…is a horrible fossil fueled farming instrument, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Venezuelans planting their flag on the border of Texas after crossing illegally.

…is a horrible fossil fueled farming instrument, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Venezuelans planting their flag on the border of Texas after crossing illegally.
Importing illegal foreign mercenaries… uh, migrants.
Why keep it a secret?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Makes you wonder what Obama/Brandon had in mind when they were buying hundreds of millions of dollars of guns and ammo for the IRS, DHS, SBA, DOJ and VA, doesn’t it? Now we know.
Glenn Beck was right!! They are now arming Venezuelan, Cuban and Columbian mercenaries with zero compunctions herding Patriots onto boxcars and shipping them to the Obama/Brandon interment camps in Oregon, Illinois, New York, Georgia and Nevada.
Only trump can stop it.
Un huh.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The United States’ record for spending was 2020, $7.47 trillion!! By 2022 spending was down to $6.27 trillion.
Big Bad Brandon has cut $1,200,000,000,000 from the people! That’s some $10,000 less per household!!
No wonder Americans thought the economy was good in 2020. Free money!! Big Donnie was certain he could buy the American voters for $7.47 trillion.
Conservatives only worry about gubmint largesse when a Dem is in the White House.
As usual Rimjob has trouble with numbers and the truth.

Bwaha! Lolgf
A judge ruled that DJT and his two older sons are liable for inflating the value of certain properties. Penalties could be $250 million.
he repeat my lies in the propaganda stay in good shape period
Maybe if you get both sides of the story instead of just the communist left side you might start to come out of that cloud of hate and lies that you seem to live your life in.
A far-left, Democrat judge in New York has ruled that he knows more about the value of the business empire of former President Donald Trump than his banks, business partners, accountants, employees, and insurers. Judge Arthur Engoron, a life-long leftist lawyer, ruled Tuesday that Trump and his company deceived people, even though two-page disclaimers were included in financial statements to make clear such valuations were internal estimates. . .
. . . Judge Engoron’s ruling is likely to cause a shockwave across New York in general, with many firms now likely to review how they handle their financial estimates and information if the government alongside the far left judiciary is left in charge of interpreting their finances.
The ruling sets the stage for a non-jury trial beginning on October 2, in which Engoron will decide on remaining claims and any potential punishments. Trump’s lawyers argue there was no evidence of public harm caused by Trump’s actions, and that some of the allegations were even barred by the statute of limitations. The leftist judge refused to throw out the case.
Mr Trump and his legions believe that committing a crime is OK as long as you don’t get caught. The lenders are harmed by the lies, as the inflated values are used to obtain better loan rates and lower required insurance expenditures. That Trump paid back the reduced rate loans on time is irrelevant.
Don’t like the outcome? Work to change the laws to excuse this kind of fraud.
Happy first day of Fall.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Up to 18 cents. Options.
Probably picked up another 5 pts. in the polls.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Democratic party activists are piling on and trying to get as many court actions against Trump leading into the election. For Democrats, it’s all about holding onto power, and then the looting. only Trump could be found guilty of fraud, when no one complained about being defrauded, on loans that he paid back according to the terms of the loans, based on valuations that were accepted at the time by all parties.