The article was published four hours ago, and the threat was made not long before that. So, when? Is this just empty talk? Since Iran has lots of extra cash thanks to Biden ignoring lots of sanctions, they can spend more for terrorism
Iran foreign minister warns ‘preemptive action’ against Israel expected within hours
Iran’s top envoy warned Monday that “preemptive action” against Israel is expected soon as the Jewish state continues bombarding Gaza but has so far delayed a ground operation.
“Leaders of the Resistance will not allow the Zionist regime to take any action in Gaza,” Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on state TV Monday, according to Reuters’s translation. “All options are open, and we cannot be indifferent to the war crimes committed against the people of Gaza.”
“The resistance front is capable of waging a long-term war with the enemy [Israel]… in the coming hours, we can expect a preemptive action by the resistance front,” he added.
Wow, he sounds like elected Democrats and their rabble followers.
On Tuesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a group of students in Tehran that “no one can stop” global Islamist forces if Israel keeps up its bombardment of Hamas targets in Gaza, according to reports by the Times of Israel and Reuters.
“No one can confront Muslims and the resistance forces if the Zionist regime’s crimes against Palestinians continue. The bombardment of Gaza must stop immediately,” Khamenei reportedly said amid chants of “Death to Israel.”
“The world is witnessing the Zionist regime’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza,” he added.
He also sounds like lots of Democrats and college kids. Also, he’s being pretty specific that this is what Islam is about.
IDF says assessment shows failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch caused Gaza hospital blast
The Israel Defense Forces says that based on intelligence information a failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket caused the deadly blast at the Gaza hospital.
In a statement, the IDF says that “an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates that a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit.”
“Intelligence from multiple sources we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza,” the IDF adds.
The news media, which mostly takes the side of the Israel and Jew haters, were quick to listen the State Dept designated terrorist group Hamas’ propaganda bulletins. As usual, the forgot to wait for actual evidence. And, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is backed by Syria, Lebanese Hizballah, and, surprise, Iran. Mostly Iran.

The increasingly distraught Teach: Iran has lots of extra cash thanks to Biden ignoring lots of sanctions
Iran has lots of cash because Mr Teach keeps selling those gasoline burning cars!!
Anyway, global sanctions against Venezuela and Iran have added to energy inflation. China and Russia have no problems with Iran oil. Should we stop and board tankers from Iran?
Can Mr Teach point out what sanctions against Iran that President Brandon has been ignoring? LOL.
Please quit acting like you don’t understand the hatred of Israel by the Left, and particularly those in the various universities, especially the supposed cream of the crop on both coasts and to a lesser degree in the land grant state universities.
Why this is so is simple. Israel supports the US thus it must be wrong.
Palestine was never a country. It had no currency, no armed services, nothing that an actual country would have had.
Palestine has launched terrorist attacks for years and years. This last one is a bridge too far.
It is time for Palestine to be destroyed. Completely. Just as we destroyed German, its allies and Japan.
No doubt there is considerable sturm und drang amongst young US leftists who view the Palestinians as a grievously oppressed group, which they are. In addition, the US (whom neither they nor you trust) has always supported Israel, regardless of their actions.
Your argument is that since Palestine was never a nation, all Palestinians should be exterminated? Interesting. Shouldn’t there be a nation of Palestine – you know – the so-called two state solution? That was the original intent.
The allies defeated the German Nazis, the Italian fascists and the Japanese god-like monarch Hirohito (invading China and attacking the US!). Not all Germans were Nazis, not all Italians were fascists and not all Japanese accepted the divinity of the Emperor. What was clear is that each Axis “power” was led by an authoritarian megalomaniac. That never turns out well for a nation.
We fully understand that conservatives are driven by their fears and always require enemies to oppose: Muslims, commies, wokes, Arabs, Chinks, wetbacks, fags, bitches, socialists, Jews, n*****s, etc.
Trump’s pals in Lebanon, those “smart terrorists” Hezbollah, are a bigger threat.
The Jerusalem Post pointed out some of that, speculating that that is why the IDF have delayed their ground assault against Gaza, to make sure that there was no shortage of defense against Hezbollah should they decide to attack.
The mad mullahs have made many, many threats which have never happened in real life, because they know one thing: Israel has deliverable nuclear weapons, and Iran does not.
This whole mess started because Iran was genuinely concerned about the seemingly near agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman might have no love for Israel, but he appears to be a very practical man, and such an agreement made sense.
So, Iran did what it could: it got its sort-of client terrorists in Hamas to launch a strike, hoping that it would disrupt the process — something that seems to have worked! — and the Hamas leadership are almost as fanatic as the mullahs, while the Hamas ‘soldiers’ have been educated and propagandized their entire lives in hatred for Israel.
There’s really no other explanation, because, other than Hezbollah, none of the other Arab/Muslim nations are anywhere near ready or willing to attack Israel. Egypt has its own domestic issues, and see Hamas as part of the Muslim Brotherhood; they’ve been suppressing the Brotherhood for decades. Jordan is militarily weak, and has no desire at all for war, and Syria has been wracked by civil war for over a decade. The Hamas leadership knew that there was no way they could defeat Israel, and that the attack meant death for not just their ordinary soldiers, but possibly some of their mid-level commanders, and all for what? To kill a couple thousand Jews?
Even with all of that, I’m guessing that Hamas misunderestimated — a George Bushism — the Israeli response.
No worries.
Everything is going swimmingly.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The United States military and intelligence have confirmed that the rocket that hit the Gaza City hospital was fired by the Islamic Jihad terrorist group.
(We know, we know… our conservative brothers and sisters no longer trust United States government agencies or groups.)
interestingly you still seem to believe that the “vaccine” stopped people from getting coronavirus, stop them from getting sicker, and stop them from passing it on. You also still believe that masks work? You still believe that Miami would be under 10 feet of water by 2012?
You seem to believe a lot of things that are just not true provably so. And you seem to continue to believe them even after they’re proved to be lies. You still believe that by met got 81 million votes? Here’s a guy that currently has an approval rating of 29% and I’ll bet you he gets 86 million votes in the next election wanna bet? Because you believe you are believer Hallelujah!
What you are or rather what you’ve become is a leftist troll. You repeat every BS comment, theory, and propaganda that emanate from the left blogosphere. You have the mindful of mush of a nine year old child still believing in Santa Claus but you still believe that men can become women that’s your Santa Claus.
You could name on one hand the honesty of any statements of the government over the last three years. But you’re a true believer baby. Even now you try and make it look like you’re siding with the Israelis when we know you’re a Muslim at heart.
“The United States military and intelligence have confirmed “. Really? You the sage from Saint Louis are telling us now suddenly you believe what the US military and intelligence are saying? The only way you do that is if you agreed with it to begin with. So basically they’re agreeing with your assessment and you’re no expert and by the way when was the last time they were right about anything?