If you make it harder for the law abiding to get guns to protect themselves, then it will be the criminals with the guns. Further, when the government is soft on crime, criminals will be happy campers
Though overall crime in California is down from historic peaks, data from the state Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center suggest violent crime has been on the rise since 2014.
And experts are now noting another troubling trend: the increased use of firearms in homicides and aggravated assaults.
A spate of mass shootings, including killings this year at a dance hall in Monterey Park, a mushroom farm in Half Moon Bay and a Trabuco Canyon bar, highlight the problem.
“It is particularly in the last few years that we have seen an increase in violent crime involving firearms,” said Magnus Lofstrom, policy director of criminal justice and a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.
In 2020, homicides using firearms increased by 40.6% and assaults with firearms went up by 29% from the previous year, according to a Times analysis of Department of Justice data.
They restrict legal citizens, they go soft on criminals, they demonize, handcuff and defund the police, and import lots of people from the 3rd World who have no problem getting violent. And, let’s be honest, a goodly chunk of the gun crime is being committed by one group of people who are being protected at all costs, especially post BLM, who are more than willing to get violent and use firearms at the drop of a hat. FBI statistics do not lie.
Criminals do not care about your laws, California.
Lofstrom did not speculate as to why guns were used more often, though the increase in crime overall during the pandemic has been widely reported.
What also happened during that time, and also created a wave of retail crime?
“California has the strongest gun safety laws in the nation and has been a trailblazer for gun safety reform for the past 30 years,” according to the Giffords Law Center, an an anti-gun-violence organization.
Which only affects the law abiding.

“California has the strongest gun safety laws in the nation and has been a trailblazer for gun safety reform for the past 30 years,” according to the Giffords Law Center, yet more violent crimes are being committed while using guns. How can this be?
Why, could it possibly, just possibly, be that conservatives have been right about gun control all along?
Cali has a lower per capita homicide rate (6.4 per 100k) than North Carolina 9.7
Or AL 16 per 100K or GA 11 per 100K
Could the reason be because of tight gun laws?
and of course Cali residents do live much longer than than people living in the impoverished southeast Cali people can expect to live to over 79years old,
But of course that is partially do to higher vaccination and masking rates. It is sort of weird that people in states that don’t live as long, are less well educated, and earn less are the ones to be most critical of states that always seem to rank highly in the good lists.
Dana do you wish that your state hd a homicide rate as low as CA?
Deep red KY is 50% more homicidal than CA. Deep red MO is twice as homicidal as CA.
And the US is by far the most homicidal advanced nation on Earth (6.8 homicides/100,000 pop). But that’s not to say that the only reason is our lax attitudes toward guns. But we’re 3 times more homicidal than Canada and Ghana, 6 times more homicidal than the United Kingdom and France, 10 times more homicidal than Australia.
Before someone says that eliminating Blacks killing Americans would make us less homicidal than most nations, give it some thought. If Blacks kill half the total then eliminating that would cut the rate approximately in half.
Dear Elwood:
“Deep red MO is twice as homicidal as CA.”
It is ALL urban areas in All the states and DC that have a high gun death shooting.
And the black population areas within the urban areas.
And the 16-40 age group within the black population are shooting each other.
Now, I have identified the problem for you.
Let me see you fix the problem.
So there are no young Black men in California? Are there no urban areas in California? LOL.
The highest homicide rates are in Mississippi, Alabama, New Mexico and Louisiana, followed closely by the rest of the Southeastern Conference! MO, AR, TN, KY, GA, SC + IN, IL, NC, MD, DE…
NY has a very low murder rate. Any urban areas there? MS is nearly 5 times more homicidal than NY.
Why do YOU think young Black men are responsible for half the homicides in the US?
Of adults arrested for murder, 51.3 percent were Black or African American. (FBI 2019)

Bwaha! Lolgf
Carbon boy-don’t you wish your state had the lowest gas prices in the country like Mississippi? Four highest gas price states are Washington, California, Hawaii and Oregon.
If more guns result in fewer homicides shouldn’t the US have the LOWEST homicide rate?
I don’t recall anybody claiming that more guns result of fewer homicides do you? Because that is faulty reasoning. That sounds like some leftist communist way of sidestepping the issue. Which is just what I would expect from you Elwood.
More law abiding people owning guns would probably result in fewer homicides. Especially if they have the right to carry them and defend themselves. But just more guns themselves is not going to change anything except the quantity of guns. Besides all homicides are not committed by firearm you guys seem to forget that all the time. In fact I just watched a card carrying leftist retard gets stabbed in the heart on the street. Since it was a knife and not a gun does that mean it was not a homicide?
John Lott, Ph.D. published the highly touted “More Guns, Less Crime” book in 1998. Recall too, the NRA chief saying, ‘Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun’.
You state: More law abiding people owning guns would probably result in fewer homicides.
Do you carry a gun everywhere?
If more guns don’t result in fewer gun deaths, what’s the point in having more guns? The majority of homicides in the US are committed using firearms and the US homicide rate is the greatest of any advanced nation. About 1/2 of suicides are committed using a firearm.
In addition, it’s hardly surprising that right-wingers celebrate the brutal murder of a young man trying to do good for others. If Mr Carson was a “retard” what on the gods’ green Earth are you?
We understand that you are bitter and angry. Why?