Who’s actually surprised by this? I said it the other day when the news said the Security Council was going to meet
U.S. demands condemnation of Hamas at UN meeting, but Security Council takes no immediate action
The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors Sunday, with the United States demanding all 15 members strongly condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas,” but they took no immediate action.
U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood said afterward that “a good number of countries” did condemn the Hamas attack but not all council members. He told reporters they could probably figure out one of them.
Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told The Associated Press the Americans tried to say during the meeting that Russia isn’t condemning the attacks, but “that’s untrue.”
“It was in my comments,” he said. “We condemn all the attacks on civilians.”
Nebenzia said Russia’s message is: “It’s important to stop the fighting immediately, to go to a cease-fire and to meaningful negotiations, which were stalled for decades.”
China had much the same message, which is basically saying that Israel should hold off on retaliating for the horrendous attack, which mostly went after civilians, including kidnapping them.
Wood made clear the U.S. is focused on condemning Hamas for “this unprovoked invasion and the terrorist attacks,” and said Hamas must end its “violent terrorist activity against the Israeli people.”
Asked if it wasn’t important to restart talks on a two-state solution and end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he replied: “There’ll be time for that. The time right now is we’ve got to deal with the hostage taking, the violence that is going on that’s being perpetrated by Hamas. and we’ve got to deal with first things first.”
The Palestinians have had decades to accept a solution, but, each time they are given what they want, they decline and demand more. The Palestinians voted again and again to put groups designated as terrorists by the US State Department in charge politically of the Palestinian area, so, what comes next is on them. What they want is not peace, but, the destruction of Israel. The killing of all Jews. That’s it.
Of the rest of the members, I don’t think any others would stop a condemnation of Hamas. Even the United Arab Emirates, which called the attacks deplorable, and had been working towards peace with Israel.

The UN is useless.
We should have moved it out of the US and withdrawn years ago.
Wish I had wrote this:
“David Pivtorak (on X)
This should be the subject of a longer thread but needs to be said now:
The people forcing CRT and ethnic studies into your children’s schools, the DEI commissars at your job, the footsoldiers of the regime media—almost all of them are on the side of the savages who raped and murdered innocent civilians while parading and desecrating their bodies for all the world to see. This is who we’ve given the keys to this country to for the last 3 years.
9:47 PM · Oct 8, 2023”
Bullshit, JL. You type that kind of bullshit daily.
You nitwits didn’t “give” anything, you lost the frigging election. On top of that, your Red Wave for Congress was more of Pink Breeze. Now you’re mad as hell and won’t take it anymore!! One of your kind shot up an abortion clinic the other day. But of course, according to you, that is not just OK, it’s heroic!!
David Pivtorak is a right-wing, reactionary lawyer.
Terrorism is evil. The invaders from Gaza are evil. They don’t view Israelis as human, just as your kind don’t view American liberals as human.
Lock and load!!
Dear Elwood:
Actually I don’t view Lefties as Liberals. All the Liberals I knew believed in free speech.
And I do view Leftes as humans.
All the dogs I have known were more loyal.
That almost all the countries that control Teach’s beloved fossil fuels support Hamas
YOUR FAULT that the Saudis spread the most extreme form of Islam, Wahabism, which helped to create Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, etc
We can always count on Johnny for stupid reactions….
“Countries that control Teach’s beloved fossil fuels support Hamas…”. Of course the US, being the largest producer of fossil fuels, also supports Hamas through Brandon’s payments to them. Carbon boy again unwittingly makes a point for the other side….
It’s as if Hairy doesn’t know that the USA also supports Hamas. We have been through various aid programs run by the state department and UN (American taxpayer funded) since the Obama administration.
Under Mr Trump, US crude oil production reached an all time high of 13,000 thousand bbl/day in Nov 2019. By May 2020 Mr Trump’s production had slipped to long time low of 9,714 thousand bbl/day.
Under President Brandon’s leadership, US crude oil production has increased to 12,991 thousand bbl/day as of July of this year, a 33% increase!! And still rising.
Of course, crude oil is a global market, and the US consumes more crude oil/products than it produces.
OPEC+ controls the price of crude by controlling production. The US can hardly increase production, but the Saudis and other OPEC countries are not at maximum output.
So yes, burn more and more gasoline and support OPEC+, including Iran!! Last year, Iran made 42.6 billion USD from oil revenues. And the US consumes more crude oil than any other nation!! That’s all of us paying more to Iran than did Brandon!!
Dear Elwood:
“Under Mr Trump, US crude oil production reached an all time high of 13,000 thousand bbl/day in Nov 2019. By May 2020 Mr Trump’s production had slipped to long time low of 9,714 thousand bbl/day.”
Uh, let me see… Yes, got it now. In May 202o the country was shut down.
Do you think that had something to do with the reduction???? Or are you just stupid?
BTW – Under Trump we were oil independent.
Maybe it’s just me but I’d go with “just stupid” with a whole lot of dishonesty.
Let Rimjob get back to cheering on the Hamas terrorists.

Mr L typed: Under Trump we were oil independent.
According to Trump. But a ridiculous claim. We were still importing oil. We were consuming more than we produced.
Mr Lewis
Have you considered teaching in our public schools ?
If you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem.
Dear H:
I would be happy to teach a high school class on the country’s history since 1945.
Aren’t you right-wing reactionaries SHOCKED that Brandon’s commie UN rep would DEMAND that the UN condemn Hamas??
And can you believe that Brandon (through Def Sec Lloyd Austin) is sending Navy vessels toward the Eastern Mediterranean? How much is that going to cost you taxpayers?
BTW, Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has killed at least 10,000 Ukrainian civilians, including nearly 1000 children. In addition, 6 million Ukrainians have fled Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children have been abducted by Russians. This is genocide. Russia is trying to rid the Earth of Ukrainians.
Not shocked at all after Brandon sent Iran 6 billion dollars and resumed funding of Hamas after Trump has stopped it. Gee, what nice guys..trying to save their asses …
Jl is lying to you. Iran’s $6 billion is held in Qatar.
But then, much of what a MAGAt believes is untrue.
Next, you’ll claim the Earth is not warming or even that Trump won the 2020 election!!
Next you’ll claim the earth is warming due to CO2 even in the absence of evidence! Oh, wait..you’ve already been doing that all along.
And dark Brandon has still sent millions to Hamas, a terrorist organization
from Charles Jaco
None of this justifies the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas (and Russia, for that matter).
Dear Elwood:
“Israel’s an apartheid state”
I’ve never known an apartheid state that allowed the “oppressed” to vote.
“Oppress people & they’ll explode”
Which is why Mexico is interested in making sure we bev their relief valve.
We’re certain you’ve seen the movie numerous times, but maybe rewatch Schindler’s List, to be reminded of man’s inhumanity toward man…
Dear Elwood:
A better view would be “Band of Brothers.”
Band of Brothers is excellent too.
Speaking of the MAGAts’ hatred of Islam because of the violent Islamists, note that the Nazis were “good Christians” who hated Jews, atheists and other non-Christians. Not all Muslims are murderers, just as all Christians were not murderers in the 40s.
Oskar Schindler was a Catholic who joined the Nazi Party, and saved over 1200 Jews from the Auschwitz death camp.
Dear Elwood:
“Not all Muslims are murderers, just as all Christians were not murderers in the 40s.”
The problem is that the so-called “moderate” Muslims do not even try to control the terrorists, whereas Christians and Jews put down Hitler.
Islam is not a religion. It is a political system.
BTW – Muslims in the ME supported HItler.
It’s as if Hairy doesn’t know that the USA also supports Hamas. We have been through various aid programs run by the state department and UN (American taxpayer funded) since the Obama administration.
As sure as night follows day…
Leftists Come Out in Support of Hamas Massacres, Send Money to Palestinians
Quelle surprise.

Bwaha! Lolgf
This should make Rimjob and johnnie boy proud.
[…] Pirates Cove reminds us that the Useless Nations IS that awful […]
Funny-under a photo like your “queers for Palestine”, someone put one up saying
“chickens for KFC”. Wonder if the clowns can figure it out…?
As the American left mobilizes here in support of the Muslims slaughtering Israelis I wonder if how would an AH are going to add Hamas flags come alongside their LGBT, black lives matter, CPR, Jake Rivera, and Ukrainian flags.
Remember when Elwood stated unequivocally he would rather have a muslim next door to him than one of us? Other than Bing terribly short sighted it was really tipping his hands the whose team he’s on but I guess if you can love you some Nazi Ukrainians you can love you some Nazi loving Muslims they’re all cut out of the same cloth. Besides as long as they’re killing Jews they’re good with Elwood. The only thing better would be killing Christians.
Seems all the Democrats little splinter groups are uniting to support the Muslims, good for you boys.
L.G. typed: Remember when Elwood stated unequivocally he would rather have a Muslim next door to him than one of us?
Still do. No contest. Muslims are nicer than MAGAts. We have a Muslim family just down from us.
The problems with MAGAts is that they will not/ can not reason. The Sunni fundamentalist group, Hamas (Sunni fundamentalist), controls Gaza. Israel is planning on invading Gaza and eliminating (killing) Hamas. Hope they do. But just as you ascribe all violence to young Black males, you hate all Muslims, not just Hamas, Hezbollah (Shia fundamentalist) and the Taliban (Sunni nationalist).
Hopefully nobody will tell them about the homos in your house.

Of course you still do. You think everybody’s nicer than the person who wants to make America great again. Right? You hate America so you’re gonna hate us naturally. And Muslims hate America and they gonna hate us too so you guys are natural allies.
And it doesn’t matter which sect of Islam they belong to they all believe and killing all the Jews and Christians just like you do apparently. They hate America and they hate Israel just like you do apparently. In reality you’d be more honest if you walked around with a Nazi armband on let everybody know where you stand on maggots and Muslims cause remember the Muslims are allies to the Nazis. And it didn’t matter what sector Muslim it was they were all allies.
Once again you project when you state that we can’t or won’t reason. You’re the ones who are looking at the facts the people murdering other people and saying you’d rather have their type living next to you he must really hate America deep down.
When it comes to reason loving and protecting the people who enable the killers it’s just as bad as loving and protecting the killers and that’s what you are an enabler. I think I liked you better when you were just concentrating on murdering babies in the womb.
I have no evidence that my Muslim neighbors hate America. After all, they immigrated here. They chose America. You’ve threatened to harm me and my family, but they haven’t. So yes, they are less a danger than you are.
Not every sect of Christianity believes in killing all Muslims like you do. MAGA fundamentalists tend to be the most violent, blowing up clinics, hating immigrants, bellowing “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”, planning rebellion and politicizing religion.
You use events to support your bigotries. To you: All black men are killers because some are. All Muslims are murderers because some are. But it’s easy.
You probably realize that Hitler courted Arabs but despised them as inferior (non-white).
Dear Elwood:
The question is this.
Did they come because they wanted to live in a country that has freedom of religion as its base or did they come because they wanted a better physical life?
I’ve asked several Muslims why and the answer is always the latter.
Yes and yes.
First of all I have never threatened to harm you or your family. I resent you even saying something stupid like that.
I presume you prescribed to the “some of the Nazis were good” philosophy. I guess the Nazis that lived in Germany and ran their shops and went to work every day and paid their taxes and didn’t hurt anybody and didn’t kill Jews would be like nice Muslim neighbors to you because you know they’re just nicer than MAGAt’s.
So to you some Nazis were good folks and some Muslims are good folks just cause Nazi philosophy was to kill all the Jews and Muslim philosophy is to kill all the Jews means no difference to you in your unreasonable mind. Thank you very much for making your position clear. I guess you’d rather live next to a Nazi than a MAGA. Aren’t you the open minded hater after all.
I don’t know of any Christian sect that believes in killing all Muslims. Do you? It’s an individual calling since I don’t believe that you can pick and choose the good from the bad either in Muslims or in Nazis or in communists. They’re all dripping in blood and they kill everybody that disagrees with in fact most of you leftists do.
Actually I believe it’s people like you who use events to support your bigotries. After all it’s you who believes in a couple thousand middle class Americans completely unarmed doing a peaceful March at the capitol building or somehow an insurrection if you believe that you’ll believe anything.
Anyway right now as your Muslim/Nazi friends bombard and murder Israelis at will you sit here and pontificate about how wonderful it is to have a Muslim neighbor who saved you from having to live next to a patriotic white Christian American. Such a lucky man.
If the Muslims attacked the United states like they’re attacking Israel and the Rockets were landing and the bombs were bursting just whose side do you think that Muslim next door to you would be on? He would be screaming allahu Akbar as he slit your throat. If you don’t know that you don’t know Jack.
You are a boy and as such I can fully understand why you love other bullies like Muslims and Nazis and communists and such. You have no compassion for anyone who disagrees with you just like Muslims. You don’t even try to understand people who are different than you just like Nazis. And you want to eliminate people who will bow down to your desires just like communists. All bullies all out of the same mold and you are exactly one of them.
Now that having Joe Biden as president has tilted the world off its axis and we have wars going on all over the place that would not exist if trump were president you can sit here and tell us how wonderful Joe Biden is a president. Fact is if trump were in the White House you none this shit would be happening.
Brandon is the worst president we’ve ever had and he’s leading America into complete destruction. And fools like you are leading the way with him.
Hamas terrorist added to panel of ‘The View’. Seems about right…..
Allahu ackbar!
The Muslim next door.

Bwaha! Lolgf