I’m not sure this is really worth the time, because there are more than enough squishy Republicans, the get-along-go-along crowd, to keep him in the position. McCarthy is symptomatic of Republican leadership this century: promise a lot, deliver little, play ball with Democrats
Matt Gaetz introduces motion to vacate against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has followed through on his renewed threat to introduce a motion to vacate against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
Gaetz, a frequent McCarthy critic, introduced the motion Monday evening on the House floor.
“Mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 2A1 of Rule 9, I rise to give notice of my intent to raise a question of the privileges of House,” Gaetz said. “Declaring the office Speaker of the House of Representatives to be vacant. Resolved that the office of Speaker of the House Representatives is hereby declared to be vacant.”
Gaetz’s move will force the House to take a vote on whether to keep McCarthy as speaker within two legislative days.
There are a number of members undecided on how they would vote on such a measure, but it’s likely McCarthy will need at least some Democrat votes to keep his job. Democrats could be in a position to try and extract concessions from McCarthy for their votes.
Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., told Fox News following Gaetz’s move that he believes a motion to vacate at this time is “a bad idea.” Additionally, Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., told Fox he was undecided.
Perhaps if McCarthy was listening and doing what he’s supposed to do, not playing with Democrats. Holding spending down, going after Biden (if Trump had done a 32nd of what Biden had done Dems would have impeached him 3 or 4 times by now), holding the DOJ and FBI accountable, knocking down the insane ‘climate change’ stuff, working to stop illegal immigration, etc.
What will be interesting is
What was the secret side deal that @SpeakerMcCarthy made with Joe Biden on Ukraine?
Members of the Republican Party might vote differently on a motion to vacate if they heard the answer to that question.
Stay tuned. pic.twitter.com/oUXEvI9vMG
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) October 2, 2023

Fighting dragons and windmills is a time honored activity for politicians. For example, all the democratic party campaign commercials I have seen on YouTube are talking about (fill in name of Republican) being an extremist who wants to make abortions illegal. (Hint: If something has been illegal for the past 100 years in every state in the country, the position of keeping it “illegal” can hardly be called extreme). Even under Roe-Wade, abortions were still illegal after a certain point. Currently, the USA has some of the most extremely Pro-abortion rules on the planet. Next we will be seeing ads that the Republicans want to take social Security away from grandma.
I remember they actually used this plan once. Quite successfully i might add. At this point we almost agree that Democrats will say or do anything and use any illegal means and any form of corruption bribery threat or violence to win. If we don’t start doing the same thing back we will watch our country turn into a Nazi state. They don’t care about America or for that matter anything else they care about their own political party.
If we (“we” meaning non-democrats) do the same thing, then we have already lost. There are more important things going on than which party sits on the throne in DC. If both sides are cynically supporting liars, cheats, communists, and corrupt thieves, then we have no business attempting self-government and we should just accept another monarchy. Maybe the British have forgiven us our folly and will take us back. But then again, if the Nazis make the trains run on time, at least we will have that. If you care about America, then you should also care that America improves for the benefit of all its citizens. Electing the worst among us does not accomplish that goal. It is bad enough that one political party does that. Reject the proposal to have both parties do it.
Dear Professor:
“If we (“we” meaning non-democrats) do the same thing, then we have already lost.”
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” – Karl Popper
“There are more important things going on than which party sits on the throne in DC.”
Name me one.
If your candidates look and act like the other side, then the only difference between them is party label. One of Trump’s primary attractions to Republicans is that Trump is not a Republican. Republican votes are sick to death of having another Bush-Romney-McCain forced down our throats by the establishment party only to have those people offer watered down versions of what the Democrats want.
Winning should result in actual policy shifts, not just excuses for why everything is too hard. The Establishment party hates Trump even more than Jeff does because Trump showed that everything is a lot easier than it looked and the establishment republicans were stonewalling their own supporters for decades.
If your “winner” isn’t delivering the goods, then winning has no real value.
If the primary concern of today’s nuCons is gov’t spending, Trump’s your man. No president in history spent as much as did President Trump, although President Reagan did add 160% to the national debt.
Oops! Another fail. (Don’t tell him.)
Barack Obama $7,663,615,710,425.00

Bwaha! Lolgf
My apologies! Mr DP gets one right!
In his two terms, and the Great Recession, the US accumulated more debt under President Obama than Trump in his one term with the greatest economy evuh!
We appreciate Mr DPs nascent but refreshing interest in issues!
You fucking lied again, chubby.

As usual it was pointed out and verified.
Stick your “apology” up your embezzling ass, PorkChop.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks for the correction. And we even complimented you on your rare diligence. Keep up the good work, it’s a welcome change!
The thing is, Representative Gaetz is expressing what a considerable part of the Republican Party want. Why is Donald Trump popular with so many in the party? Because he’s not a go-along-to-get-along type of politician!
The Speaker compromised, because he was unwilling to see a shutdown of the government; a lot of Republicans would like to see just that.
I know a lot of “public servants” who were looking forward to a week or two of paid leave starting yesterday. They are not happy coming to work this week after the spending resolution deal.
Mr Teach: if Trump had done a 32nd of what Biden had done Dems would have impeached him 3 or 4 times by now
Poor Mr Teach has jumped the shark. His Brandon Derangement Syndrome has been turned up to 11.
President Trump was impeached for leading the attack on the Capitol Building and for coercing Ukraine in assisting his 2020 election efforts.
President Trump was impeached for leading the attack on the Capitol Building and for coercing Ukraine in assisting his 2020 election efforts.
President trump was impeached because the Democrats are scared speechless another man. He didn’t lead any attack anywhere and if you took any time to look at and read the tapes and the transcripts of about the incident you would know that stop lying.
The only coercing done of the Ukraine was when we all watched president poopy-pants threaten burisma and the prosecutors of the Ukraine on the Internet. Trump threatened no one.
The only threats being thrown around the United states are the threats to prosecute and imprison anybody who’s not a Democrat. And it’s getting old fast. You don’t run a Republic or a democracy by threatening your opponents constantly that you’re gonna ruin their businesses bankrupt their families or throw them in prison period that’s how communists operate.
There has always been an American faction of right-wing extremists. Once in the Democratic party and today in the GOP. White nationalists, Christian nationalists, America firsters, anti-abortionistas, authoritarians, anti-democratic, anti-socialists (partly), anti-communists, paternalists, royalists (King Don)…
Donald Trump, a genuine stable genius when it comes to marketing, took advantage of the far-right and used them to his advantage.
This kind of manipulation often leads to violent confrontation, which Trump encourages and facilitates. He and his followers use threats and intimidation. Trump proposes executing rioters, looters and Generals that disagree with him.
Trump blocked payment of $400 million military aid in an attempt to obtain cooperation from Zelenskyy regarding candidate Biden.
Rimjob: Trump blocked payment of $400 million military aid in an attempt to obtain cooperation from Zelenskyy …

Bwaha! Lolgf
so the original Democrat conservative extremists that tortured black people and enslaved them and broke off from the government and revolted against the United States and formed an insurrection and ultimately a war they don’t count? It was always Democrats who were the anti Americans even as far back as the 1800s. Oh by the way they were also the radical racists.
The conservative extremists who enslaved blacks and rebelled against the United States of America DO count!
And they are at it again!!
What’s your point?
Speaker McCarthy’s sin was disobeying Trump’s order to shut down the government.
He was made Speaker only with the votes of the Gaetz caucus.
McCarthy flutters with the breezes. This is a Republican civil war and House Dems have no reason to support him. “They knew damn well he was a snake…”
Rimjob’s sin was embezzling $75Mn from investors with a cancer drug that didn’t work.

#GRTX $0.171
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil MethMouth’s sin was not paying the $10 he promised the teen boy whose cock he sucked.
Brilliant retort there, chubby.

Rimjob no longer denies embezzling his shareholders.
#GRTX $0.169
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lookie, lookie… Lil MethMouth doesn’t even deny paying to suck cocks.
Whenever Rimjob’s caught in a lie he turns nasty.

As if anyone really cares.
Go find the grandson and work it out, chubby.
#GRTX $0.169
Bwaha! Lolgf
Whenever Lil MethMouth is caught in a lie he turns nasty.
Like Senator John Kennedy (R-La), Lil MethMouth likes strap-ons, dildoes, blowjobs etc. LOL.
Grab a $10 bill and go get yourself some.
Dear Elwood:
“No president in history spent as much as did President Trump, although President Reagan did add 160% to the national debt.”
I grow weary of your bullshit. The Democratic controlled House controlled the spending, not Reagan and not Trump in his last two years.
Dear Professor:
Well, I see you didn’t name me one.
“If your candidates look and act like the other side then the only difference between them is party label. One of Trump’s primary attractions to Republicans is that Trump is not a Republican. ”
Trump represented change.
Now he is being punished.
Fact is that we are in an undeclared war.
Dear Elwood:
“The conservative extremists who enslaved blacks and rebelled against the United States of America DO count!
And they are at it again!!
What’s your point?”
The point is they were and continue to be Democrats.
Lil McHenry with his PeeWee Herman bowtie, made his first official action as Speaker pro tem (temper?) was to move Nancy Pelosi out of her office to a smaller office.
Jesus God, these fuckers have no sense, political or otherwise. They should all be wearing bowties that spin and shoot water…clowns. This is America.