Will Republicans capitulate, as usual, for a promise of border security that really isn’t?
Biden is dangling border security money to try to get billions more for Israel and Ukraine
President Joe Biden is trying to sweeten his pitch for more money for Ukraine by mixing in billions of dollars for securing the U.S.-Mexico border in the hope that it will bring more Republicans on board. (snip)
It’s not at all clear that including roughly $14 billion in border money included as part of the the $106 billion spending package the White House sent to Congress on Friday will placate those who are resisting.
“The border has never been a money issue,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas. “It has always been a policy issue. So we need to get in a room, go to the White House and sort that out.”
Well, that won’t happen Dan Who’s Gone Squishy the past few years
There are rising numbers of migrants at the border; arrests for illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico line were up 21% to 218,763 last month, and Biden has repeatedly said Congress should act to fix outdated immigration laws. But in the meantime, his administration has developed policies that aim to deter migrants from making a dangerous and often deadly journey while also opening up new legal immigration pathways.
So, supposed deterrence while saying “sure, come on in, you’ll get amnesty”?
The funding request is an attempt not only to manage people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, but also to deal with the growing numbers of migrants who are already here, waiting for their cases to play out.
The White House proposal includes $1.6 billion to hire 1,600 new asylum officers and processing personnel, which could double the number of people working on asylum cases. It also suggests $1.4 billion to add 375 immigration judges and their teams in addition to money for 1,300 new border patrol agents. There is $4.4 billion for Homeland Security efforts, including increased funding for holding facilities as the administration works to quickly deport those who do not qualify for asylum.
None of this addresses stopping as much illegal immigration as possible. It’s all about helping out the ones who are here, especially since deportations are down as the Biden regime doesn’t seem keen on booting out that many. Where’s the money for a border wall, for border agents, and so on?
There’s also $1.3 billion requested for regional migration centers outside the U.S., a new effort brokered by the Biden administration to encourage would-be migrants to stay where they are and apply for asylum before crossing the deadly Darien gap between South and Central America.
F that. That’s not our responsibility. And would just invite more to make the trek.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who leads a Senate panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security, was wary of mixing any effort to overhaul border policy into a debate over spending.
“How are we going to settle our differences over immigration in the next two weeks?” Murphy asked. “This is a supplemental funding bill. The minute you start loading it up with policies, that sounds like a plan to fail.”
It’s easy. Cut the aid to Ukraine by three-quarters. Increase the aid to Israel by at least double. Allow states to deploy their National Guard to the border. Anyone caught coming across is put right back across. End asylum. No more for at least 20 years. All who are here get processed quickly, and all that do not comply, which is around 90%, are immediately deported. Those allowed to stay must go through citizenship classes and pass. Border barriers in the areas illegals tend to cross. More Customs and Border agents. Now. Not a promise for this later. No amnesty, no pathway to citizenship.
We all know there are enough Republicans to make Biden’s proposal happen, though, right? To capitulate?

Do you think the US should remove all the thousands US troops (targets for Muslim terrorists) from Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen etc??
In fact, America has military bases and personnel all around the world. There are over 30,000 active in Germany; 50,000 in Japan; 20,000 in South Korea; 12,000 in Italy…
The distinguished Mr Dowd asked:
Syria? Absotively, posilutely! The UAE, Qatar, Somalia, yup, sure should. If the troops in Iraq and Kuwait are being used to monitor Iran, yeah, maybe they can stay. Turkey is a NATO member.
I don’t know what Gropey Joe thinks he’s doing “dangling” anything in front of the Congress. It’s their job to produce a budget and his job to sign it.
It’s how things actually get done in the US political system. Horse trading and compromise. Our Presidents are not dictators, nor is Congress. Presidents can veto a bill, Congress can override a veto with 2/3rds majority.
The GOP is so dysfunctional they can’t even elect a Speaker. That party is now under the control of its most extreme faction.
Do they really think that extremism like on abortion is the key to winning elections?
Has teach already surrendered his position to “baby killers” ? Trump has done so, will Teach follow Boss Trump?
Dear Ellwood:
There’s no easy answer. Obviously we need troops in S Korea and Europe but the ME is another question.
Please question your assumptions more frequently. The cold war has been over for decades. The USA no longer needs troops anywhere but in the USA. But if we aren’t willing to use our own troops to defend our own country from invasion, what good are they? DoD is just another bloated Federal agency that specializes in spending US tax money to benefit foreign governments.
Teach there are 1 million Cubans living here that have fled communism. Should they be sent back,?
There are about 500000 from Venezuela should they be forced back to communism?
Johnny-as far as I know, most of the Cubans have come here legally, most of those from Venezuela have not. So the ones here illegally should be sent back
Most of the Cubans fled communist Cuba and arrived in Florida and were eventually declared “legal”.
In fact, the US rarely repatriated Cubans who arrived here illegally, instead giving them a path to citizenship.
So in other words most Cubans arrived legally
Just as asylum seekers today.
It’s not hard for Cubans to come here legally. All they have to do is apply for asylum. In fact two of my current girlfriends are Cuban. Both they and their families are here quite legally. One works for the federal government. I also have a Venezuelan girlfriend. She too is here legally as an asylum seeker from an oppressive socialist government. All three arrived in America from different countries for different reasons and all three carry their papers with them at all times. They’re so legal if they were Democrats they’d be voting even though as non citizens that would be illegal. But again it’s only illegal for non Democrats.
Although the Bible forbids sex outside marriage, if you should accidently have it with your asylum seeking girlfriends, please use effective birth control.
It sounds as if you approve of asylum seekers as long as they are willing to be your girlfriend.
Anyway, some 2,000 persons leave Venezuela every day and many end up at the US border as refugees or asylum seekers.
Do you still believe/feel that Big Donnie won the election?
It sounds as if you approve of asylum seeking as long as the applicants will date you!
Although the Bible forbids sex outside marriage, in case of it happening “accidentally” please consider effective birth control.
Cuban immigrants tend to vote for Republicans which is why Republicans approve.