Really, this is one of the first instances where the Cult of Climastrology has involved itself, at least from someone with clout
Israeli official slams Greta Thunberg after she backs Palestinians in Gaza
The Israeli military lashed out at Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday, after she sent a message supporting Palestinians and endorsed a comment which said a “genocide” was being perpetrated in Gaza.
Thunberg said “the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected,” as the Israel-Hamas war escalates and threatens to become a regional conflict.
Thunberg also shared on her Instagram account a post by a German-based pro-Palestinian account which says a “genocide” is happening in Gaza.
The group, Palestine Speaks, talked of its “indignation against genocide in Gaza and the repressive state terror of many Western states against anyone who shows and acts in solidarity with the Palestinians.”
In reaction, Arye Sharuz Shalicar, spokesman for the Israeli army, told POLITICO: “Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter.”
He added: “Because what Greta is doing, that she is now showing solidarity with Gaza while not saying a word about the massacres of Israelis, shows that she is actually not in favor of the Palestinians, but that she is sweeping the terror of the Palestinians or Hamas and Islamic Jihad under the table as if it did not exist.”
St. Greta pulled her original post, because it included an octopus
Imagine what else you don’t know despite the strong opinions you have on so many issues.
Also, your explanation as to how the octopus stuffie was specifically propped up for this specific photo on this specific issue is spurious, at best.
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) October 20, 2023
She cropped a different photo
Week 270. Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.#FreePalestine #IStandWithPalestine #StandWithGaza #FridaysForFuture
Thread????— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) October 20, 2023
You can still see the blue from the octopus on the edge. It’s complete BS, trying to drag autism into it. Do these people use shampoo? Have combs? These wackos truly are Jew haters. Hamas and other Islamic extremist groups do appreciate all these Useful Idiots.

You can’t be on strike if you’ve never held a job.
It’s about time greta got involved in this. Palestinians are creating enormous amounts of toxic gasses every time they launch a rocket. War is very hard on the environment. Greta should be be demanding from hamas, “how dare you” for starting a war.
Or maybe she should get involved in how the gaza community dumps their waste into the med on a daily basis because water treatment is expensive and they don’t want to pay for it.
Strange allies
Greta has joined with Trump’s best friends Russia, the Saudis (don’t forget they have 2bbilkuons to don in law Kushner while he was still working for Trump) North Korea etc al.
I don’t think her support will cause not much of an affect, certainly less than that showered onto the Palestinians by the friends of Trump
The EuroBiden real supports theCoalition supports Israel. And Isrsel is sending military support to Ukraine.
How dare she voice her opinion!! Is calling for a ceasefire really anti-Semitic? But, but, but… she used a Nazi octopus!
The American right has always been all-in for Palestinian Muslim* genocide. Bomb, bomb, bomb. Kill ’em all. “The only way to eradicate Hamas is to eradicate all Palestinians. For a start. The world needs a final solution for the Muslim problem!”
Of course, that gives right-wingers credit for even knowing who the Palestinians are. Right-wingers don’t like Jews but they hate Muslims. For whatever reason, American Jews do not trust the Republican Party, a fact irking rightists who have taken over the GOP. In addition, rightists feel that Jews dominate the media, government, academia, law, accounting etc, irking rightists further.
Is Ms Murphy an anti-Semitic Jew?
When the enormity of the acts by Hamas in Israel was fresh, commenters supported the absolute and total annihilation of Gazans as the only way to castrate Hamas. Still?
Anyway, President Brandon has called on Congress to authorize (LOL) billions in support for Israel. What say you?
BTW, if Putin was a Muslim, US rightists would support Ukraine.
*There are Palestinian Jews and Christians too. About half of the world’s Palestinian Christians live in the middle east.
So much stupid.
So early.
Another solid argument, Humjob!
Keep on fluffin’
Dear Elwood:
Sad to say you are correct. The only way the war by Islamic terrorists against western civilian is to kill and destroy enough of them that they can be made into a Germany and Japan.
There’s no other way. And it will be difficult.
As for stupid Greta the more she blathers the more she proves that the world will not burn, given that science requires its theories have tests with predictable results.
And you harm your arguments when you lump Right wingers as anti Ukraine and pro Putin. On the aid to Ukraine issue the Right is splintered.
FYI, if you actually are interested in facts, here is a link that will give you the world wide attacks.
“…a tool often used by autistic people…”
She would know
Yes, she is autistic.
We do not need to be involved in a war in the Ukraine. We have no interest there, they are not an ally of ours, they are nothing to us. Plus half of the country are left over Nazis and I don’t side with Nazis for any reason I’m not elwood.
Israel is an ally it’s been an ally for decades they neither need nor want or help other than some military equipment and perhaps money. But then everybody wants our money. Giving him money just gives him more reasons to hate us.
There should be no Muslims in America they’re nothing but 5th columnists. Being at war with Islam and having Muslims in America is like being at war with Germany in 1943 and having Nazis all over the place it’s stupid.
The Constitution is pretty clear, so you might have to take Mr Dana’s advice and oppress American Muslims by extra-governmental means. Maybe if Americans mistreat them enough, they’ll leave. Why not have around the clock protests at mosques? Find out where they work and protest with signs that their employer supports terrorism. Relentlessly point out publicly that these are terrorists in our midst.
And when the MAGAts take over perhaps you can finally repeal the 1st Amendment making religious persecution legal, maybe even making Christianity the official state religion. And as Mr Trump tells us, freedom of the press is grossly overrated.
Comedy gold-“when MAGAs take over..and repeal the 1st Amendment..”
Says the party that uses the government, big social media companies, universities, ect., to censor content they don’t like..
So the Nazi’s should have declared themselves members of a religion that hated Jews and killed at their leisure? But they didn’t. Just turned the killing over to Muslims.
“”Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” – Karl Popper”
Not sure what point you think you’re making. The Nazi’s were Christian. Hamas are Muslims. Not all Christians are murderers. Christianity does not call for eliminating all other religions, only that their religion is The One. Not all Muslims are murderers. Islam does not call for eliminating all other religions, only that their religion is The One.
Karl Popper’s tautology not withstanding, neoNazi’s, Hamas, KKK, the Taliban, racists, anti-Semitism, etc should not be tolerated.
I don’t know who Carl popper was nor do I give a rats butt.
the Nazis were not Christian that is a lie. Christianity is a religion Nazism is a political affiliation. You are conflating two different things. Some Christians may have been Nazis but a statement like the Nazis were Christian is incorrect and you know it is in fact it’s a lie.
That is correct. Christians believe the only way to heaven it’s through Christ.
Sadly here you are incorrect. As I explained earlier in Islam you are either and enabler or a terrorist you cannot be an observer. It’s your job to participate in making heaven Islam. Again I refer you to their books. Not all Muslims are murderers end all Nazis weren’t murderers either. That doesn’t make them not evil. And Islam does call for eliminating all other religions every single person on earth who refuses to convert must be put to the sword before they can realize their heaven on earth which is the 12th caliphate. If you don’t know that you don’t know Islam.
Also you mentioned that racist should not be tolerated. I disagree. Who I decide to associate with and live with is nobody’s business but my own and the reason I choose to do that is nobody’s business but my own. Racism as a public or political policy should not be tolerated but a person who is racist has a right to associate with whom he wishes. We have the right to free association. And just because you think she needs more blacks in her life does not give you the right to force her to do it. Or does our freedom of association hinge on who Elwood thinks we should associate with?
The First Amendment is not a suicide pact. It does not forbid the United States from outlawing immigration and settlement from hostile cultures or religions. There is no good reason to admit anyone from the Middle East, and 9/11 was a result of stupid immigration policy that needs to be addressed.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…
Are you recommending we amend the Amendment I to include, “No Muslims Need Apply”? To us, Amendment I seems clearly stated.
Is Amendment II a suicide pact?
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment II fetishists insist the Amendment disallows ANY government restrictions on firearms ownership.
Religion is not absolute. You can declare the Islams a cult, which they are.
Elwood aren’t you the one who was running around screaming about how the constitution and our rights are not absolute? But now you want an absolute right that allows people who hate America and want to destroy America to practice their religion in America correct? Try again you confused moron.
As brother John says the First Amendment is not a suicide pact and neither is the rest of the constitution. We are not constitutionally obligated to destroy ourselves. Anymore than we are constitutionally obligated to deprive ourselves of rights like freedom of speech or to own a firearm to have a peaceful religion whilst giving our enemies the same rights in our country. Funny how you become an absolute absolutist when it comes to taking the rights to killing Americans away from Muslims but you don’t seem to have any problem taking our rights away. Just like it was my body my choice right up until it became fake vaccines during COVID. Then suddenly it wasn’t our body anymore and it wasn’t our right anymore.
Now that it’s been shown that your party is fully behind Muslims in the murder of Jews all over the world which also follows through with Christians your actual agenda is becoming known. you don’t like that do you commie dog?
It’s unbelievable to the rest of us how you always pick the wrong side of every argument be it murdering babies in the womb or whether or not Muslims should be able to immigrate to the United states. Enemies of America should not be given aid and comfort in America. And your neighbor who’s a wonderful friendly peaceful moslem is a terrorist enabler. And as an enabler he is no better senator Harris. You do realize Adolf Hitler never murdered a Jew right? One needn’t be participating any incident to actually be responsible for the incident. And by offering the enemies of America succor you have become a participant in a war against your own nation you anti American traitor.
That’s what happens to people like you who have no moral foundation. You end up siding with evil because you can’t recognize it when you see it. Sadly you have become it.
Brandon: And by offering the enemies of America succor you have become a participant in a war against your own nation you anti American traitor.
So Americans who tolerate Muslims should be what… deported? jailed? executed? prosecuted as traitors?
Do you believe ALL Muslims evil? Do you believe ALL Muslims are enemies of America? Why? Because they don’t believe Jesus is the Son of God, but is merely a prophet? Because you believe they ALL have plans to destroy America?
Exiled. A very ancient and useful punishment for people who are not on your own team.
I believe all Muslims believe in an intolerant and evil religion called Islam it’s very name means submission. All Muslims are an enemy of America because to be a Muslim means you believe in Muhammad and the Koran and the Mohammed and the Koran both preached the end of all religions except Islam. If you’d read the damn book you might understand. You’re always trying to quote the Bible to us Christians and you always get it wrong why don’t you try reading the Koran for a change.
I believe Muslims are going to hell because they don’t believe Jesus is the son of God. That’s the religious side. The political side is because they and their book are dedicated to the termination of every other religion except their own is why I hate Muslims and Islam. They like you preach death and destruction.
For a person to be a Muslim he has to believe in the Prophet Mohammed and in the Koran. If he believes in that bill have plans to destroy America it’s that simple dude. It’s not a secret.
They are not taught to love their neighbor they are taught to convert them or kill them. That’s their only choices. Now you can act like you’re stupid but I know you’re not so quit with the clutching of pearls that you don’t believe that we would actually think that these people are trying to kill us.
By the way you’ll notice I’m not saying execute every moslem in America. That’s how Muslims think. You do realize they have a city called Mecca where no Christian is allowed. How come they can do it but we can’t do it? We don’t have to execute every Muslim we just gotta get him out of America. There is absolutely no reason for a Muslim to be in the United states. They have nothing in common with our culture our history our religions our society or our laws. In fact the only reason any Muslim has to be in the United states is to operate as a reception committee for the advancing Islamic armies.
What’s the mechanism for exiling American Muslim citizens? We have legal processes for denaturalizing naturalized US citizens, e.g., Melania Trump, Cuban-Americans. Should we check the allegiances of all naturalized citizens?
You asked why Saudi Arabia can block non-Muslims from entering Mecca but the US cannot keep Muslims out. Because we’re America, that’s why!! America.
Our Constitution prevents discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs. America has mechanisms for amending our Constitution.
Brandon screamed: aren’t you the one who was running around screaming about how the constitution and our rights are not absolute
It’s clear our rights are not absolute. Freedom of the press is not absolute. Freedom of speech is not absolute. Freedom of religion is not absolute. Weapons possession has limits.
The Fourth Amendment bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property, yet with a search warrant authorities can “toss” your home. The Supreme Court defines “unreasonable”.
The Eighth Amendment bars excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishment. The Supreme Court defines and re-defines “excessive” and “cruel and unusual”.
In fact, our Supreme Court interprets and re-interprets what is and is not Constitutional on an ongoing basis.
You really do have the dumbest commenters on the internet. Why you even have a comment section is beyond me.
What a shame you made no effort to raise this dismal average.
Saint greta and all her supporters’ needs to show their support by going to gaza IN PERSON to help stop the war. Why sit on the sidelines?????? HMMMMMMMMM
Yeah, Swedish girls who support Palestine.
Greta is as nutty as it gets, ugly too.