Why? Because Democrats are suddenly having to deal with the fallout of their own policies, like
New York City Moves to Suspend Right-to-Shelter Mandate
Mayor Eric Adams is seeking to suspend New York City’s long-standing obligation to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it, as officials struggle to find housing for thousands of migrants arriving from the southern border.
On Tuesday night, Adams asked a judge to allow the city to put aside its legal obligation to provide shelter to single adults, arguing in court that the city should be able to temporarily lift the mandate during an emergency.
“With more than 122,700 asylum seekers having come through our intake system since the spring of 2022, and projected costs of over $12 billion for three years, it is abundantly clear that the status quo cannot continue,” Adams said in a statement.
Funny how that happens, eh? Unsurprisingly, the NY Times, which published the above piece, did not take Adams to task and there are no outraged opinion pieces or editorials
The arrival of migrants in big cities is forcing Democrats to change their immigration politics
President Joe Biden says he’s been forced to violate a campaign promise by adding some new construction to Donald Trump’s border wall.
Big city Democratic mayors are angrily demanding more engagement from the Democratic president to help deal with a wave of migrants seeking asylum. One of them – New York Mayor Eric Adams – is in Latin America this week.
Immigration reality is scrambling the normal immigration rhetoric in uncomfortable ways for Democrats, who generally want to appear welcoming but appear to be taking a harder line along with their new positions.
Shocked face! They even include how Brandon said that border walls do not work, but, the money was appropriated. Like Biden has not diverted funds for many other things. Anyhow, what has changed?
At the border, a fresh tide of migrants has overwhelmed authorities this fall. The images include waves of people crossing illegally. Stowaways on the roofs of trains temporarily closed the international railway bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas, last month.
In northern blue states, governors and mayors are getting louder and more urgent in their calls for the White House to do more to stem the tide of migrants coming into the US and being sent north.
Yeah, they now have to deal with all the illegals they said they supported thanks to Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and a few others, including some Democrat mayors. And polling is turning against them, they’re spending oodles of money, and the Democrat voters in Democrat cities who supported being illegal alien sanctuaries are now screaming that they don’t like this.

It’s been said that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. It looks like open borders Democrats have been mugged by open borders Democratic policies.
Everything was peaches but the cream when the wetbacks were staying in Texas, but once those evil geniuses Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis started shipping the
illegal immigrants‘migrants’ up to sanctuary cities in blue states, the libs got a huge case of the NIMBYs.Ruh roh. If the Dems get tough on immigrants the Repubs lose an issue. Never-to-be president drybacks DeeSantis and Abbott were illegally trafficking humans!
The problem is a lack of resources to handle the migrants, both at the border and in the cities.
More brilliant assumptions by the Rimjob.

Thanks, moron, you’ve solved the problem.
Who knew it was so simple?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Not to fear Democrats.
This is a snow job. All of Biden’s construction will occur in Texas…thus eliminating Texas’s ability to send 100’s of thousands of illegals to Sanctuary Cities.
End of the problem for the left.
NM, AZ, and California will remain fence-free and able to continue the influx of massive illegals to further the communist agenda of overwhelming the system with illiterates who vote for democrats who will give free stuff until there is nothing left to give.
FYI..everyone in San Diego loves the wall that was built turning the city into a safe zone rather than a violent gang turf war brought by illegal’s sneaking over the border into the city.
they are not migrants they are illegal aliens. If you don’t recognize what the problem is you can’t correct the problem.
Secondly if you have a lack of resources then obviously you cannot handle the problem. You cannot accomplish a task without the proper resources to do so.
Handling the illegal aliens at the border is different than handling them in the cities. If you handle them correctly at the border you don’t have to worry about them in the cities because they won’t get there. Illegal aliens at the border should be immediately arrested and sent back. That, along with a strong and fortified wall and properly train border guards can stop people from illegally crossing the border.
As far as handling the resources in the cities are concerned, if they don’t come across they can’t get to the cities. Secondly any city that declares itself a sanctuary city should automatically be denied all and I mean 100% all federal assistance, programs, aid, or money of any kind.
It seems to be very popular in blue cities and in blue areas that you just let people crap on the streets do fentanyl have sex rob loot places. That doesn’t seem to be happening too much in red areas. I mean let me ask you when you see these people rioting and looting do you first look at them and think wow look at all those Republicans going crazy? Of course not we all know who they are and none of them are Republicans. They are those wonderful moral Democrats who care about everyone like Elwood and who sit and preach at you about what the Bible means what God wants that’s who they are right before they blow the brains out of the guy in the street or stab him in the chest or rape his woman then steal his car. I don’t think there are a lot of carjacking Republicans do you?
Many, if not most, of the “illegals” are seeking asylum. They cross the border in full view of DHS, Border Agents, the gubmint and the media.
Why are they leaving their homes to come here? Most claim because they can no longer feed or protect the families back home. It’s not easy or safe to travel from Venezuela or Guatemala to our southern border, so it’s not a trivial exercise for these people. We know it’s easy to label them all as murderers, rapists, thieves, drug runners; but they’re not. They are human beings.
We need a secure border AND the personnel to process these people seeking asylum in a reasonable manner. We facilities for housing and transitioning these people in their destination cities.