It wouldn’t be surprising if true, since these Islamists are brutal, despicable people
U.S. working to verify reports of Americans dead or taken hostage in Israel attack, Blinken says
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday morning that the U.S. was working to verify reports that Americans have been killed or taken hostage as Hamas militants launched a large-scale offensive against Israel.
“We’ve got reports that several Americans are among the dead. We’re working very actively to verify those reports. At the same time, the reports of Americans being taken hostage — there too, we’re working to get the facts to find out if those reports are accurate,” Blinken told “Face the Nation” on Sunday.
Later on Sunday, a National Security Council spokesperson confirmed that several U.S. citizens had been killed.
“We extend our deepest condolences to the victims and to the families of all those affected, and wish those injured a speedy recovery,” the spokesperson said, adding, “We continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in touch with our Israeli partners, particularly the local authorities.”
So we do know that some have been killed. What about taken hostage? We know that Hamas is grabbing lots of hostages, including women and children. We know that they have been sexually assaulted, brutalized, tortured, and killed
(Forbes) An Israeli official has confirmed Americans are among the “scores” of hostages being held in Gaza following one of the largest attacks on Israel by militant group Hamas in decades, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said officials are still working to verify reports of American deaths—as the total Israeli and Palestinian death toll passes 1,000 and Israel prepares for a large-scale response.
Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer told CNN Sunday that Americans are among the hostages being held in Gaza, though he wouldn’t estimate how many Americans were being held.
If true, I would hope that Biden would threaten Hamas to return those Americans unharmed immediately under threat of significant military action. We know that won’t happen.
Breaking News Israel: US weapons left behind in Afghanistan used to attack Israel.
A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said US weapons left in Afghanistan by the Biden administration were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) October 8, 2023
Imagine how quick the Democrats would be calling for Trump to be impeached and imprisoned if he had done this.
Meanwhile, governments are needing to provide security for Jews from the religion of peace
And in LA County
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 8, 2023
And overall in the US
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 8, 2023

Mr Teach: Imagine how quick the Democrats would be calling for Trump to be impeached and imprisoned if he had done this (left Afghanistan abruptly).
One can imagine anything. The Repubs control the House and can impeach President Brandon.
Ferguson claims that the Gaza terrorists used US weapons left in Afghanistan. Missiles? Paragliders? The photo is of the Taliban not the Gaza terrorists.
BTW, it was NOT Brandon voters shouting, “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”, was it?
Conservatives don’t like Jews, but they hate Muslims even more.
Rimjob loves him some terrorists, muslim or tranny.

how would you know what conservatives like or dislike? You’ve never taken 5 minutes out of your life to ask a conservative anything reasonable as long as you’ve lived. You decide what you believe we like and what we don’t like and then you go with it. And yes, there were many Brandon voters that were screaming Jews won’t replace us they’re called union members. Happens all the time. In fact the only people I know that can’t stand Jews are Democrats. Of course they’re far left Democrats like Elwood but Democrats nonetheless.
Also, how would you know if the photographs are of the Taliban the Gaza terrorists are the Girl Scouts group from Peoria? Again you rely on believing the misinformation of the government and the media’s sources. That’s proved to be nothing but a lie. But it serves you well you still insist that the COVID shots are actual vaccinations and not the masks stop everything even bad breath. You are a follower never thinks for himself you’re a perfect Democrat.
Have you taken down your pro Ukrainian flags and put up your pro Israel flag yet? You’re always willing to go to war for any country other than America. Hell you won’t even defend our own border but let the Russians cross a Ukrainian border or some Arabs cross into Israel and you go crazy.
Did you condemn or defend the Charlottesville riot, where the marchers chanted, “Jews Won’t Replace Us?”.
70% of American Jews support the Democrats. Why do you believe most American Jews are liberals?
You can do an image search to find the source of a photograph. You should try it some time.
But you still insanely insist that D Trump won the 2020 election and was cheated.
Hold it. So you oppose America’s support of Israel?? It sounds like you want to build a wall around the United States and withdraw from the rest of the world.
Dear Elwood:
Stop with the BS.
It is the Left and their brothers in the Nazi groups that hate Jews and demand Israel be destroyed.
Not Conservatives.
Did you recently have a ministroke or are you just a desperate idiot?
Don’t feel bad, we’ve noticed all once-reasonable conservatives become babbling nuCon MAGAts when faced with contradictory info.
ALL American neoNazis are nuCon MAGAts.
Remember the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville where those spittle-soaked, fine young men were shouting “Jews Won’t Replace Us!” and “Blood and Soil!”. Were they really Leftists in a performative false flag operation?? BTW, neoNazi Richie Spencer was there too! So was white supremacist leader David Duke!
No doubt your stroke erased your memory, but be reminded that neoNazi James Alex Fields Jr. drove his car into a crowd, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 15 others. Fields was sentenced to life in prison plus 419 years for the state charges, with an additional life sentence for the federal charges. For Fields’ sake, let’s hope there are no Jews or Blacks in prison. LOL.
Wait, what? US weaponry handed to the Taliban and $6B in cash pain in ransom to Iran used in terrorist attack on Israel? If only someone had seen this coming…
Well actually Trump did.

If only someone had seen this coming!
Bwaha! Lolgf
A promise from Brandon.
Kinda like all his promises.

Hamas was created by Israel
We’re all being played (again).