I wonder if CNN will disarm the security at their Atlanta office?
Gun violence is an epidemic in the US. Here are 4 things you can do today
If people want to reduce gun violence in the United States, experts say it’s important to start by understanding what we as a society are up against.
“First, it’s important to recognize that gun violence is a public health epidemic,” said Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Gun violence surpassed car accidents in 2020 as the leading cause of death for kids and teens in the United States. And nearly 1 in 5 adults said a family member had been killed by a gun, according to an April Kaiser Family Foundation survey.
Did they only survey people living in Democratic Party run urban areas, particularly in the low income areas? One in five killed by a gun is insane, especially when we’re talking a family member. I do not have one. I do not personally know anyone who has had a family member killed by a gun, except those who had served in war. Anyway, what does CNN want to do?
To prevent gun violence, we also have to stop blaming it all on mental illness, said Sarah Burd-Sharps, senior director of research for Everytown for Gun Safety.
The myth that the epidemic of violent gun deaths is all due to mental illness can be dangerous, Iroku-Malize said.
“Family physicians strongly caution against blaming mental illness for gun violence, which adds to the stigma and discrimination against people with mental health conditions,” she added.
We aren’t blaming it all on mental illness. That’s reserved for some wackjobs who go on murder sprees and those who commit suicide. But, doesn’t this mostly negate the need for red flag laws?
There are signs that someone is more likely to commit violence and recognizing them can empower communities to raise concerns early in hopes of getting intervention or support, said Josh Horwitz, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions in Baltimore.
A history of violence, particularly domestic abuse, and sharing violent extremist content in social media posts are a big red flag of future violence, Horwitz said.
Living in a Democratic Party run city is certainly a concern, especially the inner cities where violence runs rampant. What about when leftists call for killing Republicans who refuse to go along with issues such as abortion and ‘climate change’? Should they be red flagged?
Safe gun storage is crucial to reduce shootings among children, Burd-Sharps said.
“Almost every day in this country, a kid under 18 — and often a 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-year-old — gets their hands on a loaded gun lying around the house not securely stored and either shoots themselves or someone else,” she said.
Gun owners should store their firearms unloaded and locked in a safe separate from the ammunition, Horwitz said.
Safe storage should be a case by case decision. I have no need for it. Many people I know with young children do secure their firearms, though they don’t secure them all unloaded and with ammo in a separate safe. That just makes the firearm worthless if someone breaks in. And, I will agree that idiots need to lock up their guns when they are left in their cars. Especially in Democrat run cities where car break-ins occur at high rates. Stop giving criminals your guns!
But, the gun grabbers really want to push safe storage. Ohio is looking to waive their sales tax on safes. Why? A locked up gun is one people aren’t carrying. Some might say it’s too much of a pain to constantly lock them up and then unlock when coming and going. Law abiding citizens are then mostly disarmed.
Much of what researchers say can curb US gun violence needs to be enacted by the government and institutions, but that doesn’t mean individuals don’t have a say.
“One thing that we can do is vote for the candidates who are talking about this issue and who are committed to ending this epidemic in this country and who are committed to supporting the kind of programs and policies that matter,” Horwitz said.
More funding for gun violence research is crucial for better understanding the root causes and best interventions, Iroku-Malize said.
Why are they assuming that citizens do not have a say? Granted, the system is not working correctly, but, elected politicians are supposed to be listening to their constituents and doing their bidding, and making the bureaucrats do the work the citizens want. Why can’t all those gun grabbing organizations spend their money on research? Because they won’t like what they find about who is using their guns for crime, mostly. It’s not law abiding citizens, and mostly not people who acquired their firearms lawfully.
We already have the research, it is called the FBI crime statistics each year. Over 80% of all gun crimes in the US including homicides are done by individuals who are NOT legally allowed to own a gun, so those individuals have prior felonies and have been arrested previously.
Other policies that matter include measures like background checks for gun and ammunition purchases, red flag laws, open carry regulations, and funding for resources such as threat assessment teams, violence interventions and prevention funds, Burd-Sharps said.
Background checks are already required for most gun purchases. Red flag laws have not worked as of yet. Open carry is against the law abiding. Leftists refuse to support stop and frisk and tough policing. Violence intervention doesn’t work in the areas and with the people most likely to use a gun for crime. California has all the background checks for gun and ammunition purchases, red flag laws, open carry regulations, and funding for resources such as threat assessment teams, violence interventions and prevention funds, yet, they continue to suffer from “gun crime.”
The whole point, though, is to foment the case that this is a public health emergency so that government can institute gun grabbing policies, much like they used COVID to lock people down and restrict their lives.

Well, it looks like Israel as well as the United states are about to go to war. Isn’t that precious? After we spent $150 billion in the Ukraine defending their borders while leaving ours open, we now have to start sending money into the Israel who is actually a legitimate ally.
That should make all our neocons here like Elwood happy they just love the sight of blood. Plus they just love the idea of American men dying in war. Fewer “MAGAT’s” since the coward, faggot, communist left won’t go into the military except to subvert it.
I believe that the federal government which is full of prolific liars has been lying to us about our position in the Ukraine for quite some time. I believe we’ve had men there we have men there and will continue to have men there and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it except the elect Trump since he’s the only one who didn’t start a war while he was in office I’m the only one who seems determined not to get America into a war. We know that Democrats want war cause they’ve gotta distract us for another election. But now that they’ve got 10 to 15,000,000 illegals in here to vote for them they may not need that distraction. But that wouldn’t stop him from doing it anyway just to make sure.
Our nation is being ripped apart by the Democrat party our men are being killed our babies are being murdered our children are being indoctrinated into homosexuality. Women are being told that they’re only important as long as they don’t get in the way of transsexuals whatever they’re supposed to be, and we’re told every day that the jobs market is just completely full ask H. He’ll tell you how wonderful California is except there are more murders every year in California than any other state in the union but try and find those statistics they put it all per capita so you can’t find out. Everything coming from the federal government since the beginning of COVID is a freaking lie. And the entire Democrat party including the colleges educational system informational infrastructure the law and the military are in on it. We got a real problem here folks.
“We got a real problem here folks.”
Yes we do.
But we’ve known that.
And yet people, including Jews who had to have understood where the Biden administration stood, vote for Democrats.
Makes me want to say, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Remember: Governess Michelle Cordova of New Mexico used the excuse that it was a ‘public health emergency’ when she issued her order banning the carrying of legally registered and licensed firearms in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County, an order quickly — albeit not quickly enough — voided by the courts.
And, of course, it was a ‘public health emergency’ which so many governors, sadly including some Republicans, simply suspended our constitutional rights of peaceable assembly and free exercise of religion, and the federal government pressured social media to censor our freedom of speech, all to fight a virus with a 98% survival rate. Governments mandated the taking of a vaccine which had only an ’emergency’ approval, and no long-range testing at all, under the threat of isolation or, more commonly, losing your job.
Sadly, they mostly got away with it, so who can be surprised when there are calls for more and more public health emergencies, because so many sheeple knuckled under and accepted unprecedented and unconstitutional dictates, because the government was able to instill fear, pure, naked fear on so much of the home of the brave.
The things you listed in that comment which are obviously unconstitutional are just the beginning. The left in this country does not like civil rights at least not civil rights based on the Bible or historical documentation from western civilization. They love black lives matter but they don’t think all lives matter and if you say all lives matter you’re a racist. Yeah if all lives don’t matter then neither do black lives matter. As the left slowly deconstructs the republican democracies of the West we can slowly see the unraveling of civility and humanity. America was never perfect and America never will be perfect but when it was being run by 90% white folks and Christians it was better than anything that ever existed before. But since it wasn’t perfect it wasn’t good enough for the left.
It’s funny how leftists seem to forget but the white Christian nation did for the world we’re just villains and conquerors and bad people.
White nationalism: but when it (America) was being run by 90% white folks and Christians it was better than anything that ever existed
Sure, unless you were non-white, non-male, non-straight or non-Christian!
White nationalists are upset that others desire civil rights. Black people, non-Christians, immigrants, LGBTQ people…
Oppressors always claim it’s unfair when the oppressed insist on their civil rights.
Declaring national emergencies is not unConstitutional.
Do you find it interesting that the “unConstitutional” measures were rescinded? Do you explain this as a trial run by the “conspirators” (libs, commies, fascists, corporations, gubmint, Deep State, universities) to see how much the average joe will tolerate?
We get it. Conservatives (white, Christian nationalists) are upset and see that democratic principles no longer serve their minority position. It’s WOKEness run amuck! “Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies… Rivers and seas boiling… Dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!” Doom!! Blacks, LGBTQ people, immigrants, non-Christians treated as humans. You have a “leader” in Trump who has the skill and knowledge to manipulate your movement to his advantage.
Pigeon poop. Try putting people who commit – or try to commit – crimes with guns in jail, and leave them there.
Unless the children are 12 or under, I don’t care. This BS of talking about children when you include late teens who are likely criminals; drug dealers and gang members, make these statistics useless.
“Gun Violence” is the currently popular lefty buzz-phrase to attempt to draw the focus away from their current chosen ‘victim class’, aka criminals. Guns aren’t violent, criminals are, guns are merely tools. Most of the violence they speak of is perpetrated by criminals. Arrest the criminals, put them in jail, try them under the laws of society, and if guilty, put them in prison. Then the problem will be mostly solved.
Ruralcounsel, I agree with you, except that we are starting to see youts as young as 10 or 11 committing violent felonies, generally in an urban situation.. There probably needs to be some consideration given to these ‘special cases’. As to storing firearms separate from ammunition, we do need to consider that when you need a firearm to protect your family from a criminal, seconds count and the police are only minutes away. Some security is reasonable, but Josh Horowitz is advocating insanity.