…are mountains losing their glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Josh Hawley introducing legislation allowing border states to deport illegals.

The Constitution and The Bill of Rights what are they?
Some dumbass mentioned Hitler the other day.

Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] Cove, has three, yes three smoking hot women who all want to know what you […]
Remember the 60s and 70s with the Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society and Black Panthers? These were violent left-wing organizations that opposed the so-called “fascist” US government, but had little support within the government. And don’t forget the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front groups.
Before that, of course we had right-wing white nationalist violence, which DID have significant government involvement. In the 80s and 90s the US experienced bouts of anti-abortion violence featuring bombings, threats, assaults and even murders.
Today we have threats of violence associated with a particular politician, who like the SDS and Weathermen of the late 60s and 70s, promotes the notion that the US government has become a “fascist” body oppressing the freedoms of Americans. The idea that the right-wing in America has no choice but an armed rebellion is rampant, and is not discouraged by Donald Trump. Most of that talk is just chest-thumping BS, but some disturbed individuals have attacked government facilities, plotted to kidnap a governor, “sovereign” citizens have assassinated police officers, and a man in Austin TX flew and airplane into an IRS facility!!
What all these groups have in common is that they disagree with certain aspects of society. They opposed involvement in Vietnam, the military-industrial complex, abortion, the “Deep State”, Blacks, and were pro Islamism, pro animal “rights”, pro environment “rights” and pro climate “rights”.
Another copy&paste galighting job attempting to justify Brandon weaponizing the US government against his political opponents.
Can’t get any more fascist than that, can ya, Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Lock and load, DP!
Buy high, sell low the Galera way.
Fraud and embezzling the Rimjob way.
Such a fucking clown.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Another cut&paste by SpitRoast.
Such a fucking clown.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Banner Week indeed!