When do Democrats worry about following any sort of Constitution?
Gov. Hochul signs law expanding early mail-in voting in New York state
Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill Wednesday opening up the state’s early voting period to include mail-in balloting, prompting an immediate legal challenge from Republicans who said the measure was unconstitutional.
The law, which takes effect immediately, would expand New York’s mail voting regime beyond absentee ballots — which are limited to a select group of New Yorkers, including people who are ill or staying somewhere outside the county they’re registered to vote.
Hochul said the law would strengthen New York’s democratic systems and make it easier for people with packed schedules to fulfill their civic responsibility.
Packed schedules? Going out to take selfies and do TikToks is not a packed schedule. Nor is going out to party. American citizens have gone to the polls for hundreds of years despite their own schedules. Isn’t this why states implemented early voting? That gives people more than enough days to go to the voting site
New York Republicans responded with a complaint, filed in Albany Supreme Court on Wednesday, that asserted the law violated provisions of the state Constitution.
The suit cited Article 2 of the Constitution, which says the Legislature can create an absentee balloting path for voters who are not able to vote on Election Day.
“Kathy Hochul and extreme New York Democrats are trying to destroy what is left of election integrity in New York,” U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Trump-aligned upstate Republican and plaintiff in the suit, said in a statement.
Her office asserted that the change to the state’s mail-in voting system required a constitutional amendment.
The lawsuit was filed immediately upon Hochul signing it, and, it does violate the Constitution, as absentee ballots are only for voters with a medical or physical disability or proof they’ll be out of their county of residence or New York City on Election Day. They aren’t for everyone. Per the NY Constitution. Article 2 Section 2
The legislature may, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified voters who, on the occurrence of any election, may be absent from the county of their residence or, if residents of the city of New York, from the city, and qualified voters who, on the occurrence of any election, may be unable to appear personally at the polling place because of illness or physical disability, may vote and for the return and canvass of their votes.
Pretty clear, eh? Of course, will the Democrat controlled NY State Supreme Court vote rule appropriately, or, do what leftists always do?

Mr Teach: Packed schedules? Going out to take selfies and do TikToks is not a packed schedule.
Single folks with “sales” or “investment jobs” may have lots of free time, but married folks or single parents with children and real jobs may indeed have packed schedules. Has Mr Teach ever had to drop the kids off at school, or pick them up after school? Fix them dinner, get them to soccer practice, teacher’s meetings, doctor’s appointments or church? Heaven forbid someone have two jobs or get sick!!
We get it. Cons want fewer votes from the “great unwashed”. Cons do not want voting to be easier.
How about making election day a federal holiday?
Anyway, have the MAGAts found all the “obvious” proof that Trump won in 2020?
If someone has a “packed schedule” (poor baby) it’s his job to unpack it for an hour on Election Day or forfeit his vote. As adults we are responsible for our own priorities if your priority is something else instead of voting that’s your problem not mine.
I don’t know what “conns” want but I know voting shouldn’t be easier not should it be harder. Voting should be set up to accommodate the overwhelming majority of people . It should not be adjusted to accommodate a guy over here a guy over there that can’t fit into the form . Voting is a responsibility of the voter it is not the responsibility of dowd.
HOWEVER, the importance of a secure and truthful and accurate vote is the main responsibility of all of us. People like dowd what voting that can be manipulated like they did in the last two elections. Democrat communists wanna make it easier to steal elections and steal votes stuff ballot boxes etc. Just like they did in 2020.
And yes we have plenty of evidence that trump won 2020 but of course it doesn’t matter if nobody will look at it and nobody will order the numbers. So by the very fact that you guys cheat so well we can’t get a hearing. It only proves that you lie. And that we won and you know we won that’s why you won’t take it to court.
Have you lost any weight yet dowd?
Why is this commenter addressing me directly?
Connies want fewer voters. I know it, he knows, we all know it. Connies are working hard to reduce the Dem vote. Connies prefer that white, Christian, conservatives do all the voting.
An hour to vote? Fizzuck no. The commenter must get special provisions. Many urban and suburban polling places have lines that last hours for national elections. Georgia Republicans made it illegal to give out water to in-line voters some of who can be in line for 4-8 hrs. Violators can receive up to a year in jail!!
As we pointed out, it’s much easier for a single person with no children to get away to vote.
Have the nuRepublicuns found any of those illegal votes yet? Court cases, recounts, Republican insider recounts… nada. It’s almost as if the MAGAts are lying to America to further their own power grab.
Voting should be easier not harder. A hard-working parent’s vote is as important as a sleepy government employee’s. Why punish parents?
Have you started using condoms yet, commenter?
You’re right, I DO want fewer people to vote.
I want welfare brood mares and those who live at the expense of others to not vote.
I want those dumb college students who think Bernie understands economics and who think the three branches of government are “republican, democrat, and independent” to not vote.
I want all of these goddamn illegal aliens your fascist party is importing to not vote.
If you can’t clear your schedule for an hour and a half, it’s not that important to you. Get over it.
If your precinct makes you wait more than 30 minutes to an hour, then volunteer your dumb ass next time. The solution is not more “mail in ballots,” you cheating scumbags.
“Connies?” You dumb twat.
Finally, an honest connie, scumbag twat!! Of course you prefer only white, Christian connies to vote, and the best way to do that is to limit the votes of the poor.
The original Constitutional was amended four times, expanding the voting population:
Any action that enables white, Christian, connies to vote while erecting barriers to liberals, non-whites and college students is unfair.
We’ve heard it all before here. America was a better place when only white, wealthy men could vote. Connies still abide by that sentiment. Those black brood mares, disabled citizens, those on Social Security, are less important than hard working men.
Only citizens 18 or over can vote in national elections. We expected you to know that.
My plan would be to scrap the EC, and only have polling places in cities with at least 50,000 citizens. Rural voters (where most cheating occurs) should have no trouble traveling a few miles to vote. Also, have the polls open 12 AM to 6 AM to be less likely to interfere with work. There’s no reason a dedicated voter from rural Piedmont MO can’t travel the 100 miles to MLK Jr Drive in St Louis MO in the wee hours to vote! Unless they’re not serious about voting. A state with 1 or fewer qualifying city large enough can have polling sites in their two largest cities, e.g., Alaska with Anchorage and Fairbanks. Wyoming with Casper and Cheyenne.
Yes, “connies”, you dumb twat.
Thanks, J, but nothing you said refutes that it’s unconstitutional. “It easier for a single person to get out and vote”. It’s also easier for a single person to go to work-so? Who, by the way, decided to have the child?
You’re welcome Jill. The courts will decide the constitutionality, not you.
I must have overlooked the part in the NY constitution where there’s the “hi-we decided to have 3 children so we need extra help to vote” exception.
As if this will make any difference in who gets NYs electoral votes. Dems have that state locked down.
We all know that Dems have the elections locked down they’ve been stealing election since the 80s.
I’m the same age as Elwood and I remember sitting there on election night with my mom and dad sister and watching as the election results came in and somewhere around 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning they would announce the new president. Now that was with paper ballots and no computers and with everybody doing everything by hand. Now that the Democrats have taken over the counting of the ballots with all kinds of fancy machinery and all kinds of stuff it takes two weeks to get the results of an election and even then it’s a lie.
The only reason there haven’t been court cases about the previous elections is because everybody involved in the law is a Democrat. Or they’re owned by Democrats. For the refrain that their families and their jobs will be lost if they don’t do what the Democrats tell them. The same reason people can’t say anything on social media they’ll be ruined. We live in a Nazi regime and people like Elwood are the Nazi rulers.
The next election is gonna be like the last election a complete fraud.
A commenter is upset that Democrats receive more votes than Republicuns. In fact, few Republicun presidential candidates have prevailed in the last 30 years. 1988 George H.w. Bush (win!!), 1992 George H. W. Bush (loss), 1996 Bob Dole (loss), 2000 George Bush (loss), 2004 George Bush (win!!), 2008 John McCain (loss), 2012 Mitt Romney (loss), 2016 Donald Trump (loss), 2020 Donald Trump (loss), 2024 Donald Trump (????)
We get it. Republicuns can’t imagine that Dems can win or that Americans would elect them when given the choice of electing a genuine Republicun instead. Today’s Republicuns live in a right-wing bubble, watching only right-wing news, and reading only right-wing blogs. Presently, Republicuns continue to rally around one Donald J. Trump, the worst man ever to occupy the White House and one of the worst presidents in US history. Loyalty, retribution against those smug libs, and the belief they can shape The Don to do whatever they wish. He is the manifestation of their collective id. He will hate and harm your enemies (non-whites, non-Christians, LGBTQs, foreigners, immigrants and intellectuals) for you.
Dems cheat period. It’s what they do.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I kinda like the idea of making national election day a Federal holiday… although there are enough of those already, so lets double up like they did for President’s Day and move MLK day to the new election day holiday. :-) For Primaries and such, the turnout is so low, that there’s never a problem. Of course, as soon as they do that, the same cretins will start using it as another long weekend and still complain about being unable to get to the polls.
Having said all that, there should be some restrictions on who should vote. People getting unearned government benefits should not be able to vote themselves more money.
Are you suggesting that government employees including police and firemen not be allowed to vote? Retirees too? Unemployed receiving unemployment benefits? The disabled? Public school teachers?
Should anyone be able to vote themselves more money?
Have the MAGAts found the elusive evidence that the election was stolen??
Do you rave a reading comprehension problem? I said unearned government benefits. That means welfare, not salaries. Having said that, I do think government employees should not be able to unionize, or if they do, those unions are banned from any political activity.
Funny-first it was requiring an ID is somehow “racist”, even though all races have the same requirements. Now it’s, unfair to “punish parents”. How are they being punished? Just like there’s no statistics showing that requiring ID suppresses any votes, neither is there any showing “poor parents” votes being suppressed