Well, Biden did miss his opportunity to threaten Hamas when it first came to light that they were holding Americans hostage. Would Trump have made threats? There’s a good chance. Otherwise, most presidents over the past 50 years, excluding Reagan, would probably have not made threats. At this point, it’s too late
Blinken says US exploring all options to bring Americans taken by Hamas home
Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir on Thursday and discussed how the U.S. is working to free the Americans who were taken by Hamas during last weekend’s attack.
Blinken stressed that the U.S. is exploring all options in getting the American citizens who were taken by Hamas forces back safely, however, he would not say if those plans included using U.S. Special Forces.
“I’m not going to get into the specifics of what we’re looking at considering, unfortunately, [that] we have a lot of experience with this over the years,” he told Muir. “And President Biden has always been determined in these situations, to explore every possible option. That’s what we’re doing.”
Blinken noted that the U.S. is working with other countries “who may have relationships, who may have influence, [or] who may have leverage, with Hamas to use that leverage, in favor of getting the hostages home, and getting them out.”
I can’t even expressly blast Biden, because most admins around the world wouldn’t make threats, and the US can’t just send in the military when we do not know where those hostages are. Political leadership is just too “civilized” to do that anymore, even when dealing with murderous animals. Governments like to talk a lot but not say much. Meanwhile, Biden is heading to Philly to yammer about Bidenomics and green jobs, then going to stop in New Castle, Delaware for some reason before heading back to D.C. What’s the over/under that he just stays at his Delaware house for the weekend?
Biden Faces Hard Choices on American Hostages in Gaza
President Biden is faced with the thorny reality that American citizens are among the hostages Hamas terrorists kidnapped and took into Gaza over the weekend, but the U.S. government doesn’t know exactly how many of its citizens are in that situation or where they are. (snip)
Beyond confirming that some of the hostages are US citizens, White House officials had few other details about them or what options for their rescue are available to Biden.
“We do not know about their condition and we cannot confirm a precise number of American hostages,” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters at the White House. More than 20 American citizens who were in Israel are missing, Sullivan said, but it is unclear how many among those are being held captive by Hamas. (snip)
If the U.S. is able to locate any of the Americans being held by Hamas, a U.S. rescue mission would be incredibly complex and dangerous for U.S. military personnel and any civilians on the ground in the densely populated Gaza Strip, which is currently under regular barrage by Israeli missiles. Also, the kidnappers may be holding U.S. citizens alongside Israeli captives, leaving open the question of which country would lead such an operation.
The civilians on the ground, meaning Gaza residents, are supporters of Hamas. In that previous article Blinken stated
He also noted that Hamas is using Palestinians in Gaza as “human shields.”
“One of the many tragedies that Hamas inflicts on people is the tragedy it’s inflicted on the Palestinian people, including all the good people in Gaza,” he said. “Instead of using the resources that are at its disposal to actually better their lives, what has it done? It’s used almost all of its resources for terrorist tunnels and rockets to attack Israel.”
They are willing human shields. They cheer when Hamas attacks and kills Jews. Are any of them ratting out where the hostages are? So, to Hell with the “civilians on the ground”. They made their bed. The US would tell Israel “we know where our folks are, we are going in kick ass and get our people out.” Most likely, if we find were they are the Biden admin will do nothing. Just like in Afghanistan.

The increasingly strident Teach typed: The civilians on the ground, meaning Gaza residents, are supporters of Hamas… They are willing human shields… Most likely, if we find where they are, the Biden admin will do nothing… So, to Hell with the “civilians on the ground”.
Hamas has told the civilians to stay put, but the roads are filled with Gaza residents fleeing south.
No doubt, ex-president Trump finds Hamas “very smart” for seizing hostages, especially the Americans.
The 2 million or so civilians crammed into the approx 7 x 19 mile Gaza strip didn’t choose to be poor and oppressed.
The civilians in Gaza that Teach wants to slaughter are victims of Israel, Egypt, the US and Hamas.
Hamas is the enemy. They will kill the Palestinians in Gaza to save themselves and continue their murder of Jews.
And Trump is correct Hamas is very smart for grabbing potential hostages sense the dumbass biden has made it perfectly clear America will pay for hostages now, it is his new priority.
Demo communists like yourself are lining up to support Hamas you’re sitting here trying to confuse the issue. You’re trying to blame trump for what biden’s doing. Here’s one of your friendly next door neighbor Muslims Elwood:
the civilians in Gaza shouldn’t be in Gaza unless they’re part of the Palestinian front. Saying the civilians in Gaza are victims of Israel Egypt and the US is one of the stupidest things you’ve ever stated here. The civilians in Gaza are the enablers and enforcers of Muslim terrorism attempting to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth I believe is the exact quote. Stay in your lane you Nazi.
Here are some more of your fellow Democrats Elwood:https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oITn6MV_PxM?feature=share
you’d be out there feeding the terrorists as they behead the babies. You Democrats love killing babies.
Dear Elwood:
“The 2 million or so civilians crammed into the approx 7 x 19 mile Gaza strip didn’t choose to be poor and oppressed.”
Whether they chose or not the fact is they have made no effort to change their rulers. They have bought into the lies and while they would like to be let alone while their radicals kill non-Muslims it isn’t going to happen.
It is past time to tell the Muslim world: If you do not stop the killing we will do it for you. Sorry if some of you get killed in the process but that happens.
You cannot say you stand with Israel and still continue to vote for Democrats.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Actually, Trump said Hizbollah was very smart. He specifically said it to indicate that they were paying attention to what was going on in the world and would have plans to exploit conditions for their benefit. Trump does not buy into the idea that Islamic terrorist groups are all mindless monkeys incapable of rational thought. This should be the default opinion by everyone who has an IQ over 85. This is seen by Anti-Trump people as “TRUMP SUPPORTS TERRORISM!”. Just like when Trump calls the Ukraine to crack down on corruption and gets impeached by the party of people who support corruption in Ukraine.
I wish the people trapped in Palestine well.
But they knew before going something bad might happen.
If you don’t want to get burned stay away from the fire.
Are you saying the Americans killed, and the ones kidnapped, are to blame for their situation?
In that case do you agree with Mr Teach (and perhaps Israel) that Gaza be sterilized of all human life?
Would you recommend tanks outfitted flame throwers and the “animals” can choose to be burned alive or marched into the Mediterranean to drown!!
Are you like 12?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
No, Muslim occupants are to blame for the deaths and other hideous crimes.
But the Americans who went there shouldn’t expect us to demand they be released via ransom.
That just insures more kidnapping.
Life is cruel.
Not everyone living in Gaza supports Hamas.
Certainly you don’t think that Hamas has 100% of the population supporting it. And thusly deserves to die
Without electricity patients including babies in Gaza will die. If Ghaza is destroyed Hamas will gain another complete generation of Israeli haters.
Look at how much radical islam benefitted from our invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan
“Not everyone living in Gaza supports Hamas.”
Not everyone in Germany and Japan supported their leaders.
But since they didn’t, or couldn’t, change them they suffered.
Life is cruel. Bad things happen to good people all the time.
Johnny, still clueless-look how radical Islam benefited from Brandon sending Hamas millions of dollars. Can’t see the forest for the trees again?
Mr H wrote:
Just as not every German was a Nazi, yet we bombed Nazis and other Germans regardless, because they were all part of the Nazi’s war machine. The guy making boots for the Heer is as much a part of the war machine as the soldier with the rifle; without boots, the soldier can’t fight. The man working in the munitions factory might not be a Nazi, but without ammunition, the army could not fight. If killing 1,000 men working in the munitions factory deprives 30,000 soldiers of bullets, it is more important to kill those 1,000 men, while destroying their factory, than killing those 30,000 soldiers at the front.
If Gaza is completely destroyed, and those 2 million Arabs moved out, or killed, then Israel can annex that land, use it, and remove it as a base of operation for the terrorists. That’s what should have been done in 1967, but wasn’t.
Not everyone working in the World Trade Centers on 9/11 supported the USA. In fact many people that died that day were not even American Citizens. Still they died in the attacks.
Not everyone certainly supports HAMAS and H says this is okay.
NOT everyone supports 140 billion going to Ukraine for a proxy war with Russia yet we are evil for thinking this way.
Nothing is black and white with the exception that Donald Trump is being targeted by the UNI_PARTY of Dems and Repubs who wish him gone.
Today the democrats and republicans have banded together to fund Ukraine’s lost cause.
Tomorrow they will ban together for the lost cause of rooting out Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran.
The exciteable Lindsay Graham who is a well known supporter of the MIC says we should BOMB…BOMB…BOMB….BOMBBOMB I R A N!!!!!!
Kill them all and let God sort it out later.
It is amazing how Trump has united the country to be war mongers since he himself wants peace and for people to stop dying.
The Uniparty also known as Democrats and Dem LITES have become war mongers because Trump is NOT.
MAGA is all about making America great again and that does not happen if we are funding wars all over the fuking planet because both groups now are so Deranged against MAGA TRUMPIANS that they would behead babies with drone strikes to keep him out of the White House.
One is not “evil” for supporting Russia’s war on Ukraine, just short-sighted.
Many Americans would welcome a Russian victory. Many Americans believe the US should spend much less overseas. Many Americans go along with whatever Trump supports. And many Americans would prefer the US isolate itself more from the rest of the world. Obviously, there is considerable overlap among these groups.
Dear Elwood:
No, Muslim occupants are to blame for the deaths and other hideous crimes.
But the Americans who went there shouldn’t expect us to demand they be released via ransom.
That just insures more kidnapping.
Life is cruel.
What, exactly, does “all options” include?
Sadly, President Reagan, who told us that the United States would never negotiate with terrorists, did just that, trading arms for hostages held by Hezbollah, and it worked: Iran got the weapons, and Hezbollah released the hostages. But, having established that we would pay to get hostages released, Hezbollah simply took others.
In more recent history, President Biden traded an arms dealer that Vladimir Putin wanted back for a basketball player dumb enough to take drugs into a Russian airport. And just a bit ago, Mr Biden traded $6 billion in frozen funds for prisoners held in Iran, though he seems to have been able to subsequently freeze those funds.
So, will the United States once again ransom American hostages? Will the US give Hamas money, which they can use to buy more weapons?
With places like Iran and North Korea, I have said that if an American is stupid enough to go there, they should be completely on their own. When it comes to Israel, someplace every American should try to visit, I can’t say the same. But, at the same time, it is wiser to kill Hamas’ leadership than rescue Americans. Even our good friend from St Louis understands that Hamas is an incurable plague, and needs to be irradicated.
Thou shalt not kill!
Dream on, suckers.
All is fair in love and war.
Kill for peace!
Kill, kill, kill for peace – The Fugs, Kill For Peace