Last I checked, this guy owned a fossil fueled airline, a fossil fueled cruise ship line, hotels (which require people to take fossil fueled trips), and a company attempting to make commercial space travel happen, among others. So, of course
Richard Branson talks new climate change coalition and his plans to return to space
Sir Richard Branson’s next mission: combating climate change.
The billionaire British entrepreneur announced his latest initiative, Planetary Guardians, at a news conference Monday while in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.
The coalition includes 14 world leaders who will take what they’re calling a “whole planet” approach to “safeguard” Earth. The diverse group includes actor Robert Redford, activist Jane Goodall and Juan Manuel Santos, the former president of Colombia.
“If you can’t measure something properly, you can’t fix it,” Branson told NBC News in a wide-ranging interview at his new flagship Virgin Hotel on Tuesday. “The idea is that we will measure the nine principal planetary boundaries every year … how many are the rainforests? Exactly where are we with climate change? Where are we with species disappearing in the world … and we can try to make sure we can push the world into trying to address them.”
Branson also had a message for the climate change deniers.
“It’s a fact of life,” he said. “The amount of carbon that’s going into Earth’s atmosphere is heating up the world and it’s going to do a lot of damage to the world if we don’t get it under control.”
Yet, he started all those fossil fuels using companies, and has stakes in so many that use vast amounts of petroleum and energy. He’s not selling them all off, but, he is investing in “green” energy companies, trying to make even more money of the scam. It’s super easy for the uber-rich to push this, because they’ll just go on with their own lives as normal while getting government to restrict the lives of the peasants.
Branson founded Virgin Group in the 1970s. It now consists of more than 400 companies, including his airline, record label and hotels all over the world, which now includes his first-ever location in Manhattan. (snip)
The mogul has homes all over the world and even owns his own island, but he says there’s something about the city that never sleeps. “When I come to New York, it’s like coming home.”
While running many businesses he’s aware of his own carbon footprint.
“We’ve managed to get the price of going into space, from a carbon point of view right down to a minimum. … You know, if you’ve run an airline, you’ve got to try to get the youngest, most fuel-efficient planes,” Branson said. “If you’re running a space line, you’ve got to reduce the cost of taking people into space dramatically from a carbon point of view. So all of us in positions where we can make a big difference have got to make a big difference.”
And NBC News’ Chloe Melas failed to ask him directly if he’s giving up his own massive use of fossil fuels. Go figure.

Plus like most of these billionaire types he will have governments float him billions in loans and billions more in grants and subsidies all taken from the average working man to subsidize and finance all his new endeavors. And like a good liberal, walk around with his head held high and his nose in the air claiming how wonderfully righteous and compassionate he is has his boot crushes the face of his fellow man.
Mr Teach believes/feels the answer to global warming is for all liberals to stop using all fossil fuels, otherwise they are big ol’ hypocrites! He believes/feels that all liberals with businesses should shut them down, otherwise they are big ol’ hypocrites!
Mr Teach has become a one-trick pony on global warming. Like many former “absolute deniers*” he has slowly accepted the fact that the Earth is warming and that CO2 is likely a contributor. But he’s not dumb and knows the truth, so all that is left in his quiver is mockery and derision of the other.
*As predicted, global warming deniers have progressed through stages of acceptance of the facts. Years ago they were absolute deniers – the Earth is NOT warming, it’s all faked data by the conspiracists – climate scientists, universities and governments seeking control. As the warming data became irrefutable, and previous “skeptics” like WUWT, Professor Richard Muller and even Dr Roy Spencer came to accept (and even prove) that the Earth was warming, the hoi polloi of deniers became believers. The current stage is that, “We have always said it was warming (the deniers denying, LOL) but debate the cause!” Many now admit that greenhouse gases play a role, if slight. Eventually they will claim they accepted all along that CO2 was important, but there is nothing to do now but adapt to the changes wrought by a warming planet. They may be right.
Dear Elwood:
You want a one trick pony? Look in the mirror.
The issue has never been “is.”
The question is “why, what and how.”
You Lefties show “studies” that have no mediation to try and scare us.
You lecture us while consuming maximum amounts.
You plan on changing our lives but not yours.
Why doesn’t the likes of Branson promote planting trees? They are a safe and effective consumer of CO2.
We know why (increased CO2), what (increased warming of oceans and atmosphere) and how (atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases passively intercept infrared radiation and release it into the atmosphere slowing the escape of heat into deep space.
You’re lying to yourself and others. US CO2 emissions have fallen some 15% in the past 10 years. Is this from voluntary cutbacks by our conservative patriot brethren? LOL. People such as you and Mr Teach follow Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Ridicule (5) and holding the “enemy” to their own rules (4)! If you advocate actions to alleviate global warming, you propagandists claim not cutting your fossil fuel consumption to zero is a fail! Hypocrites!
Commenter: You lecture us while consuming maximum amounts.
That’s untrue.
We should all promote planting trees, although we never plant enough trees to absorb the CO2 emissions.
Rimjob “science”.

Rimjob “logic”.
Rimjob “philosophy”.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“It’s going to do a lot of damage to the world..”. Poor Mr. Branson, nor anyone, has any evidence of that. Those pesky facts just keep getting in the way…
Branson’s space venture, while cool, is just about taking rich tourists on a suborbital jaunt. Unlike SpaceX, which launches satellites, lobs crew and cargo to the ISS and useful stuff.
As predicted by who? Certainly not you you’re a cult follower are you believe it’s cooler when they say it’s cooler and it’s warming when they say it’s warming. You have shown absolutely no independent thought on the subject whatsoever.
You need to remember we are not left wingers nor are we democrat/commies we are not stuck on zero when the facts or the evidence change. You and your cult followers are the deniers of truth not us but we don’t accept every damn thing that falls out of your mouth like it’s gold. Especially when all of your experts have been proved wrong again and again over the past 30 years. You’re a follower or herd follower. You have no true beliefs yourself you believe what you’re told to believe which is why you’re a damn communist. It’s the path of least resistance. Whatever the ministry of truth tells you is what you believe. You probably still wear a mask in a car. You’re probably still getting booster shots.
Predicted by me, years ago. Right here.
You’re so, so wrong on so many levels.
We’ve nothing to discuss.

Predicted by me, years ago.
(The R stands for Rimjob.)

Bwaha! Lolgf
try to remember and process the whole climate change scam: if you give us money and allow us to control your life, we, the elites and anointed will be able to control the climate. which is TOTAL BULLSHIT.