What’s to be concerned over? Illegal alien supporters tell us that illegals are simply folks escaping Problems just looking for a better life. They should be embracing all those young, single, fighting age men
Chicago migrant shelter in West Town to house up to 200 single men, concerning community
West Town residents expressed concerns about a shelter meant to house up to 200 single migrant men.
Speakers at a meeting about the plan Thursday night said they are primarily concerned about possible safety issues that may come with the temporary shelter. City officials said they are prepared to handle those concerns.
The new arrivals temporary shelter is set to open in the 36th Ward near Smith Park.
“Smith Park is primarily a neighborhood of single family homes and two flats,” said one resident speaking at the meeting.
Neighbors living within blocks of the shelter near Western and Ohio were told by city officials that it will house up to 200 single men, which became a point of contention.
“We have babies that go to that park every day and we rely on that park and how are we going to keep that park safe,” said one resident.
These sanctuary city residents need to be shamed and Cancelled for their anti-Progressive views, have their Comrade cards revoked. Illegals aren’t dangerous! What a horrible notion! In fairness, they’re probably less dangerous than a lot of people in SCC. But, still, how happy would you be if 200 illegals, who most likely do not speak English, low education, and expect the Government to care for them were stuck in your neighborhood? You might be an illegal alien supporter, but, only if they are Somewhere Else.
And they’re getting more
Chicago provides $9,000 in rental assistance to migrants seeking temporary housing
This week, 41 buses have arrived in Chicago, bringing the total number of migrants in shelters to 11,000, with 4,000 still sleeping on police station floors and staying at airports.
Notably, 30% of migrants in Chicago are children, with the majority of them attending Chicago Public Schools.
Currently, the state is funding temporary housing, including rented apartments and homes for migrants. The state is providing up to $9,000 in rental assistance over a 6-month period, which includes assistance with moving in and a starter kit to furnish the apartment.
What could SCC do with $9K a month for the actual citizens? How far would that go for, say, providing food for poor kids, shelter for the homeless, and police to make the city safer? Well, SCC residents are getting a huge taste of practicing what they preach. And you can bet Greg Abbott is sending more buses to Chicago, along with Denver, New York, LA, and others.

Nothing worse than men!!
Dear Elwood:
Since you are so pro illegal alien’s….
How many have you taken in?
LOL: NY Times Opinion: New York sounds like a southern border state now.
Kinda like Chicago.
Props to Greg Abbott for starting all this.
Yes providing these migrants free transportation to the area they want to go to is the best way to quickly assimilate them into our society.
About 90% of all migrants that arrived under Biden, do not go to a shelter in any city. Instead they are taken in by family or friends that are already reducing in the USA. The 10%eho are going to NYC Chicago LA or other city shelters, are the ones who don’t have friends or families to help them begin their new lives here.families in other countries have always sent those in their families most likely to succeed in the USA. The rightwing nativists have always hated immigrants Irish Italian Jews eastern Europeans Chinese. The rightwing has always maintained a proud hatred of immigrants it’s a well established TRADITION
It was the rightwing of both parties that refused to save Jews fleeing Hitler.
Actually, they’ve already been provide free transportation from Texas to Chicago and New York, or is this concept still over your head? But yes, free transportation back to the country they came from.
This is 9 years old. Think a few more have came through during those years??
“Islamic terrorists have entered the United States through the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.”
If you think we need more Muslims…And this should make anyone understand the Hamas attack on Israel.
“A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community. That is far below the proportion of the general public that sees at least a fair amount of support for extremism among U.S. Muslims (40%). And while about a quarter of the public (24%) thinks that Muslim support for extremism is increasing, just 4% of Muslims agree.”
That’s about 5 out of 100.