Too bad the poll didn’t ask questions like “do you think Israel should be eradicated” and “do you hate Jews”?
Democrats support Palestinians over Israel, GOP overwhelmingly stands with US ally: 2023 poll
More Democrats in the United States support Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank than Israel, the closest U.S. ally in the Middle East, according to a 2023 poll.
Democratic sympathies for Palestinians has increased over the last decade, and a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.
The attitudes from March reflected a continued decline in Israeli support, from 40% to 38% and an 11-point surge of support for Palestinian people, from 38% to 49%.
More Independents support Israel (49%) than Palestinians (32%). Nineteen percent said they did not favor one side over the other, according to Gallup.
I wonder if lots of the purple haired college students flying Palestinian flags and saying how evil Israel and the Jews are would be willing to go over there and talk about their social justice and LGBTQ stuff?
Americans generally support Israel (54%) than Palestinians (31%), with only 15% having no preference, the poll found.
That’s a pretty disturbing number, which shows we are letting in way too many from Muslim countries who do not share our values, and too many kiddies have been indoctrinated to hate Israel
The horror in Israel has put the failure of Western multiculturalism on shocking display
Several years ago, I was chairing a panel of writers talking about motherhood when an Orthodox Jewish author made an observation I have never forgotten. Twins were not viewed as a blessing in her community, Sally said.
“Because when they come for you, it’s too hard to pick up both of them and run.” The other mums on the panel were stunned into silence. When they come for you, the Jewish mother said, not if.
On Saturday October 7, Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky realised that “they” had come for them. Gunmen were breaking down the door of their house in a kibbutz not far from the border with Gaza.
They stuck the 10 month old twins in a safe room, and then the Hamas animals killed them. Israel soldiers found the twins, who are now orphans.
On Monday night, while Rishi Sunak was taking a robust and much-appreciated stand at Finchley United Synagogue, alongside the Chief Rabbi, with a plain-speaking approach the BBC would do well to emulate (“They are not militants. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists!”), thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators staged a rally outside the Israeli embassy.
It was a dismaying sight, repellent in its callousness. A young Jewish woman I know attempted to reach the embassy to show her solidarity, but she was terrified and driven away. Guidance from the Metropolitan Police on this matter was so bland it amounted to a surrender IOU.
“We are engaging with protesters in Kensington High Street We encourage those taking part to do so safely and responsibly,” burbled our capital’s police force, “Do not put yourself or others at risk of injury by climbing street furniture or buildings. Officers will take action if any criminal activity occurs.”
Well, as Hamas is a proscribed organisation under the Terror Act 2000, and it is a criminal offence to support them, the coppers should have been busy making hundreds of arrests, but they largely hung back.
It’s a very, very long piece, well worth the read, and essentially shows that the West made a huge mistake letting in all these people, legally and illegally, who’s values are completely incompatible with Western values, who sympathize with the terrorist version of Islam, who despise Jews and want Israel destroyed, and want to destroy the Western nations, both by violence and by subversion. Look at all the no-go zones. The violence. Having their own Sharia police. Enforcing their own laws. Grooming and raping young women and men. Banding together to put their own people into political office to help change laws towards Islamic law.
Interestingly, as I wrote many times when I blogged more about this issue, the Islamists conned Democrats into supporting their extremist views as started by the Muslim Brotherhood, even though they stand in stark opposition to Democrat values. And liberal, Green, Conservative (both UK and US, which are different), and most any party that supports a Democracy Model government.

Surprise: FOX and Teach present a 7 month old poll as current. No one supports the murder of civilians except Hamas.
The “Palestinians” in Gaza and the West Bank have legitimate grievances. Hamas committed vile, horrific acts and must be destroyed. Both of these things are true.
And of course, the American far-right leaps to politicize this barbarity, with Teach crying against American “multiculturism”. Never let a tragedy go to waste.
But it’s the American far-right talking about armed rebellion against America, including the murder of their perceived “enemies”.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
To destroy Hamas is to destroy Gaza. Hamas are Gaza, and Gaza are Hamas. In the last ‘Palestinian’ election, Hamas won the plurality, 44%, in a manner which entitled them, to 75% of the seats in the ‘Palestinian’ ‘parliament.’ Fatah, the old PLO, won 41% of the vote.
Naturally, Fatah didn’t accept this, and fought with Hamas; in 2007, Hamas won the ‘Battle of Gaza,’ took control of the area, and expelled the Fatah people. In Gaza alone, Hamas won 60% of the vote.
That was 16 years ago, and Gaza schools have been thoroughly taken over by Hamas’ “from the River to the Sea” philosophy; an entire generation of students have been indoctrinated to hate Israel, to hate Jews in generat, and to want to kill all of the Jews.
During the last war we actually won, we bombed Germany and Japan until Hell wouldn’t have it anymore, because German civilians, whether Nazis or not, were still part of the Third Reich’s war machinery, producing the food, refined fuels, uniforms, boots, weapons, aircraft, ammunition, and everything else that the Wehrmacht needed to fight the war. We bombed the Japanese cities, then moved to firebombing of them, and finally the two atomic bombs, because the civilians were just as important to Japan’s war effort as the German civilians were to theirs.
Guerrilla fighters like Hamas depend upon the ‘civilians’ in Gaza for almost everything: food, clothing, shelter, hiding from Israeli surveillance, transportation, and weapons shipments. More, Hamas depend upon the civilian population to spawn and grow more Hamas fighters! They are inextricably linked.
To destroy Hamas is to destroy most of the adults in Gaza, and even not a few of their children. We so thoroughly terrorized the German and Japanese civilians that almost none of the boys growing up toward fighting age wanted to take up arms themselves to renew the struggle.
Colonel Trautman: “We can’t have you out there, wasting friendly civilians.”
John Rambo: “There are no friendly civilians!“
Mr Dana typed: To destroy Hamas is to destroy Gaza. Hamas are Gaza, and Gaza are Hamas.
Well, no. Why not just destroy Gaza? Use tactical nukes to level the place. Turn the desert to glass. Lebanon too. Iran. Sterilize the West Bank. Teach the world a lesson.
What does Hamas do to Gaza residents who oppose them? How did the Nazis handle internal opponents? Did every Japanese support Japan in WWII? What’s the half-life of Putin’s opponents?
The torture and murder of dissidents is an effective tool for controlling a population. Israel estimates that the Hamas army is 30,000 men.
That said, Israel has little choice but to charge into Gaza and root out Hamas. As Mr Trump would say, Hamas is “very smart” to take hundreds of hostages into the bowels of Gaza, relying on the humanity of Israel and the West. They will likely discover they miscalculated.
The nobly liberal Mr Dowd wrote:
Your statement is not just untrue, but almost self-delusional. There are plenty of people — let’s call them BLM for short — who have no problem with “the murder of civilians” if they happen to be civilians they don’t like.
Perhaps you’ll recall Da’ish, more commonly called ISIS in the West, who have been more than happy to chuck “civilians” off of multi-story buildings, if those civilians happened to copulate with the wrong person. Perhaps you’ll remember the genocide between the Hutus and Tutsi, or the Armenians, or what happened in the Shoah.
We have plenty of images today, of dolts, idiots, and Democrats rallying in support of the Palestinians and Hamas, in New York City, in Detroit, in London, in Genoa. And the St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee is planning a “Palestine Solidarity Protest” beginning at the City Hall, 1200 Market Street, at 6:00 PM tomorrow.
BLM Chicago apologized for and took down the outrageously cruel figure.
Many groups oppose Palestinian oppression but decry the terrorism. As has been pointed out, these are two separate issues, that spill over into mutual hatred.
Others, like Mr Dana, call for Palestinian genocide.
You cannot say you stand with Israel and still continue to vote for Democrats.
Yet Rimjob still makes excuses.
SpitRoasted typed: You cannot say you stand with Israel and still continue to vote for Democrats.
More stoopid than usual… The Israelis seem pleased with President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken (who is Jewish). America stands with Israel, even if all Americans do not (but that’s freedom).
We get that our pathetic right-wing brethren want to use this terrorist attack to help get their dicktater-in-waiting back in office.
Our good friend from west of Illinois wrote:
They did . . . because they made the mistake of telling us the truth about themselves, and it wasn’t helpful to their cause. That doesn’t mean that they changed their support for the terrorists, but that they realized it was better not to advertise it so blatantly.
That’s because “many groups who oppose Palestinian oppression” believe the two are separable; they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that they haven’t been in the past, and are unlikely to be in the future.
Just like our brethren to the right of center, left wingers often err to the extreme in their exclamations.
Our dear friend to the right of Missouri alleges that BLM supports terrorism. No more than American rightists support abortion clinic bombings and shootings (eg, terrorism).
Hey, remember the Atlanta bomber, far right-wing, white supremacist, anti-abortion, Christian Identity terrorist Eric Rudolph, who survived for 5 years on the lam with the support of North Carolinians to the right of Kentucky.
LOL! The aggrieved man north of Arkansas wrote:
When was the last time that happened? We had BLM riots in Philadelphia just last month!
Mr Rudolph’s crimes occurred last century, and he was captured in 2003; you couldn’t come up with anything more recent than that?
The 2024 Republican candidate for President called Hezbollah “very smart” and that Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Biden were at fault, not Hamas.
In his defense, the esteemed Mr Trump’s sixth grade vocabulary and thought processes do not supply him the tools to discuss this heinous attack in a rational manner.
To my Jewish friends: why do you keep voting for people who hate you?
It’s amusing how Elwood would rather make a big ado over some statement of Trump’s as usual than the actual murdering of civilians by Hamas or by any other Muslim.
Unlike leftists we don’t feel it’s necessary for us to always disagree with statements made by people that we disagree with. We understand that you communist have to March in lockstep with each other and you can never disagree we have a great much more freedom in our party. Which is why unlike you we don’t try and control other people’s speech through censorship and calling it hate speech and such.
On the other hand it is quite alarming that you always manage the side with the guys who like to commit the atrocities. Be it the atrocity of abortion, of child mutilation, supporting homo groomers in grade schools, siding with Nazis in the Ukraine, or now with Hamas any other Muslims who you’d rather live next door to.
Your poor morals guide you through life and they’ve guided you to where you are right now a big fat puss filled Muslim loving anti semite communist.
Trump had Iran on the ropes with the wipeout of Qassam Suleimani. But then we all know what happened next. If elections have consequences, stolen elections are in a whole other category in that regard. The Iranian regime has been at war with us, Israel and the west in general since Jimmy Carter allowed the Shah to be overthrown. Not protecting him and subsequently not doing everything we could to remove the mullahs was one of the gravest mistakes we have ever made. And now? They are on the verge of being nuclear capable, thanks primarily to Obama and Biden.
You refused to side with Trump even when he’s right and that’s your weakness. Lol lol
It’s your right as an American to continue to suck Trump’s mushroom.
Spare me the Trump Tourette’s syndrome and all your other bullshit because if you believe that bullshit, then you do not and cannot stand with Israel.
Fuck off, chubby.
The fossil fuel countries.
Led by the Saudis, Russians and Iran.
Trump the presumed GOP nominee is heavily supported by both Russia and the Saudis.
Which countries have said they support Israel? The Biden coalition that is fighting Russia (armed by N Korea China and Iran)
You can judge the character of countries by whom their friends sre
To my Christian friends: why would you vote for someone like Trump who is friends with countries like Russia China N Korea, that support Hamas ?
To Carbon boy-why would you vote for someone who has been supporting Hamas since taking office, as in grandpa Brandon?
Why would you vote for someone who supports Iran, probably the biggest supporter of Hamas, as in grandpa Brandon? Johnny, as usual, can’t see the forest for the trees….
Since the USA gave various groups in Gaza and the West bank over $350 million last year alone, it is arguable that Iran is a distant second supporter of Hamas. Biden funds Hamas directly so the 6 Billion he gave Iran goes farther.
You have no Christian friends real Christians are not friends with communists.
HAHAHA. As if Hairy had any Christian friends.
You cannot say you stand with Israel and still continue to vote for Democrats.
Yet Rimjob still makes excuses.
There is a very basic and simple reason why the LEFT is supporting Israel this time around and it goes beyond the victimhood of Israel by Hamas.
Ukraine…Is drawing down our military stocks and supplies.
Israel will soon be begging for more military aid to reach them in their three-pronged war against Lebanon, Gaza, and Syrian fighters soon to be joined by Egypt.
Does anyone here even understand what is truly going on right now?
Quick overview. Israel and Saudia Arabia are trying to find peace and are in the end stages of normalizing relations. Saudia Arabia is the capital and leader of over 80 percent of ALL MUSLIMS. The Minority? IRAN and much of Pakistan and Iraq.
Now Iran cannot let Israel and Saudia Arabia form friendships that will leech over into most of the rest of the Muslim countries of the world. Ergo a secret war funded in large part by IRAN with proxy money coming from CHINA and RUSSIA.
This war is meant to draw down the stockpiles of military equipment the USA and NATO have on hand, knowing it will take them forever to replace these. In the meantime, this means less pressure on the Emerging USSR and China is in a position to attack Taiwan while the USA is embroiled in Ukraine and Israel.
It is no secret that China means to attack Taiwan in 2024. This is but an opening Salvo of that war preventing the USA from lifting a finger to help.
There is much more at stake here than just angry local Muslims bitch slapping Jews. That is why they beheaded women and children. Burned people alive and did as much as they could to arouse the west into a frenzy.
CHINA is orchestrating this to bring an end to the USA empire facing off against a nation that has said they inted to rule the world by 2045.
So if the USA was smart they would be unmothballing Battleships, carriers and Destroyers and retrofiting them with modern anti-ship and anti-air missiles to prepare for the onslaught that is soon to be China razing the planet right beside, Iran, Pakistan and Russia.
But of course we won’t. We are too busy paying the MIC trillions to fight proxy wars blind to what the hell is really going on in this world.