If you tell everyone it’s a world ending crisis, if you teach them that it is a world ending crisis, if the news and politicians are constantly bleating doom and gloom (while using vast amounts of fossil fuels themselves), what you end up is people who are constantly in a state of mental illness, be it rage or depression, and no one will suffer more than the youts being indoctrinated
Climate change can have ‘lifelong impacts’ on young people’s mental health, report says
Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health, according to a new report from the American Psychological Association.
Written in collaboration with the climate advocacy organization ecoAmerica, the report documents how environmental events linked to climate change – including weather disasters, extreme heat and poor air quality – can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues for kids and teens.
So, written essentially by the people pimping extreme doom and gloom. It’s like Hamas writing a report claiming they are not terrorists
Natural disasters can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder in these groups, the report says. Longer-term problems like heat, drought and poor air quality can increase the risks of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, aggression, cognitive impairment and more.
“The report documents psychological harms that are happening right now to the children and youth in our country,” Dr. Dennis P. Stolle, the association’s senior director of applied psychology who reviewed the report, wrote in an email to CNN. “These are not issues that we can wait and resolve later. As a society, we must act now.”
Natural disasters have always happened, will always happen. The youts are being taught to freak out over them.
According to Dr. Sue Clayton, a professor of psychology at the College of Wooster and the report’s lead author, climate change-related weather events leave kids more vulnerable to mental health consequences because young people might not have the coping strategies that adults do.
Well, there used to be parents, teachers, politicians, etc, who helped the teens cope. Now they get the kids to freak.
Health care professionals could also screen early and regularly for climate-related distress among youth. Stolle says a greater number of clinical psychologists are treating people with anxiety about climate change.
“Clinical psychologists are finding themselves on the frontlines of treating the patients who are suffering from these concerns,” he wrote in his email.
Instead of telling them to chill, that it is not the end of the world, they perpetuated the scam, leading to the need for more mental health treatment. Nice scam.

Oh, puhleeze, let’s tell the truth here:
global warmingclimatechangeemergency has already has a long-term impact on mental health! The activists are just bat [insert slang vulgarity for feces here] insane!Psychologists, therapists and counselors will tell you that the vast majority of their clients are democrats. How much longer term mental health concerns can they have on top of the lifetime relationship they have with therapists already? Good thing US universities are churning out bunches of these.
How could one not lose their minds agonizing over “possible” sugar shortages and beer tasting bad? There’s only so much humans can take…
The climate scam is merely helping highlight the persistent scientific ignorance of the Left.
Their inability to do anything but accept the simplistic beliefs of hacks and frauds because they are unable to evaluate information absent emotional arguments.
Their willingness to accept their “science” which is nothing but Madison Avene PR and commercialism by entrenched powers that have figured out how to profit from panic.
Their inability to project the damage to their way of life that will be caused by the so-called solutions that are being marketed to them (like beer, potato chips, soft drinks, or cigarettes are marketed.)
The economic and engineering insanity of some of the “solutions” that are being used as a basis for hiking their taxes and deepening the national debt, while siphoning off billions to powerful special interests.
All due to their collective low IQ and the failure of our public education system to teach them how to think and reason.
They find it so much easier to read the ridiculous headlines of corrupt media and run around in a panic, screaming and shouting.