…is a horrible dog taking up too many resources and causing glaciers to melt, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the pro-Hamas demonstrations.

…is a horrible dog taking up too many resources and causing glaciers to melt, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the pro-Hamas demonstrations.
Representative Tom Emmer (R-MN) is the latest potential House Speaker. Emmer is a hard-core conservative checking all the boxes but one. He voted to certify Biden’s election! RINO!
Bomb throwers like Matt Gaetz and Jungle Gym Jordan are winning!!
These folks make Kevin McCarthy look like a statesman!!
Regardless, after the 2024 elections, the next Congress will elect Representative Hakeem Sekou Jeffries (R-NY) as Speaker… the 2nd in line to the Presidency. Many cons are concerned about a Muslim speaker, but relax, Rep Jeffries is a Baptist.
McCarthy got tossed because he failed to keep his promise for separate funding bills.
Actions have consequences.
The Repubs mighta shoulda had a follow-up plan. But the bomb-tossers don’t care. They want the US to fail, so they can rebuild it in their image. Caucasian, Christian, Conservative, straight, authoritarian.
Xi, Kim, Khameini and Putin are loving this!! Democracy doesn’t work! America doesn’t work!
Democracy doesn’t work if one of the major parties is communist. America doesn’t work if that Communist Party constantly undermines the ideas and ideals of our founding fathers. Just because you guys are racist and communist and anti Semitics doesn’t mean you’re right.
By the way we did have a follow-up plan you dope, the same follow-up plan that’s always been in place take another vote. Which is what we’re doing.
It does not matter who we elect you’re not gonna like him anyhow so quit complaining you freaking moron.
What Xi, Kim, Khameini and Putin are loving is the fact that the Democrat party in the United states sides with Nazis and Muslims, our enemies.
We can see the traders like you and the squad and other leftist Democrats and all your Palestinian and Muslim followers and all your communists and Nazi voters I will happy and excited every time republican plans fall through but Republicans are patriots. We don’t support the commies and the Nazis and the Muslims and the racists and the anti Christians any anti semitics that’s your job.
You are corrupt treasonous liars and always will be like this commie bitch:
Democrats didn’t like Kevin McCarthy as Speaker but at least he kept order. Until the ephebophile Gaetz’s Revolt.
Can you define communist? Thanks.
Here’s one:
Do you consider the Western European nations (e.g, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Spain, UK, Norway, Sweden etc) to be communist nations?
In practice, communist nations have also been authoritarian, like the USSR, China, N Korea, Cuba. The Social Democracies of Europe, Japan, S Korea, Canada, Australia are not authoritarian and are pretty healthy.
She should not be tied to that dog. It could drag her over a cliff before she could get untied.
McCarthy got tossed because he failed to keep his promise for separate funding bills.
Actions have consequences.
She seems nice.
My word, look at those puppies. Very nice.
I’m guessing that her boyfriend thinks that he’s struck gold!
Emmers drops out of Speaker race after failing to reach 217 along with a Trump blast on social media.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Doesn’t make sense. Since The MAGAt King is in control, why doesn’t the just pick the one he wants, e.g., Jungle Gym Jordan or Ephebophile Matt Gaetz??
Big Donnie didn’t like Emmer because he vote to certify Biden’s election.
BEFORE Big Donnie blasted Emmer on Mistruth Social, Emmer received only 117 votes out of the 217 he needed. Then he dropped out. But the MAGAt followers believe their King has superpowers!!
Emmer had no shot. Back to the drawing board. King MAGAt and his wriggly MAGAts doesn’t give a shit about America, democracy or the Republican Party, as they want America to fail.
Are you like 12 yrs old?
Puppies. Obviously Jeff isn’t 12. From what we know of him, he is about 70. He is retired so he has nothing to do but troll the internet all day. His age has filled him with a lifetime of regrets and bitterness, which he chooses to attribute to Republicans, Christians, and conservatives. He is probably in pain too (lots of old people are), which makes most people grumpier then they would otherwise be.
They only thing you can do is ignore him. He isn’t worth taking seriously.
Porter and Rodney write like 12 year olds. The nutty perfesser views him/herself as an “intellectual”; a phenomenon we see this frequently in conservative circles.
The advice is to ignore yet he can’t help her/himself.
Anyway, it still stands – the nuGOP in the House (and the MAGAt King) have no interest in governance or the United States. Their objective IS chaos – to tear down what they view as a sick society that has strayed far from America’s ideals – white, Christian, conservative nationalism. Trump has no beliefs other than for his own benefit. He cleverly uses right-wing dissatisfaction.
You hate hearing that because you know it’s true.
So why do you write like you’re a 12 yr. old?

So you might understand?
Understand what you’re writing?
He makes 12 year olds look mature. The guy has a complete idiot. He seems to think that Trump is president or something. He’s more afraid of Donald Trump and he is of the slovenly pig that’s the president who in the last two years managed to get us involved in two wars one in Europe and one in the Middle East. He’s ruined the economy he’s destroyed housing the automobile business banking and just about everything else the government’s involved including education.
But he has managed to get a whole boatload of minorities and homos in positions of power over us. So mission accomplished. Nothing is more important than the breakdown of the family the destruction of the white race and the dissolution of the United States of America.
Here’s the deal. Trump supported Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) a vocal and dedicated MAGA supporter. With each vote Rep Jordan received FEWER votes and had to drop out to avoid total humiliation.
Since Trump IS the Republican Party why couldn’t he push Jordan over the finish line.
Now the Republican Conference is back to Mike Johnson (R-LA), a far-right evangelical Christian with perfect bona fides.
Will Mr Trump approve?
opposes legal abortion access,
opposes medical marijuana,
opposes same-sex marriage,
introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act,
supported Texas v. Pennsylvania, lawsuit contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election
voted to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania,
supported President Trump’s EO banning Muslims entering the US,
close ties with Christian right groups Louisiana Family Forum, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Focus on the Family,
supports ending American military aid to Ukraine,
supports prayer in school
He can afford 4 defectors from the Repubs. No Dem would ever vote for him.
So why do you write like a 12yr. old?
of course no them would ever vote for they would never vote for any person or upheld American principles, Christian ideas, and morality. They’re liars and thieves and criminals why would they? And of course they’re communist. When you talk destroying America you should be looking in the mirror.
Maybe you can define communist/communism for us!
Guess the 12 yr. old must ask others for definitions?
Maybe Humjob will define communist for is. We find that connies often use words they don’t understand.
So for HumJob, CarolAnn, L.G., and anyone else…
Can you define communist? Thanks.
Here’s one:
Do you consider the Western European nations (e.g, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Spain, UK, Norway, Sweden etc) to be communist nations?
In practice, communist nations have also been authoritarian, like the USSR, China, N Korea, Cuba. The Social Democracies of Europe, Japan, S Korea, Canada, Australia are not authoritarian and are pretty healthy.
That’s a good little 12 yr old.
Looking it up for himself.
Most Dems will not vote for Republicans, especially Republicans with authoritarian tendencies.
A Representative who votes to overturn a Presidential election is not supporting American principles. Also, most Dems support the Right to Choose, same-sex marriage, keeping the government out of religion, and NATO defending Ukraine from the Russian takeover.
You keep selling the same lies and propaganda and expecting a different answer. None of us wanted to overturn The United states or the presidential election. We wanted our concerns about the theft of the election to be considered, investigated and found to be right or wrong but not ignored. We did not expect to be called insurrectionist because we challenged an election. They were middle Americans marching to protest at the capitol, their capitol, they were unarmed and they killed no one in fact it was their own people who were murdered. And like most communists you will prove the bloodbath as well as holding these people in jail without a trial and sentencing them to ridiculous terms for something that was basically very minor. That too is the definition of a communist.
It’s funny how communists always use the definitions of communism put out there by fellow communists. My definition of a communist is anybody like you who tries to limit people from owning firearms, tries to censor people, refuses to investigate fraudulent elections, arrests people for protesting and using their freedom of speech, stops people from using their freedom of religion where they wish including in school if that’s where they so desire. I could continue on but I don’t need to.
You, by my definition, are a communist. I don’t need your phony definitions.
Now you seem to have some sort of a hair up your ass about my father’s money and the fact that I date women from Cuba and Venezuela. My father’s in real estate just like Trump and he’s been in real estate all his life. He is what you would call a centimillionaire. I don’t know his exact net worth I’m not sure he does but it’s well over $200 million. Does that bother you at all?
I am probably the most privileged fireman in Florida. I’m so privileged when I run into a flaming building to save somebody the fire knows better than to burn me. You could see that all over the left side of my body. You can tell by the two missing fingers on my left hand. The fire fears me because I’m privileged and I’m white.
Speaking of white I know you keep calling me a racist but you’ll notice I have four girlfriends which bothers you to death but all four of them are brown go figure? Two Cubans are Venezuelan and a Colombian. Now how can that be if I’m a racist? I’d like to suggest that among those of us who come in here the only racist is YOU. Not even H is racist. You were the only one who seems have a problem with who I date. I’m a 43 year old single man muscular good looking have money on my own home car boats I can date anyone I want. Where am I supposed to date who you want like I’m supposed to vote for you? Anybody who doesn’t do what you want of course is dead and wrong and evil you know. When in reality murdering babies in the womb killing Jews in their homes cutting up children’s genitals is the real evil in the world.
Now if you wanna get really pissed off I have just entered into a contract with a company called Cousins Maine Lobsters and bought a lobster roll truck franchise in which I plan to install Veronica and Catalina as junior partners to operate the business. It is a multi $1,000,000 operation. I hope that pisses you off. Just giving those Hispanics an opportunity that you leftists won’t do. Next, a franchise for Maria and Carolina.
Your opening was to support The Big Lie – that Mr Trump won the election. There’s little more to discuss after that opening. It’s been years since the election.
So a communist is anyone you disagree with. Got it.
And you are a neoNazi by my definition.
Southern slaveholders also bad sex with with brown women. Those men were indeed racist, as are you. You, as a good Christian, are not permitted to have sex with the Cubans, Venezuelan and Columbian. Nazis had sex with Jewish girls.
Good luck with your food truck! I’ll be on the West coast of Florida later this winter. Let’s meet up.