and keep those stupid peasants out of it?
California Democrats pass measure to thwart business effort to block tax increases
The Democratic-led California Legislature voted to place on the ballot an amendment to the state Constitution that seeks to thwart a business-led effort to make it harder to pass new taxes.
Lawmakers on Thursday passed Assembly Constitutional Amendment 13, which would require ballot initiatives that seek to increase voter thresholds under the California Constitution to meet that same higher bar in order to take effect.
The amendment, which will go before voters on the March primary ballot, is a direct response to an initiative called the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act. Led by the California Business Roundtable and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., that act would require voter approval for all tax increases passed in Sacramento. New local special taxes also would require a two-thirds vote of approval by residents.
It’s starts getting all sorts of detailed and politicalish on how all the initiatives works, the upshot is that Democrats really want to keep the California citizens out of the way when it comes to tax increases. Their idea is that the peasants vote for Democrats, often unopposed, and the elected class votes however they want, and the peasants should simply say thank you and do as they’re told.
ACA 13 is the latest example of political gamesmanship in the battle between progressive unions and conservative business interests at the state Capitol.
Defeating the business-backed ballot measure has become high priority for Democrats and their allies.
Service Employees International Union of California, which co-sponsored ACA 13, and a coalition that includes the League of California Cities and the California Teachers Assn. contend businesses are trying to deceive voters and undermine the will of communities to adopt their own measures. The coalition contends that the changes would result in millions of dollars in cuts to local public services.
In other words, the unions are part of the effort to kill the tax initiative because so many get their money by feeding at the taxpayer funded trough, and want it to continue to be easy to pass tax increases. As far as public services, so many of these Democrat run cities have trouble just cleaning the streets. How much poop is all over San Francisco?
Business interests say they are funding the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act in order to increase accountability over how government spends California tax dollars.
Their argument against ACA 13 is relatively similar to the case made by unions against the business-backed measure.
The California Business Roundtable contends that ACA 13 is an example of special interests trying to diminish the voice of voters by applying the change only to amendments that land on the ballot through the signature-gathering process and not those that are passed through the Legislature.
The question now is “do the citizens of California vote for or against the control of tax increases?” This is the People’s Republik Of California after all, where they typically vote against their own interests and for Government telling them how to live their lives. Seriously, I don’t know why businesses fight such tax legislation, its going to pass, just quit doing business in California.

Sensible people realize that the Communist-controlled government of the Pyrite State will pass new taxes to support the attempt to fight
global warmingclimate change, taxes which will hit those who cannot afford to buy plug-in electric vehicles and who want to keep their gas ranges and furnaces.Our elites must be protected from any tax increases?
Dana the proposed ban on installation of invented has stoves will not go into affect until 2035.
Also “California sucks” is coming from a resident of which state???
New Tesla’s start at 40k (before any tax incentives) the 7500 fed tax credit might apply to any ‘elites” making a taxable income of only about 55000$
Peasants in Cali might also be eligible for another 7500 state credit and 3000 in further county tax credits
Used Tesla’s can be found in EBay below 25000$, some with lifetime free charging.
Gas prices set by the Saudis and Russians are going up again. Someone has gotta pay for those Saudi golf tournaments at the Trump golf courses.
Ohhhh a d also to help the Daudis pay for buying the largest oil refinery in the USA, whose dale was approved by Trump just prior to the start of gas prices “SKYROCKETING!
H, everything you wrote there is a myth. You must go to sleep and dream this crap up or else you’re just reading stuff straight out of the communist book of current events.
Everything in America as far as you’re concerned is Trump’s fault, you’re an idiot.
I think you’re mentally deficient and partially insane but you are a psychopath. You’re childlike ability to blame everything from the weather to employment to inflation to fuel prices on a guy who hasn’t been in office for three freaking years is unbelievable.
I don’t wanna believe you’re that ignorant stupid and misinformed but you leave me no alternative.
Carbon boy-too early in the day to be smoking that bong! You’re actually making even less sense than usual……
New York state has already moved to prohibit installation of gas ranges and heating systems in new residential construction, starting in 2026.
From where is ‘California sucks’ coming? Well, the Pyrite State is experiencing net out-migration, so there are people leaving what is a physically beautiful state, with a sought-after climate, and generous social programs. And technically, I’m an ‘out-migrant,’ born in Oakland, and having lived there through the second grade!
Sorry Carbon boy, but country by country the US is still the largest producer of oil.
Was wondering where to use this.

Thanks, johnnie boy!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Aw, FFS!
Methinks that johnnie boy has no concept of life for the po’ folks. Just checked some online ads, a 2015 Kia goes for $4~12 grand, depending on model and condition, plus insurance and fees. Even at that price point, your basic burger flipper, day laborer, welfare mom, etc. will be trading with a ‘Buy Here-Pay Here, weekly’ used car lot due to a credit score of maybe 300 and income level. They ain’t buying Teslas. Tax credits don’t do anything for the 47% or so that don’t pay income taxes.
I think CarolAnn has got your number H. Unlike you leftist who are experts in every field I’m not I’m just a fireman. But I do know my cars and I know them very well. I know how much they cost I mean how much they cost to maintain I know how much they cost to restore. And I know than anyone with an income under 75 or $80,000 can’t even afford the insurance on an electric vehicle. And that automatically eliminates electric vehicles regardless of the price from the working poor.
I know a fireman friend who bought a Tesla and he pays $300 a month for insurance. Hamburger flippers cannot pay $300 a month for car insurance.