I love when Democrats tell us about all the poor civilians just in the way when they do this
Owners of the pizzeria currently rethinking their advertising ideas "Israel destroys Palestinian pizzeria that used photo of elderly hostage in advert" https://t.co/RctO9fpx6M
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 13, 2023
There’s a photo of the senior who was forced to pose with a Hamas member, who was too chickenshit to show his face
Israel has destroyed a Palestinian pizzeria that used a picture of an elderly woman held hostage by Hamas in its advertising.
A bulldozer was seen flattening the pizzeria, called Eiffel Bakery and Supermarket, in footage recorded in the West Bank town of Huwara.
Barbarism has consequences.
How Gaza’s wealthiest neighbourhood was flattened overnight
Before the war, it was the most upscale neighbourhood in Gaza City, with vibrant shops, cafés, ice cream parlours and a view on to the Mediterranean.
Today it stands largely in ruins after ferocious Israeli bombardment, in a clear sign that no part of Gaza will be safe in the coming weeks and months of conflict.
Residents of Rimal simply could not believe it when they first heard word that the area was being targeted. While the Palestinian enclave has for 16 years been overcrowded, blockaded and gripped by humanitarian crises, middle-class Rimal was about as close as it could get to being Gaza City’s own Islington. (snip)
In a new tactic, Israel is warning civilians to evacuate entire Gaza neighbourhoods, rather than just individual buildings, then levelling large swaths in waves of airstrikes.
It’s these types of neighborhoods that often serve as storage for Hamas weapons. Big civilian areas. They are learning all about f*** around and find out.
“We will not allow a reality in which Israeli children are murdered,” Yoav Gallant, the defence minister, said in a meeting with soldiers near the southern border on Tuesday. “I have removed every restriction – we will eliminate anyone who fights us, and use every measure at our disposal.”
When is the last time Israel simply went hardcore like this? Did they do this during the 1st or 2nd Intifada uprisings? Maybe not since the Yom Kippur war in 1973. I think the Islamist terrorists finally just pushed Israel too far. Perhaps they thought that other Islamic terrorist groups and/or Islamic nations would join in, but, that’s not happening.
BREAKING: Hamas publishes footage of its fighters keeping Israeli children as human shields in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/AvhLj3WOwH
— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) October 13, 2023
This is whom Democrats are defending.

Mr Teach: Perhaps they (Hamas) thought that other Islamic terrorist groups and/or Islamic nations would join (attack Israel)
Perhaps the muscular response from Israel and Brandon dissuaded the other terrorist groups.
Even Hezbollah’s biggest American cheerleader wasn’t inducement enough.
Although the American far-right wants the United States to end its support for Israel, the American far-right doesn’t have the political strength to do so. Yet.
Hamas sort of screwed up the American far-right narrative. Avoid foreign entanglements!! Pull external military support (start with Ukraine)!! But cheer on Israel killing all moslems!!
Our medicine man from Missouri wrote:
Well, you’ve called me far right before, and I’ve even mocked myself as an evil reich-wing extremist, but I absolutely support Israel. I do not think that we should take any direct action, and we probably won’t, because Israel is very capable of defending herself. I assume that there will be some weapons replacement after the war is over.
Seems to me that you have made a straw man argument, put up what you believe we evil reich-wing extremists believe, and then want to knock it down. Do better.
Our cement head friend far to the right of Missouri accuses us of making a straw man argument!
Which of the three statements is false?
Got your little panties in a wad, hey Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Please, I was a concrete producer; cement, a grey powder, is just one ingredient in concrete!
Our apologies to our resident concrete head, far to the right of Missouri.
Dear Elwood:
Here’s why we don’t need Muslims.
“According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%). ..”
Islamophobe JL typed: Here’s why we don’t need Muslims.
JL reaches back in time to an 8 year old survey of 600 Muslims sponsored by famous Muslim-hater Frank Gaffney and his Islamophobic Center for Security Policy (CSP), where about 50% surveyed “believe” in sharia law.
o fizzucking what? Over 50% of Republicans “believe” that Trump won in 2020. That’s why we don’t need Republicans.
More Islamophobic trash from Gaffney:
We fully understand that the American far-right gets hard for the 2nd Amendment but should be reminded that our 1st Amendment includes: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; , so no matter how much you Conservative Caucasian Christians (CCC) hate Muslims, you cannot legally kill them or even deport them for their beliefs.
Pffft! Another irrelevant copy&paste from Rimjob.
(Are there any other kind?)
Mommy can read it to you, SpitRoast!
Dear Elwood:
Here’s why.
Most American murders are committed by Christians.
This is why America doesn’t need Christians.
Looks like Rimjob is running out of stupid things to post.
[…] William Teach: Bummer: Israel Flattening Gaza’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods. And Horrible Pizza Parlor […]
Our esteemed host wrote:
Perhaps it is because they have finally realized that kicking a little butt and then agreeing to a cease-fire has just not worked in the past.
Unless Israel wants to keep fighting and keep fighting the same battles over and over and over again, she needs to crush her enemies completely, so that they cannot rise again.
Iran did NOT use the $6 billion held in Qatar to fund Hamas.
Hamas did NOT use US weapons from the Afghanistan Taliban, but rather Russian AK-47s and Russian and Chinese 50 Cal mounted machine guns.
I ran most certainly use $6 billion on guitar for funding amas all they have to do is pledge it. Secondly if they did you wouldn’t know it anyhow because you close your eyes to all the things your brothers in arms do to kill Jews cause you’re a Jew killing yourself. Finally Hamas used any weapons he could get including weapons from the from the Taliban in Afghanistan. I saw photographs of them. And now you’re gonna tell me that that wasn’t what I saw.
Like most leftists you have a blistering ability to ignore the truth even when it hits you in the face. Your allies the Muslims are out to kill everybody that won’t become a Muslim it’s in their book read it and learn. You’re such a douche.
You have spent your life aligning yourself with communists, nazis, muslims, terrorists, anti Christians, anti semites, anti Americans, anti whites. It’s what you are you are the antithesis of evil. Every group you admire is rooted in evil and death from abortionist to Muslim terrorists. And every boot group you hate is rooted in life from Christians and Jews to straits and patriots.
Right at this very moment on Saturday afternoon I’m watching your friends your allies your supporters protesting for Palestine. and that dumb assed president of yours that you inserted into office by theft and fraud is causing this whole thing to happen. None of this would be occurring right now if Trump were president.
Remember when Elwood and the other leftists asked the snide question why would we need an AR15?
this is just a kind of crap I was referring to when I stated that the left keeps redefining words and trying to make things worse than they are like killing women and children in war is a war crime. Killing women and children in war is as common as farting. It’s been done since the dawn of time. It’s impossible to fight an enemy without killing women and children. And here’s what I meant by my little statement:
“The View” co-host Sunny Hostin claimed Friday that Israel was committing “war crimes” by cutting off electricity to Gaza after deadly terrorist attacks rocked the country over the weekend.
“I do think that what we need to remember is that there is an international human rights body of law, and when you look at that law, part of it is that retaliation against innocent civilians collectively is also terror and is also a war crime,” Hostin told fellow panelists. “And, again, those are not my words, those are the words of the law.”
More of elwood’s murdering friends living in America thriving off the American system just like Elwood did living a great wonderful life while hating us and everything about our country. Just a bunch of communists and Nazis and Muslim enablers.
that was supposed to be the antithesis of good. I’ve taken to dictating rather than typing and sometimes it does not come out well.
Contrary to Rimjob’s bullshit.
Contrary to SpitRoast‘s and the tRump-adoring, and confirmed liar, VDH‘s obvious bullshit…
Iran received $46,000,000,000 (that’s $46 BILLION for arithmetically-challenged connies) from oil revenues. Most of the build-up by Hamas in Gaza occurred before Brandon stole the election from St Donald.
American conservatives have blood on their hands.
Gotta citation for that, chubby?
A valid one. VDH does.
Victor Leprosy didn’t supply citations, MethMouth.
However much money Iran receives in revenues from oil is because robinette biden cut American oil production and exportation. If we contribute with the major growth in fossil fuels fuels there would be no doubt my mind that we would cut into their profits it is the way the market works.
Tulsa why the oil prices in America are going higher and higher. Poopy pants Biden is allowing the cartel to set the price. If we flooded the market with American oil the price would come down let’s be honest.
Stealing elections do have consequences. One is that every little poop ass country in the world thinks they can start a war because we can’t do anything about it because our leadership is weak and has Alzheimer’s And keeps falling down.
Commenter: However much money Iran receives in revenues from oil is because robinette biden cut American oil production and exportation.
Only one ignorant and/or dishonest would type or narrate such a statement. Which are you??
If only US oil production was down. US crude production is at record or near record levels.
MAGAts thrive on ignorance. They have become “transactional” just like their Grand Poobah, willing to tell whatever lie gets them through the next hour. Oil is a global commodity. US oil production contributes to the world supply. When the prices go up US producers can make money producing their “expensive-to-drill” supply. The Saudis (and other OPEC+ suppliers) produce crude for less than US producers and can turn their taps on and off at will to set the global price.
MAGAts “claim” to love America but hate everything about America. They hate elections, government, over 50% of US citizens… What they love is Conservative, Caucasian, Christian (CCC) authoritarianism, and Donald Trump is their Savior. Cult.
Sorry to say but MAGAts are traitors, just like their Savior.
I was incorrect.

Rimjob has plenty of stupid shit to post everyday all day long.
Still no citations to back up his bullshit.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil SpitRoast is incorrect a lot.
Still no citations to back up his bullshit.
Such a lonely, lonely tiny man.
“Far-left progressive replaces ‘hate has no home here’ lawn sign with ‘push the Jews into the sea’”……