Or, is this seizing? Seriously, any CEO who made a deal this bad would be immediately fired with no golden parachute. If Trump made this deal the Democrats would already have articles of impeachment submitted, and, if they controlled the House, they’d be starting an impeachment trial by Monday. And there might be enough GOP votes in the Senate to boot him
Republicans slam Biden administration for prisoner swap deal with Iran
Republicans are voicing outrage at the Biden administration’s decision to carry out a prisoner exchange with Iran, accusing President Joe Biden of paying ransom to a world state sponsor of terrorism.
The administration notified Congress on Monday that it has proceeded with the agreement, which has involved issuing a waiver that will give Tehran access to $6 billion in oil revenue that the U.S. had frozen through sanctions.
Under the agreement, the administration will free five Iranians under detention in the U.S., and in exchange, Iran will release five Americans it has detained.
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Biden on Tuesday on Truth Social, saying the deal sets a “TERRIBLE precedent.”
“So, lets get this straight! We did a hostage TRADE with Iran. We gave them 5 very tough, smart people that they desperately wanted. We likewise got back 5 people BUT, we also gave them 6 BILLION DOLLARS! How much of a kickback does Crooked Joe Biden get? Does anyone realize how much money 6 Billion Dollars is?”
Of course, the Biden regime says “hey, it’s Iran’s money, so, sure.” And, it is, but, it was frozen for sanctions, for which Iran continues to perform badly and violate those sanctions.
To move forward with the deal, Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a waiver last week to international banks to allow the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds from South Korea to Qatar. The agreement allows Iran to use the money to buy food, medicine and other humanitarian items allowed by U.S. economic sanctions.
Is there any rational human being that believes the money won’t be used for terrorist operations and their nuclear weapons aspirations? There actually isn’t any guarantee or hard requirement.
“I am always glad when Americans are released from captivity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on X, formerly Twitter. “However, this agreement will entice rogue regimes, like Iran, to take even more Americans hostage. The ayatollah and his henchmen are terrorists and truly represent a terrorist state.”
Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said on Facebook: “The U.S. should be unrelenting in its efforts to bring detained Americans home, but Iran will now count pallets of ransom money, putting its leaders in a better position to develop a nuclear weapon and fund terrorists. And the price to release U.S. hostages will only go up.”
Of course, media outlets like NBC News refuse to ask the Biden regime hard questions.
Oh, and few media outlets explain exactly who the Iranians are
(Al Monitor) They include dual US-Iranian citizen Kambiz Attar Kashani, who in February was sentenced to 30 months in prison for allegedly sending electronic equipment and technology to the Iranian government, including the Central Bank of Iran, using front companies in the United Arab Emirates.
Mehrdad Ansari, an Iranian resident of the United Arab Emirates and Germany, was sentenced in September 2021 to roughly five years in prison for his alleged role in a scheme to obtain sensitive dual-use items for Iran in violation of the Iranian trade embargo. According to court documents, the parts Ansari obtained or attempted to obtain could have been used for nuclear weapons, missile guidance and development, and other military purposes.
Reza Sarhangpour Kafrani, an Iranian national residing in Montreal, was charged in July 2021 with illegally exporting laboratory equipment to Iran.
Amin Hasanzadeh, an Iranian national and a US permanent resident living in Michigan, was indicted in December 2020. Federal prosecutors accused Hasanzadeh, an engineer, of stealing confidential information from his employer and sending it to his brother in Iran, who had ties to the military.
Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi, a Boston-based political scientist and author, was charged in January 2021 with violating the law that requires individuals acting as foreign agents in the United States to register with the US government.
So, bad people working for a regime that hates the United States, and says so. What’s in this for Biden? Is he getting a payoff? Is this supposed to entice Iran to come back to the table for a nuclear deal, much like the horrible one Obama gave them?

Also, it bears repeating that none of the released persons were Americans. They were Iranians with US passports. Americans don’t go to Iran to vacation, visit their Iranian families in Iran. It is astonishing the number of immigrants in the USA who get here under asylum rules claiming oppression in their home countries, only to go back to their home lands to visit once they have their USA residency cards. If you go to Iran on your own dime, you are on your own. Biden, like Obama before him, was just looking for a reason to give Iran that money. The hostages are just the excuse he found.
Just one more way that the USA is funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war.
Remember the ‘arms for hostages’ bovine feces under President Reagan? Yeah, it got the hostages released, but, having established that there was a significant value to seizing Americans, Hezbollah simply took more hostages.
It should be a strict State Department policy: if you are stupid enough to visit places like Iran and North Korea, you are on your own.
Oddly enough, US citizens who commit crimes in most other countries are indeed on their own. Being a criminal in a foreign land is not a USA problem. It is a personal problem. You need to be a celebrity or in a country that is a focus of foreign policy for anyone in the US Gov to care.
Anyone remember the movie Midnight express?
If the Iranians are going to use it for terrorist activity, can we at least request that they contain their terrorism to Washington DC? With any luck, it will take out the morons who negotiated and approved this trade. That might almost be worth 6 billion dollars.
Nice. Recommending/facilitating the murder of Americans in DC by foreign terrorists. Typical far-right reactionary incitement to violence.
Are we to take that you are actually a US attorney in good stead?
In 1953, the United States overthrew the democratically elected head of Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq, because he was not a subservient slave to global oil companies. US and British actors installed the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the head of Iran. The US CIA trained the notorious state police, the SAVAK.
During the second Eisenhower term, the US initiated Iran’s nuclear program, providing nuclear reactors and fuel, even supplying weapons grade materials under President Nixon. This was to gain Iran’s favor and to reduce potential Russian influence. The cooperation between the US, Europe and Iran continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution.
During the Iran-Iraq War, Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous dual-use items, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague. And as Mr Dana pointed out, President Reagan may have traded arms for hostages in Iran.
All of this is to illustrate how the US has completely fizzucked the relationship between Iran and the West.
Yeah, dipshit. Only the left gets to use metaphors.
Plus another copy&paste.

Bwaha! Lolgf
*** Awaiting another stupid reasponse ***
Some folks are just too dense and vapid to understand verbal irony. Since it is meant to mock the idiots (like yourself) who think this was a good deal, it is also considered sarcasm.
Mr Teach typed: Seriously, any CEO who made a deal this bad would be immediately fired with no golden parachute. If Trump made this deal the Democrats would already have articles of impeachment submitted, and, if they controlled the House, they’d be starting an impeachment trial by Monday. And there might be enough GOP votes in the Senate to boot him.
False, false, false.
So, Republicans feel that President Biden made an awful, bad, horrible, terrible, egregious deal in getting 5 American citizens while releasing $6 billion to Qatar, and releasing 5 Iranians from US jails.
Some argue that because the 5 American citizens released from Iran have foreign sounding names, they are not Americans.
What’s new? House Republicans can add all this to their ongoing impeachment attempts.
they don’t need to there’s enough corruption in the communist government to impeach anybody they want. Everybody reading this has seen everything they need to say to throw this filthy commie prick out of office. He and his whole family should be given the Romanoff treatment. That’s how you handle traders.
By the way fatsO, you’re a freaking traitor too you’re communist dog. We need to rid ourselves of all these demo commies before they take America down the path of Rome.
Here’s a video for you pinko. Fat Elwood bringing pizza home for the old lady.
CarolAnn typed: He (President Biden) and his whole family (wife, children, grandchildren?) should be given the Romanoff (sic) treatment.
You may be getting Porter Good, who owns this blog, some liability for advocating the assassination of a US President and the murders of their family.
The Romanov family was the Imperial Family of Russia, reigning from the 1600s to 1918. In 1918, Bolshevik revolutionaries shot and bayoneted the family (Czar Nicholas II of Russia, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, and their five children: Olga 22, Tatiana 21, Maria 19, Anastasia 17, and Alexei 13).
You are advocating that President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, children Ashley and Hunter, be murdered by right-wing revolutionaries. Would you spare the grandchildren? Bayoneting to death would be especially painful – is that your preferred method for murdering the Biden families?
Would you hold a trial or have you seen enough to move immediately to their murders?
We will take your threat seriously. Another commenter cyber-stalker here has posted street addresses. Would you recommend that right-wing revolutionaries kill the residents of those addresses?
You will have your chance to murder me while I’m in NJ.
We suspect CarolAnn does not have the courage to actually attempt to assassinate the President.
The Secret Service has stated that some 75% of threats come from persons who are mentally ill. That’s not to suggest that CarolAnn is mentally ill.
It’s doubtful she has the courage to actually murder liberals or Democrats.
WOW. Fat Elwood you are really deep into this murdering political families aren’t you? I mean you’re right up there and for good reason being a communist you have the propensity to commit mass murder.
However I said they “should” get the romanoff treatment. I didn’t volunteer to do it nor did I say I wanted to do it I just said that would be justice it should be done.
You really like a pop off when somebody steps on your toes don’t you, fatsO?
Thanks for backing off. So you are not advocating the murder of the President and his family. Good! Mr Teach probably doesn’t approve of threats against the US President on his blog.
But you wouldn’t mind if someone with courage murdered the family. Got it.
I didn’t promote mass murder, you did. You didn’t step on my toes, you stepped on your own, and Mr Teach’s.
I didn’t promote that right-wingers be murdered in their homes, but you said liberals should be murdered. As I said, another commenter here, posted street addresses he claimed were mine. Like you, he’s cowardly.