I’m pretty sure that the constituents of Matt Gaetz’s district should be the ones to make that decision, not the House GOP, since Gaetz broke no laws. But, this whole thing is bringing the squishes out of the woodwork, and it’s rather sad that Gingrich has joined them. He once was tough and rammed through Republican priorities. Now he’s supporting the Republicans who do nothing more than slow down the Democrats agenda. Where is the toughness on the border? Where is reducing spending, killing off the Biden mandate on EVs, etc and so on? And Newt ran to the Washington Post, of all places
Newt Gingrich: Republicans must expel Matt Gaetz
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is an anti-Republican who has become actively destructive to the conservative movement.
Drama has filled the halls of Congress for 234 years. Bringing together a group of 435 strong-willed personalities guarantees conflict, and it has always been a tumultuous body. But some behavior crosses the line — and when it does, there has to be consequences.
Gaetz obviously hates House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) — and that’s fine. If Gaetz were simply a loudmouthed junior member who attacked McCarthy every day, that would be fine, too. He would just be isolated with a small group of lawmakers who can’t figure out how to get things done. They’d huddle together seeking warmth and reassurance from their fellow incompetents.
But Gaetz has gone beyond regular drama. He is destroying the House GOP’s ability to govern and draw a sharp contrast with the policy disasters of the Biden administration.
Get things done? What things? The GOP leadership is slow-walking the investigations into Biden and watching the US be invaded by foreigners. Our military is suffering because of Woke leaders. Biden is doing everything possible to skyrocket our energy costs, which skyrocket the cost of food, clothes, and everything else. Homes are mostly unaffordable, especially with the higher interest rates. But, they did rename a few post offices the other day.
What GOP priorities are they passing? Making backroom deals to fund Ukraine later? Ignoring Biden shutting down pipelines and fossil fuels leases? Stopping Biden from making deals with Iran, an enemy terrorist state? Remember this?
Help us take back the House and we'll kill Obamacare
Did we say the House? Now we need to take the Senate
Did we say the House and Senate? Now we need the White House
What did we promise you?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 4, 2023
Literally what they are doing is just slowing Democrats enacting their agenda. Newt had cajones back in his day. No longer.
Couldn't agree more. pic.twitter.com/VGkNU58VAt
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 3, 2023
We wouldn’t have to fight if the GOP would actually fight Democrats.

Says yet another worthless speaker who promised a ton and delivered squat. Screw Newt.
Watch you backs, the Rinos are prowling.
What changed? Gingrich or the definition of far-rightism?
Newt was the far-right conservative Repub in the 90s. He ended the decades-long Dem majority in the House, led the impeachment of Clinton, secured tax cuts for the wealthy, welfare reform/reductions…
It was Newt (with Frank Luntz) who started labeling Dem policies and personnel, sick, deranged, losers, radicals, traitors etc.
As Speaker, Newt led the adoption (in part) of the Contract with America, including the Fiscal Responsibility Act (tried to enact an Balanced Budget Amendment); Fiscal Responsibility Act (tougher sentences, more police, more prisons); Personal Responsibility Act (cutting cash welfare, AFDC); Common Sense Legal Reform Act (making damage suits more difficult); and others.
Now, he’s a RINO for opposing the ouster of McCarthy?
Other than the destruction of the Dems, what are the policy initiatives of the nuRights in Congress?
Dear Elwood:
Why should Repubs may any attention to Lefties???
Are we supposed to believe you have our, and the country’s, best interest at heart?
McCarthy promised to do things to get elected. He didn’t keep his word.
Newt should shut up and enjoy his pension…and book deals.
I live in Newt’s district and helped elect him. He failed in the Clinton impeachment because he was having an affair and backed down at the last minute. He was ALMOST a statesman, but in the end he was nothing but a RINO republican, cashing in on his years in Washington D.C.
Where was he when Obama/Biden started ruining this country? Where was he on Joe’s dementia, Pelosi’s evil plot to attack the U.S. Capitol, the CIA and others’ schemes to persecute and oust Donald Trump? Pretty silent through all that egregiousness. But now has to snooky with the WPo about Matt Gaetz, arguably the most courageous member of Congress still standing?
Newt should go back to his beloved Calista and keep on smoking his cigs in the rocking chair — or back to all his international, money making deals. We don’t care what he has to say any more. He’s an old, worn out RINO with NOTHING to add. He’s a sell out.
Gingrich also wrote:
Dear Elwood:
McCarthy was supposed to bring back “Regular Order” to appropriation bills. That would allow Congress to address specific, 12 I think, spending bills.
He didn’t. Good riddance.
Newt had his chances. And this is the result he achieved that we are living with now. Now he needs to STFU and recede into the background.
Jeffery, also called Elwood.
A little while back I offered you a present and you , as usual, pooped on it. I told you developing opinion says that cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease and the real issue is inflammation that is worsened by anti inflammatory drugs.
So, look up recent news and FDA action on saracatinib. You could have had the glory, dumbass.
Thanks, dumbass. Please do not address me again.
What do you like most about saracatinib?
The part I am enjoying the most about this event is:
1. This is an event that is all about the Republican party, so who does CNN get to comment on it? A Democrat.
2. That Democrat tells us, “this is just Republican infighting, it has nothing to do with us”.
3. The Democratic party met in secret earlier that day and got marching orders to vote unanimously to boot McCarthy. It would not have happened if only 6 Democrats had defied their party instructions. So. A coordinated effort by the Democratic party, “has nothing to do with us”.
Lindsey graham is one of the worst