While the article doesn’t really dive in making a case for raaaaacism, how else can we read a headline like this from the outlet Blavity, which is all about black folks and likes to play the race card?
Black NYU Law Student Speaks Out After Job Offer Rescinded Following Pro-Palestine Letter
One Black law student who recently had a job offer rescinded due to their support of Palestinian people.
Ryna Workman, a New York University law student body president who is nonbinary and goes by they/them pronouns, penned a letter to their classmates revealing their “unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression toward liberation and self-determination,” according to The Intercept. Workman concluded the message by stating, “Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life.”
Workman’s controversial letter led to their removal as president of the Student Bar Association. They received criticism online for refusing to condemn Hamas’ actions in the attacks on Oct. 7 that left about 1,300 Israeli people dead. The law firm Winston & Strawn withdrew their post-graduate job offer to Workman due to their support for Palestinians.
Who’s shocked by the silly they/them pronouns? Workman would have found a tough time out in The Real World, except for activist law, and barely them, because who wants someone in the workplace who will cause all sorts of HR issues, both internally and with clients? Ryna went full in on Blamestorming Israel, and NYU released a statement saying “yeah, this person doesn’t speak for us, and Hamas is a bunch of terrorists.”
On Monday, Workman released a statement and explained how they didn’t intend their message to come across as “insensitive” to the Israeli nation.
“I’ve been getting a lot of backlash for the message I sent to my fellow NYU Law students where I voiced my support for the human rights of Palestinians,” they said in the letter. “My message came across as insensitive to the suffering of Israelis during a time of crisis and that is not what I intended. What I wrote was inspired by, and in line with, what many Jewish peace activists and Israelis, including the editorial board of Israel’s largest newspaper, have voiced over the past week in response to the violence.”
Perhaps you should have considered your statement before releasing it. Even if you believed it, sometimes you just have to keep it to yourself. There are plenty of things I’d like to write about work and beliefs, but, I don’t, just like most adults. Potential law firms won’t take kindly to employees who do not think ahead.
According to reports, Workman is not the only college student facing backlash for supporting Palestinians. The Intercept reported that students across the country, especially at Harvard, were condemned for addressing Israel’s treatment toward the Palestinians. Research from Palestine Legal, an advocacy group, shows 1,707 incidents have occurred between 2014 and 2020.
Who wants to hire a lawyer whom does not read documents before signing? Young boys and girls should remember words have consequences, at least in the private sector. The 1st is about being able to have your say on Government. That was the intention of the people who wrote the Bill Of Rights. You may have the right of free speech, however if you want a job from a specific employer, you’d better follow their ideals/rules/culture or your out. They can and will find someone else who is better than you. Or, at least someone who won’t cause problems. Oh, and pronouns are still a big red flag in the private sector.
Those in law school signing these documents and making these statements are showing they failed to apply critical thinking as well as thinking things through.

Hard to have sympathy for people who want all Jews killed.
And yet so many Americans seem to have sympathy for communists Nazis and Muslims that one all Americans killed too. And they don’t see any problem with it.
When I see these morons I think every time elwood praising his wonderful Muslim neighbor how wonderful a person he is and that he’d rather have them than a “MAGOT” living next door. Because nothing’s more wonderful to live next door to than a person his religious beliefs are that everyone on the earth has to be converted to their faith or be murdered. That says it all.
Again all you have to do I switch out the name Nazi for Muslim and you’ve got the same thing. Does Elwood think most of the Nazi civilians were nice folks that wanted to live next door to them. Or is that only reserved for Muslims? Because the Muslims killed a hell of a lot more Christians and Jews than the Nazis ever did.
It’s MAGAt, not MAGOT! I’ve talked to our Muslim neighbor about arborists and tree-trimmers but not if they want to murder all Jews. Our far-right neighbor (Trump signs, Blue Lives Matter, gun in his car etc) gets along well with the Muslims too. Funny thing, the far-right guy is a great neighbor too. We’ve even taken vacations together. Our kids grew up together! No doubt, the right-wingers here are much worse on line, than in person.
But fundamentalists of all stripes tend to be haters, i.e., hating anyone different. Conservative fundies hate liberals, Muslims, Blacks, gays, Mexicans, etc. Note too that there exist liberal fundies! They hate anyone who doesn’t toe the liberal line! I only hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty. Live and let live, ya know.
Why are you so hateful? So Muslims are like the Nazis? Yikes. Almost all religions are based on myths and magic.
Rimjob asking others, “Why are you so hateful?”

Too funny. Too early.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Humjob back to fluffing…
To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt…
Who would Hitler be rooting for right now?
Thanks for playing…
(Dave Rubin)
It’s my recollection that Hitler rallied his Nazis around the idea that Jews were subhumans contaminating the Aryan germlines. Sort of how nuCons view Muslims today.
Thanks for playing…
Nope-only the ones who cut babies heads off and fly planes into buildings. The rest are all sweet and cuddly…and kumbaya….
Thanks for playing, and once again exposing your ignorance. Again. It’s kinda hard to hide it, actually.
Solid argument. You’ve changed my life, and I will be forever grateful!!
When you use terms like newtons I have no idea who you’re really referring to or what you really mean I’m gonna take a stab that you’re meaning a guy like me. Are conservative a maggot guy a personal actually does believe we can make America great again. Not a person like you who is giving up on America. And who thinks America can be just as great under communists or Muslims as they can under white Christians that ain’t happening bud that ship is sailed they’ve proved what they are in history you can be with us or you can be with them.
How Hitler rallied the Nazis has nothing to do with how nucons view Muslims. If you believe he rallied Nazis around the propaganda of subhuman choose then you must understand that’s how Muslims view us not how we view Muslims you stupid moron. They consider us Christians and Jews as sub humans that’s why they murder us when they get the chance we don’t count or haven’t you noticed that?
People like me feel Muslims as enemies of our country politically but because of their religion. We don’t view Muslims as sub humans we view Muslims as political enemies who want to destroy our nation our country our values our culture and our society. What do you consider them your kumbaya brothers?
I realized that you had forsaken God years ago but he could not possibly have left you this stupid unless you’re deliberately making yourself that way. But anybody who would say that they’d rather live next to a Muslim and a Christian is an idiot.
We assume you mean “nuCon” not “newton”. A nuCon is a new conservative, much different from traditional conservatives such as Reagan, Eisenhower, McCain, Romney, etc. NuCons combined John Birch Society sensibilities, with open racism, Islamophobia, and importantly a disdain for American institutions, e.g., media, academia, elections, FBI, Congress, military etc. The nuCons became the MAGAts, with Trump as their leader.
America has always been great, with episodes we’re not proud of. The ideals of America and the people here make America great, and we shouldn’t lose sight of that. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. These are our ideals and sometimes we fall short, but we progress. But along with our progressions we have our transgressions – slavery, Jim Crow, racism, lack of voting rights for women and minorities, prison camps for Japanese-Americans, the increasing gap between rich and poor, the war on trade unions, poverty, Vietnam, Iraq, MAGAtism.
You are afraid of Muslims, so you hate Muslims. You claim to “love” America yet you despise 50% of Americans. You claim to “love” America yet you despise the institutions that made and make America great! Don’t be led by the anti-American Trump.
Yep, I became a non-believer as a teen. But I could be wrong. Could you?
I never claimed to prefer Muslims over Christians, just over MAGAts, regardless of religion, although most are Christians. In fact, I only sleep with Christians, although there was a tempting Hindu in grad school!
Muslims consider Jews and Christians part of a large family under the same God.
Many if not most of the MAGATs deepest beliefs are based on misinformation.
Now where would ISIS possibly get the money to buy a nuclear weapon from?
Not from the lefty students, certainly not! But? maybe 50 million from oil rich Arabs? more likely.
Fossil fuel profits paid for 9/11
Hamas gets its funding from the fossil fuel exporting countries. Not from lefty students. The biggest fossil fuel exporters are all friends AND business partners with ex President Trump. Gas prices in the US are set by global gas prices and those prices are set by Trump’s friends. Hope you don’t mind paying a buck more at the pump to pay for the Saudis to have golf tournaments at Trump golf courses. The countries supporting Israel are the same ones who support Ukraine.
So hell yeah, L G Brandon.