They’re just coming here so they can ear their way to a better life, right?
Work permits for illegal migrants stands exposed as a red herring, not a solution
In a clear sign that “let them work” was always a red herring, not a real answer to the city’s illegal-migrant crisis, news broke at a City Council hearing last week that barely over 2,100 migrants in the city have applied for work authorization — with none yet winning an actual federal OK.
So much for Gov. Kathy Hochul’s boasts after she (and others) got President Joe Biden to expand Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelan migrants.
City officials say they’ve submitted 444 work applications; federal workers in Lower Manhattan, another 1,700.
More than 160,000 migrants have landed in the city during the crisis, with roughly 65,000 in the city’s care.
Some are clearly working off the books, while no one really knows how many actually qualify for work permits — the law requires most to file other paperwork first, and then wait months to apply for legal-work rights.
Sure, sure, it can be a mound of paperwork to attempt to apply, but, only 1,700 out of 160K? They’re more than happy to sit on the government dole. They’re getting tons of assistance for housing, food, clothing, schooling, and more, so, why go work? They can just chill and wait for their asylum application to be denied, then scoot off and disappear off into the U.S.
Illinois’ Migrant Health Care Subsidies Projected to Be $300 Million Over Budget
Illinois will pause a program intended to provide taxpayer subsidized health care to the influx of non-citizen arrivals. The program is already up to $831.6 million in projected taxpayer costs.
Well, hey, the majority of citizens of Illinois voted for this, so, they should be willing to pay an extra tax.
Migrant occupancy, Airbnb restrictions boosting recovery of hotel industry in New York City
New York City’s pandemic-battered hotel industry is slowly starting to recover, buoyed by municipal contracts to house thousands of foreign migrants arriving from abroad as well as a near-total ban citywide on services such as Airbnb.
Add to the mix rules enacted two years ago at the urging of the hotel-worker union that put up bureaucratic hurdles to opening any new hotel, and nightly rates are up, vacancy down, across the city. (snip)
But there are caveats for the industry to the favorable news: 13% of hotel rooms citywide are being occupied by the migrants. (snip)
The city has said it’s spending an average of about $383 per migrant per night — which covers room, board and other costs.
While this is good for the hotels, it’s a fake occupancy, since the government is overpaying for occupancy. It’s not because lots and lots of people are visiting for vacations and such. And the more illegals in hotels the more people will be reticent about booking at those hotels.

Teach the reason they don’t apply is because they cant get an appointment to apply. All booked up! The state of NY generously gives each migrant 100$ each month
Most migrants quickly pass through the shelter system, apparently Teach is unaware of this. Of the 60000 in the shelter system only 3000 have been there over 60 days.
Oct 23, 2023
“Over 3000 migrants have hit the shelter time limit, but about half have asked to stay says study report”
Teach has no idea of the typical mindset of most migrants. He thinks they just want to sit around and collect that 100$ per month, Most are hoping to work 2 jobs so that they can send m0ney back to their wives children and families who are very poor. Most also hope to eventually return to their families.
Previous to the sudden influx most immigrants especially from Mexico hoped to spend only 5 years working her, then return home.
One simple fact remains.
They are illegal aliens. They have no right to be here.
They should be arrested and returned.
That fact is way over Johnny’s head….
That’s right, the law is the law!! There is no room for negotiations. Next thing you know, prosecutors will start practicing judgement in whom to charge, what to charge and judges will start using their judgement in sentencing!!
For example, look at the travesty in Georgia. Former Trump campaign attorney Sidney “Kracken” Powell, had her felony charges reduced to 6 misdemeanors to which she pleaded guilty and received less than a slap on the wrist! On the other hand, many of the poor schmucks who believed her and Big Donnie and broke into the Capitol Building are in jail!!
Said Big Donnie:
A STOLLEN is like a fruitcake, but is flaky and delicious!
You keep provind how dumb you are.
It’s now even more over Johnny ‘s head, if that’s possible…
that is all supposition on your part. Even worse it’s disinformation. You have no clue what these people think or feel and you have no idea what they’re planning.
then tell us oh brilliant know it all who are these people and how many have so far returned to home? Let’s see they’ve been here for what 30 years? If they were waiting for five years to leave and go home there would be one line coming into America and opposite it online leaving America I don’t see the leaving line do you? There’s nobody leaving here they’re not giving away free money only you’re stupid enough to believe something like that. Then again you believe men can have babies and Biden got 81 million votes sitting in the basement.
President Biden DID receive 81 million votes. Big Donnie should be humiliated that Americans preferred Biden over him.
We get it. MAGAts cannot understand how or why Americans voted Big Donnie out. Americans don’t trust Trump or think he was good for the nation. So Big Donnie and his cult invented the Big Lie. What a disgraceful bunch working to destroy America.
Sure, “President” Brandon received 81 million “votes.”
But the odds that all 81 million were from 81 million living, eligible, non-felonious, discreet, American citizens is ZERO.
You got that? ZERO chance that all of those “votes” were cast by real, discreet American ciziens. ZERO.
You should stop and wonder why so many “Americans” would vote for war, inflation, catastrophe, weakness, fecklessness, crookedness, and senility because of Mean Tweets™. My God what a bunch of imbeciles you all are.”
If even one vote for Mr Biden was fraudulent you would be correct! Any evidence to support that claim? No? Investigators have discovered more Republican cheating than Democratic cheating, LOL. Some of Trump’s closest associates pleaded guilty to their dishonest deeds in trying to overturn Trump’s loss.
Americans voted against then-President Trump. Why do you think that was? Trump was/is incompetent, dishonest, naive, crooked and ignorant.
Trump supporters are delusional. My god, what a bunch of imbeciles you all are.
As usual, you’re just making shit up. None of you knotheads can tell us why you voted for “president” Brandon without mentioning Trump. Your hatred makes you very, very stupid.
I can, I can! Biden would be, and is, a better President than the awful Trump.
Just like so many many Repubicuns voted against Hillary Clinton in 2016, Dems voted against the divisive Trump in 2020.
You stupidity makes you very, very hateful! LOL.
Here’s Big Donnie threatening election officials today!
We have spent three years trying to show you affidavits, videos, testimonies from people who witnessed or participated in the criminal act of stealing election. The leftist cabal running the court system has made sure that nothing could be heard nobody has any standing to complain quote UN quote. You have seen videos we have done everything in our power if we show you truth and you refuse to recognize it there is no further thing we can do at least I can’t think of anything.
We fully understand that the MAGAts, led by King MAGAt, cannot wrap their heads around the notion that your King lost. HE knows he lost, but it’s in his personal best interest to continue telling The Lie.
Now the conspiracy includes not just all the commie voters who voted to oust your King, but the FBI, the media, the Courts (including the SCROTUS*), electoral officials, Congress and the rest of the Deep State.
America has a far-right, authoritarian-tinged minority that Trump manipulated/manipulates for his own gain and protection. We’re sorry and challenged that Trump has given the far-right succor and encouragement. He claimed from the outset that American is diseased, crumbling and weak, and promoted rebuilding the country (Make America Great Again!), pretending that America wasn’t great! The objectives of the MAGAts (see the House) are disruption and chaos and the destruction of American institutions.
* Justices Thomas, Roberts, Barrett, Kavanaugh, Alito, Gorsuch are conservatives who supported Trump, but did not find evidence to support his claims.
You keep proving how dumb you are.
You gotta stop reading his comments like I did. Every time you read one your IQ goes down. Then you’ve gotta read 10 good comments to get the points back. It’s like a credit score when you apply for a car loan.
Good advice.
But I keep thinking a little education will straighten him out.
Silly me.