It was just a couple years ago that Hochul was super excited about illegal aliens
The inscription on the Statue of Liberty reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
That means something to us here in New York.
— Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul) September 25, 2023
And now?
The migrant crisis in New York is so bad that even Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is ramping up her attacks on US border policies, demanding “a limit on who can come across’’ and more agents to nab illegals.
Hochul targeted Congress in comments Sunday but still risked the wrath of the Biden administration as it grapples with the crisis wreaking mayhem in the Big Apple and across the country.
“It is too open right now,’’ Hochul flatly told CBS’s “Face the Nation’’ of the country’s southern border with Mexico — where a record-setting 260,000-plus migrants crossed over just last month.
It’s too open now that Sanctuary State New York is being over-run with illegals/migrants, especially in Democratic Party run cities.
Chicago grapples with housing crisis as record number of migrants arrive in the city
A record number of 36 buses, filled with asylum seekers, has arrived in Chicago since Saturday, with more than 15,000 new arrivals in the past year.
City leaders say the number one priority is getting migrants out of police stations where they’re sleeping.
Right now, the largest housing effort is a $29 million plan to establish tent base camps ahead of the winter. Governor JB Pritzker, however, says he has concerns that unused buildings aren’t being utilized first.
“With a lack of existing buildings, to put people in, i know the city has looked at this as one of its options, but I don’t think this is the only option,” Pritzker said.
Existing buildings, eh? Now they know what it’s like in border cities.

“unless you’re Native American, you came from somewhere else.” Obviously she did not pay attention in school. All those “Native” Americans came into this country across the ice bridge between the now known places of Alaska and Russia during the last ice age. They are immigrants also….they just got here earlier. She is an excellent example of the ignorance continuously demonstrated by the vast majority of our governmental “leaders”. Having lived in northern New Mexico for almost 50 years, it was always easy to spot the Asian and Mongolian ancestry in those “Natives”. As for me, I was born in America. I AM a true native American, just like everyone else born here. As for all these “native American” Welfare cases, leeches and blood suckers living on reservations (Independent nations… LOL) and our tax dollars, it’s past time we stopped playing that game. There was a war, they lost. It’s WAY past time for them to be integrated into this nation as true citizens. (the nation of hard working taxpayers that’s been totally supporting them for literally centuries). Eliminate the BIA, it’s a multi-billion dollar sinkhole of tax dollars keeping those once-proud peoples in literal bondage and dependence. And if you are wondering, I have Cherokee blood in me, my Cherokee ancestors suffered through the “Trail of Tears” brutality – but so what – I also so have French, Irish and English blood also.
We are all Africans who emigrated throughout the four corners!
Is an American whose ancestors arrived in New England centuries ago “more” American than an American who took the Oath of Allegiance this year?
“American” is a mindset. A system of beliefs about living under a Constitutional republic. About paramount inalienable individual freedoms and liberties. About self-reliance.
Many people with US citizenship are no longer Americans, because they have become socialists, communists, leftists, anarchists. Because they think society has pre-eminant rights over individuals. Because they think government programs are the same as charity. Because they think pretending to be a victim gives them extra rights and benefits.
Commenter: “American” is a mindset.
That is so much bullshit. The US Constitution and US Code spells out who is an American.
Fascist, nuCon MAGAts are trying to redefine who are and are not “Americans”. “Commies” under every bed!” Good luck but you’re in for a fight.
Those who disagree with you are “UnAmerican!”.
Are all persons receiving socialist program benefits like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid NOT American?? Are kids who attend those socialist public schools and universities NOT American??
Can a conservative Frenchman be an “American” if he has your mindset? Can a conservative Venezuelan be an “American” if she has your mindset? Can a gay Ghanian drag queen be an “American” as long as he has your mindset?
Dear Elwood:
The problem is….. Social Security is an insurance program that was never meant to be a retirement plan. Plus it is funded by the members and their employers. If you don’t contribute then you don’t receive. Medicare is also funded by the worker. Neither are means tested.
Medicaid is welfare based on income.
You can claim that the schools are socialism, except they are not mandatory. You can send your children to private institutions. Plus, state universities charge a healthy bit.
So it appears that we may have “Socialism Lite.”
Roads and the Post Office are in the Constitution.
Freedom of speech is good but how far can you go? Can you scream fire in a crowded theater when there is none? No. Can you riot and destroy as an outcome of free speech? Evidently, yes.
So there’s the rub, dear Elwood. Freedom is dangerous.
Our good Missourian asked:
Yes, actually, because our Constitution specifies that no one can become President other than a natural born citizen, and “an American who took the Oath of Allegiance this year” is, by definition, an immigrant, not a natural born citizen.
You’re welcome.
Fair point!
So he/she could be some 0.0001% less American!
How about someone born in Calgary, Canada to Canadian residents (an American mother and a Cuban father)? The courts have declared such a person qualifies to be President.
Is this person more or less “American” than someone born in Kentucky to natural born American parents from generations of natural born Americans? But what if the 35 year old natural born Kentuckian had worked in Canada on and off for 22 years, such that they had only lived in the US for 13 years, therefore clearly unqualified to be President…
Are older Americans more “American” than younger Americans?
No mas! No mas!
The inscription on the statue of liberty was a poetry contest winner, not a law passed by congress. Certainly not any sort of public policy that was debated at the time.
Americans should insist on removing the Statue of Liberty’s inscription! It’s communist!! Exiles, immigrants, tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse, the homeless, tempest-tost around the globe may get the wrong idea!!
Americans have finally learned their lesson! It’s time to change. To save America, courageous Patriots should remove the plaque. From Real President Trump we have learned the folly of the Statue of Liberty. We have no more to give. Emma Lazarus was a wealthy liberal Jew who advocated for the immigration of Russian Jews to America!!
Dear Elwood:
It isn’t the same and you know it.
The immigrants landed at an approved POE and received a health check.
Bidens Army are invaders.
Pure and simple.
President Reagan freed the invaders, granting amnesty to millions of your “illegals” in 1986! The horror!
The United States had essentially open borders until the 1920s. (Our northern border is still sort of open). If your ancestors arrived before then, it’s possible, if not likely, your family tree grew from illegals. The policy was that immigrants from Europe were necessary to sustain economic growth.
Sure, sure, those “Americans” already here despised those foreigners, especially the Papists; the swarthy types from Greece, Italy, Poland and Russia; the Mexicans and the Chinese; and any non-Protestant.
Axios……..Jul 16, 2023 … Waves of migrants taking dangerous, unauthorized passages to Europe and the U.S. are fueling a new rush of anti-immigrant policies
NY TIMES…… The Global Immigration Backlash
Left-leaning parties in both Europe and the U.S. are often out of step with public opinion on immigration.
U.S. NEWS…….How Immigration Is Roiling Governments Across Europe
The issue has become increasingly thorny for European politicians, and analysts say several countries could see their governments face the same fate as recently befell the Netherlands.
FROM THE UNITED NATIONS……UN experts urge UK to halt implementation of Illegal Immigration Bill
REUTERS……Feb 9, 2023 … European Union leaders said on Thursday they would tighten their borders to keep away unwanted immigrants, with some seeking more fences and …
THE GUARDIAN……..Italian PM steps up crackdown on migrants with deportation d…
5 days ago … The draft decree, parts of which were published by the Italian press, includes a measure stipulating that foreigners living legally in Italy
DOWD pretends that illegal immigration is ONLY a PROBLEM IN AMERICA because of FASCIST REPUBLICANS.
I think he fails to appreciate that it has become a problem for the world.
What is evident if one bothers to look is that emigrations are taking place globally.
Why are poor people leaving the oases of Venezuela, India, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Mexico, Russia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Yemen etc? And they’re headed to the US, Europe, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other oil-rich nations.
We know from President Trump and The Sycophants that global warming is a hoax, so there must be other reasons that people pack up their families and move from their homeland to another nation. Could be their crops are failing (but unrelated the the hoax/scam), crime, poverty, the search for a better life etc.
The UN does not address that most coming into the US want free stuff, want to shoot the men and rape our women.
Freedom of speech is good but how far can you go? Can you scream fire in a crowded theater when there is none? No
Actually James you can indeed scream fire in a theatre leagally. This has been constitutionally challenged and the SCOTUS ruled it is free speech.
However, Alito is simply wrong that “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” is unprotected speech. The erroneous idea comes from the 1919 case Schenk v. United States. The case concerned whether distributing anti-draft pamphlets could lead to a conviction under the Espionage Act—and had nothing to do with fires or theaters.
In his opinion, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote that “the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.”
*******The phrase, though an oft-repeated axiom in debates about the First Amendment, is simply not the law of the land now, nor has it ever been—something made all the more apparent when Schenk v. United States was largely overturned in 1969 by Brandenburg v. Ohio.*******
Does that lovely little poem affixed to the Statue of Liberty later on mean that we have to accept every single person on the face of the earth into the United states? US leftists have learned from your Nazi and communist brethren how to destroy a nation and you’re doing a fantastic job of it.
And yes Emma Lazarus was a communist and the Statue of Liberty was set up in the United states in 1885 and her commie creed was not attached until 1903. It is not an inscription it is a communist addition placed there at the beginning of the 100 year March through the institutions by the communists like you.
At what point is enough enough? You brought in 11 million people just since robinette has been installed and was falsely placed in the White House isn’t that enough? How many are you housing?
1885 1903
I wish they were the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free instead of mostly 20 to 30-year-old criminal gang members and drug/sex traffickers. And most of the rest are flooding here to retire on the “social services” gravy train. In either case these “masses” have no intention of assimilating or being any sort of productive members of American society. They are an invading horde of ne’er-do-well scum here only to latch onto the great taxpayer teat.
The real immigrants, those that have and are following immigration law, they are the immigrants we want and should have.
Enforce all immigration law now, not the ridiculous “asylum policy”.
If immigration were a net benefit to society, no one would care if it as illegal.