If the GOP wants to impeach Biden, why is his failure to secure the border from invasion not included?
CBP reports all-time highs for yearly, monthly migrant encounters along Southwest border
Migrant encounters on the Southwest border in September and for all of Fiscal Year 2023 were the most ever recorded by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and there were significant changes in where migrants cross from Mexico this past year, the agency reports
There were 269,735 migrants encountered on the Southwest border in September — the most ever recorded in a single month by CBP. That’s up nearly 16% from 232,963 in August, and up nearly 50% from July, according to CBP data released Saturday.
September marked the end of Fiscal Year 2023, during which the agency encountered a total of 2.48 million migrants on the Southwest border — an agency record and about 100,000 more from the 2.38 million encounters in Fiscal Year 2022, according to agency data.
And what’s happening with this record number of illegals?
Border Patrol clocking 1,000 ‘known gotaways’ per day, over 23K people in October, CBP sources say
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources confirmed to Fox News that there have been more than 23,000 “known gotaways” since the new fiscal year began on Oct. 1.
That means more than 1,000 individuals were seen or detected by Border Patrol agents but not apprehended per day this month.
Sources say figures like these representing the rate at which people are crossing illegally and disappearing into the interior are keeping border officials up at night because American authorities have no idea who these estimated 1,000 individuals coming over each day are, where they are from or why they are coming here illegally.
How many of them are gang members and bad people? How many are terrorists from Islamist nations? We don’t know.
Striking hotel workers in L.A. replaced by unhoused migrants, union officials claim
Officials with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office on Monday announced an investigation into labor practices at hotels across L.A. County after allegations that some hotels are hiring unhoused refugees living in a shelter on Skid Row to replace striking union workers, particularly in the housekeeping departments.
Unite Here Local 11, the union representing thousands of workers in the largest hotel strike in U.S., brought the issue of working conditions for migrants hired at L.A. hotels to the attention of District Attorney George Gascón, the Los Angeles Times reported.
According to the Time reporting, nearly a dozen refugees, primarily from Venezuela and Colombia, confirmed that they had been hired at hotels where workers were striking outside, with some saying they had been given heavy workloads, long hours and were forced to work without breaks.
And these Democrat voting union members do not seem to get that all the illegals will be used to replace them at lower wages.

Mr Teach asks: If the GOP wants to impeach Biden, why is his failure to secure the border from invasion not included?
The House Repubicuns can impeach President Biden for any reason they wish, but The House is occupied by other issues at this time.
Should every US President be subject to impeachment over policy differences?
President Clinton was impeached for lying about a sexual relationship with an intern.
President Trump was impeached for 1) coercing Ukraine to investigate his political opponent and 2) trying to overturn his lost election.
Article II, Section 4 provides: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Dear Elwood:
Policy differences lead to actions.
Yes. And “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers…” can be impeached for actions.
Most Republicans support the policy of NATO defending Ukraine. Should they all be impeached?
“Section. 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Giving money to Ukraine is not impeachable.
In case you haven’t heard of it…… from our Constitution.
The only thing slowing down the flow of “migrants” into the USA is the capacity limitations on the Mexican rail and buss networks.
2 million new migrants !!!
Now our population is going to jump from 334 million to 336 million.
We are so doomed!
How will our society and culture survive this 0.6% increase?
Will it mean that the whites must begin to have more babies?
Will any posters here agree to do that ? Are all those “military aged” men going to acquire anchor babies? 40% of the Venezuelan migrants have college degrees. Are American women beginning to welcome these Latin lovers?
Don’t let the fact that you don’t have any evidence of “hatred of less-white people” deter you from sprouting more unsubstantiated assertions. Never has in the past…
Carbon offset boy- how is illegal immigration beneficial to the US? Sane people want to know…
“40% of the Venezuelan migrants have college degrees.”
Based on what we see from our own cesspools of lower education….That’s the scary part.
We certainly understand the conservative disdain for formal education, since the lower the level of education, the more likely is an American to vote for Republicans…
But is this part of the deeply-embedded communist conspiracy? Public schools require teachers to be educated, so therefore, these teachers impart their liberal bias on students starting in pre-school!! Since teachers are educated, they’re more likely to support Democrats! They teach stuff like tolerance, kindness, open-mindedness, challenging preconceived notions, the joy of learning, math, biology, English, history, health… From pre-school through 12th grade students are indoctrinated by BA, BS, MA, MS, EdD and even PhD-holding teachers, extolling the benefits of higher education. Many are even encouraged to get a college or university degree, where they are instructed by mostly egghead PhDs!!
Public school teachers are forbidden talking about Jesus and God!
So yes, it is to the Republican’s advantage to discourage education.
“They teach stuff like tolerance, kindness, open-mindedness, challenging preconceived notions, the joy of learning, math, biology, English, history, health… From pre-school through 12th grade students are indoctrinated by BA, BS, MA, MS, EdD and even PhD-holding teachers, extolling the benefits of higher education.”
Intelligence and education are two separate things.
Who is more important? A plumber or a professor in “women studies?” Garbagemen or Journalism professors?
And the social graces should be taught in church and the home. Not in a structure that encourages self hatred and withholds facts from parents.
Like Wokeism is destroying companies it is also destroying the education establishment.
And yes, the indoctrination for “higher” education has produced a society in which a degree is required to be a utility meter reader.
If immigration were beneficial to the USA, no one would care if it were illegal. Nor would anyone complain that there were too many in their own community.
Mr Teach headlined: Biden’s Border Shattering Records
But really, like the temperature record, how far back does the immigration record go? As a percentage of the population at any one time, how does today’s compare? Norsemen explored present-day Newfoundland over 1000 years ago but didn’t stick. Before that, hunter-gathers emigrated from Asia over the land bridge, possibly as far back as 30,000 yrs ago! The first human to cross into what would become the US increased the immigrant population infinitely!! Not even President Brandon can top that!
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue… and “discovered America”, where there were some 2 million of what cons now call “injuns”. The rest is history, as waves of European immigrants arrived in what is now North and South America, kicking ass and taking names. In fact, these illegals rapidly overwhelmed the native peoples. The first 100 years of so of the US of A saw few limits on immigration. Come one, come all. The nation started paying attention late in the 19th century. We had waves of Chinese (?), Irish (0.5 million), Poles (2 million), Italians (4 million), Russians, including Russian Jews (3 million), Japanese and Mexican laborers were allowed in the early 1900s, some 0.6 million Cubans entered the US in the 60s,70s…
Yes, we need Congress to fix the immigration system. We need Congress to fund border controls and a system for handling refugees, asylum seekers and those here illegally. Don’t let your hatred of less-white people fuel your policy proposals.
Don’t let the fact that you don’t have any evidence of “hatred of less-white people” deter you from sprouting more unsubstantiated assertions. Never has in the past…
That’s a standard lie bandied about by democrat communists. Public schools require teachers to have a degree that does not mean that they are educated it could be a degree in African dance or in gymnastics that is not an education that’s just a degree they also require a certificate for teaching that doesn’t make them a teacher it makes them certified to teach. In other words the left is usual has convoluted the entire system so that it works to promote their communist agenda.
For example there is nothing in the constitution giving the federal government power over education. So the left just went around that and created the Department of Education which is extra constitutional and inserted themselves into public education. Once there they decided that since they’re involved they can’t be around the teaching about God because that’s establishing a religion which of course it is not teaching about God is educating people about religion it’s not forcing anybody to establish a religion. Again all part of the multi level convoluted living constitution that the Democrat communists have foisted on our Republic.
So now we have freedom of speech And religion but we don’t have freedom of speech and religion in the public school system. Everything the federal government gets involved in is run by Democrats who are basically communists therefore everything they do ultimately results in us losing our rights. Just like gun free school zones. Just what you wanna do disarm the good guys when the bad guys are coming what are you stupid? Just like sex education which has now become homosexual indoctrination. It’s part of the leftist religion but when they teach their religion in schools it’s OK because they don’t call it religion they call in everything else but they call it history they call it science they call it all kinds of stuff but never religion yeah we’re not stupid we all realize it’s their religion.
They can hang gay pride flags in schools but not American flags. Thinking eye black lives matter flags or antifa flags are now the big the big new ones are you Ukrainian and Palestinian flags but you can’t put an American confederate flag in. It’s part of our own history and we can’t hang it. But I bet you they’d hang a Nazi flag if they wanted to we know they have Che Guevara flags and communist flags. But God forbid you hang a Gadsden flag. People like Elwood need to be removed from the United States and placed gently into a communist country of their choosing period. It would raise the IQ here and also raise the patriotic quotient. It would also raise the patriotic quotient in the communist country.
We have enough 5th column that’s here with the squad and half of the Democrat party we don’t need elwood or H any longer.
L.G.: They can hang gay pride flags in schools but not American flags.
What? No American flags in public schools? Don’t be ridiculous.
You’re bothered that we don’t fly traitorous Confederate flags in schools?
The Supreme Court has given students some leeway regarding free expression as long as it’s not disruptive to the educational processes. Remember “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” a ridiculous banner flown by a student at a school sponsored event in Alaska. The school took the banner and suspended the student for 10 days. The Court concluded the poster was advocating illegal drug use and NOT expressing a political sentiment, therefore the school acted properly.
I suspect wearing a Swastika, Hammer and Sickle or Confederate Flag shirt would be considered provocative and disruptive. A Che t-shirt might pass muster since few would know who it was! A common response is for a student to turn a disruptive shirt inside out.
L.G.: People like Elwood need to be removed from the United States and placed gently into a communist country of their choosing period
Now L.G. wants the government to deport American citizens that disagree with him! How about just imprison all Dem voters? And he wonders why we oppose Don Führer…
you are the most illogical person who comments here there’s something wrong with your syntax dude. I don’t know what Don fuhrer has to do with me wanting to deport people. Or it’s just another leap of your stupidity?
I didn’t say I want the government to deport American citizens that disagree with me. I said I think it’s a good idea to “exile” not deport people who hate America. Like let’s see, communists Nazis Muslims and YOU! Got it? I never asked for all democratic voters to be in prison never even entered my mind. But we see what you’re thinking about. Your party’s the one that’s doing 5000 counts against Donald Trump on trumped up bullshit because you’re afraid that if he gets in power again he’ll stop your disassembling America party. And he will. Everyday we watch on the news and on the Internet Democrats protesting rioting burning killing looting and every day you sit there and blame us for the very things you’re doing. One of us praise in front of a abortion clinic and he gets ten years in jail your people burn down 10 churches and they get you know released overnight. Your people burn down 26 cities and it’s a peaceful protest. A group of old people on our side walk into the capitol building a few dozen of them get out of line and break some shit because after all they’re just white Republicans they can be killed and you start shooting them down.
I also love how when your kangaroo courts acting compliance with what the hunter wants then they’re right you rely on that. That’s why we couldn’t get a fair hearing about anything past the do with the the stolen election. If we can’t be heard in court our ability to speak has been censored. Then you got around screaming that we had an insurrection at the capital yeah a bunch of 50 year old working men took a day off and teamed up with a bunch of old people and walkers completely disarmed OK? You called that an insurrection? Not only was trump not there but he’s on record and on video which I’ve showed you more than once saying go down peacefully he didn’t say anything about violence. The violence was perpetrated by police officer shooting unarmed girls. But that was good for you cause it was a black man killing a white girl right? Make you feel better inside didn’t?
You have no patriotism you have no morals you have no conscience no guilt you have no empathy you don’t even have any honesty but you want us to treat you like civilized human beings when you won’t even grant us our constitutional rights.
you are communists and you are animals.