I’m sure they can figure out how to also blame this on Hotcoldwetdry
California has had another calm wildfire season so far. Here’s why, according to experts
California is enjoying a relatively calm wildfire season this year, but the Sacramento region is not fully out of the woods. And don’t attribute this year’s mildness to climate change just yet.
The number of acres burned so far this year is less than one third of the five-year average, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Experts attribute the drop to this year’s historic winter storms and a record snowpack that soaked the state.
Except, the Cult of Climastrology was blaming those storms and snow on how crazy anthropogenic climate change makes the weather, making more atmospheric water.
But those atmospheric river storms also created ample new vegetation growth that can act as fuel, state fire officials said. And with the help of gusty fall winds in the weeks ahead, wildfires could still ignite and grow through November or even into December.
“Now is not the time for people to let their guards down,” said Brian Newman, assistant chief of Cal Fire’s Amador-El Dorado Unit. “We still have fire season ahead of us before we get into winter rains that would finally end it.”
Of course, the lunatics in the People’s Republik Of California will refuse to do the things necessary to cut the vegetation down, create fire breaks, and so forth. And, since the PRC has always had issues with wildfires (remember, most are started by human idiocy, by accident or on purpose these days), people should be careful
With 317,191 acres burned so far this year, it marks less than 30% of the five-year average of 1.2 million acres for the same year-to-date period. Even though a normal number of new fires have ignited, according to officials, the moist landscape and cool nights kept them at bay.
That means without a dramatic change in the trend, California will be experiencing its second straight year of mild wildfire after having endured California’s worst wildfire seasons on record.
Is this like when were told the PRC was in Permanent Drought, and now isn’t?
Climate scientists are confident that warming temperatures have helped increase the severity and length of fire seasons. But many remain reticent to attribute this year’s mild wildfire season to climate change.
Perhaps it’s just that while the Earth is in a warming period, things do not always comply. Per Cult doctrine, things should always be getting worse.
“I tend not to give much credence to the idea that single events and single summers or winters can be ascribed to climate change,” said Hugh Safford, chief scientist of Vibrant Planet and faculty of the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy.
Except, they all do just that. All the time.

Double shock!
Teach completely speechless
US sets all time record for oil production of 13.2 million bpd.
Biden says “Drill baby drill”
Gasoline prices still to high because Trump’s friends the Russians and Saudis are still cutting back production
H….Anyone who is really watching the goings on in the world would realize that Russia and Iran are drilling and then sending that Oil to people who are not friends with the USA because the sanctions no longer mean shit to CHINA, RUSSIA, Pakistan, and dozens of other countries supporting Russia instead of NATO.
In fact, Iran under BIDEN has gone from 6 billion in Annual sales of oil to China to 32 billion this past year. Russia is almost exclusively selling its oil to CHINA as WELL which then uses that oil and sells it back to the EU and the USA at much inflated prices, negating the fact that the Saudis are cutting production. They are cutting production to keep the prices high in an effort to penalize the EU and the USA which has told the Saudis to go fuk themselves.
The Saudis who are in charge of 80 percent of the worlds Muslims. A country where Muslim pilgrims make a trek yearly to pray to Allah. Good Job Biden. You Raving idiot. However, I will submit that Biden does not even know where he is and in fact, a bunch of grade schoolers are in charge of running the country with little to no clue what to do other than Save the planet from Carbon molecules while destroying the planet with bombs and bullets and missiles.
Gas prices???
You have no idea why gas prices are what they are right now and thank God the USA is drilling hard otherwise we would all be walking to work and the USA would be a third world country by now.
Has the communist in the White House replaced the strategic oil reserve yet or is he waiting for a catastrophe to occur? Thank God Trump opened up all the trolling that he did during his term otherwise they couldn’t reach 9 million bpd’s. Biden is still riding on the laurels of Trump.
Meanwhile, bidenomics is breaking America real household income suffers the biggest drop in 12 years. Times done more to destroy America and the American economy than any president in our history. Even the stinking moslem Obama didn’t do this bad.
Maybe that’s why right now 78% of the American people would rather have Trump than biden. That’s why I notice all the Democrats are scurrying like hell to steal the next election. I can’t wait to see how many votes are manufactured by these communists.
Well since most of our military is now either overweight or obese, and young Americans don’t want that (neither did Teach) maybe we should consider giving citizenship in exchange for military service. It worked for the Romans.
Triple shock, Johnny!
Brandon has released restrictions and sanctions on his good friends the terror sponsoring Iranians (put in place under Trump) allowing Iranian oil to increase this year from 400,000 bpd to 3million bpd, which of course greatly strengthens the Iranian regime..
Johnny-why is he such good friends with the Iranians?
Lake Meade has risen 22 feet this year. In large part to a super wet winter and summer which is why California….1/2 of WHICH IS BUILT IN A DESSERT…..is enjoying a mild wildfire season.
The left likes to think it’s Global Warming causing every catastrophe. I am sure it will be Global warming that causes the Muslim world….Also born in deserts of the Middle East…..to demand Retribution from all the countries who didn’t plant their roots in a DESSERT.