All those ones referring to Hamas as “militants” and trying to fund reasons to equate Israel with Hamas got an eyeful
Foreign Reporters Burst Into Tears During IDF Screening of Hamas’ Atrocities
Israel on Monday invited 200 foreign journalists to view horrific footage and images from Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on the country, with attending journalists reporting that some colleagues burst into tears as they viewed clips of beheadings, torture, murder, and more.
Israeli officials said the graphic screening, hosted at a Tel Aviv military base, was necessary to fight against what they claim are lies pushed by Hamas that are akin to a “Holocaust denial-like phenomenon.”
Recording was not permitted inside the screening, reportedly out of respect for the families of the slain and maimed Israelis captured on camera. A single clip was permitted to leave the base, which appeared to show an Israeli driver and passenger being gunned down by Hamas fighters with rifles.
That scene ends with a Hamas fighter’s body cam showing two bodies slouched over in the car.
The reporters were treated to a long video, and they did not enjoy it
The IDF just screened 43 minutes of horrors from the Hamas massacre on October 7 for foreign journalists. I was not there, my colleague @cjkeller8 was.
Here is the one minute of footage approved for mass publication at this point, barring most of it out of respect for the dead.
— Amy Spiro (@AmySpiro) October 23, 2023
The Times of Israel reported that the compilation of apparent atrocities totaled 43 minutes.
Jotam Confino, a British journalist in attendance, shared a horrifying list of things included in the screening. He described watching clips of an man being beheaded with a shovel, an unarmed father being killed by a grenade as he sheltered with his weeping young sons, and a young girl—aged between 7 to 9—being shot dead.
The Guardian reported that a clip showed an Israeli woman checking a burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The dead woman’s dress “was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed,” the paper wrote. Still images reportedly showed slain Israelis spread across highways, having been killed and their cars reportedly stolen.
All the leftists trying to yammer about occupation and Israel committing war crimes, like those in The Squad, should be forced to watch it. One of the founding members of the Democratic Socialists Of America, Maurice Isserman, has quit the DSA after 41 years of their support of Hamas.

One of the founding members of the Democratic Socialists Of America, Maurice Isserman, has quit the DSA after 41 years of their support of Hamas
Doesn’t make much sense. Socialists are the party that expects to break a few eggs to make their omelets. After 1oo million deaths in the 20th century, he gets squeamish now?
Teach says: All the leftists trying to yammer about occupation and Israel committing war crimes, like those in The Squad, should be forced to watch it.
The Palestinians in Gaza have legitimate complaints against Israel. Hamas is a vile, terrorist group who committed atrocities against private citizens and should be destroyed. Both can be true.
Our good friend from west of Illinois wrote:
The distinguished Mr Dowd writes as though the Palestinians in Gaza and Hamas are somehow separate entities; they are not. Hamas are Gaza, and Gaza are Hamas!
Mr Dowd will dispute that, but it is true in the same sense that the Nazis were Germany, and Germany were the Nazis. Whether regular armies, like the German military were, or guerrilla fighters, like Hamas are, they are completely dependent upon the larger, surrounding population for everything they have, both for their survival and their ability to fight.
Once in power, the Nazis took complete control of the education and the media, pushing Nazi propaganda on the public, for both adults and the children growing up. Hamas have done the same in Gaza, and for longer than the Nazis were in power. There’s no one in Gaza under twenty years old who has not been exposed to the virulently ant-Semitic “education” of the terrorists; there are no adults who’ve lived in Gaza for any time at all who have not been subjected to the continual drumbeat of kill the Jews, kill the Jews, kill the Jews!
People just don’t kill babies — unless, of course, they’re pro-abortionists! — for no reason, yet the Hamas invaders did just that, and the only way they could do that is to have had sixteen years of vile propaganda drummed into their heads. The attackers were, as is always the case, mostly young
menmales, who had grown up under Hamas’ education system. And even the ones who were older were ‘educated’ under the previous al Fatah (the old Palestine Liberation Organization) education system. Every ‘Palestinian’ Arab under the age of 75 has been educated to think the Jews should be attacked and pushed into the sea!Correct. I dispute that the children, women and men of Gaza are Hamas, any more than Martin Niemöller (and every German) was a murderous Nazi.
America and the world will not permit the current Israeli government to kill all the Gazans, regardless of the exhortations of the gentleman to the right of Missouri.
The sage from St Louis wrote:
But what you cannot dispute is that every German, whether a dedicated Nazi or not, enabled the Nazis, not only the ones who voted for the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, but the ones who worked for them, who built the armament, the ships and the planes, the ones who produced the bullets and bombs and artillery shells, the ones who sewed the uniforms and made the boots the soldiers and sailors and airmen wore, the ones who refined the oil into fuel for the tanks and planes. All of German industry, and agriculture, became fuel for the Heer in the field, and the U-Boats in the Atlantic.
And it was more than that. Even before the war, the good German people participated in the despoilage of the Jews, whether through the little things, such as refusing to patronize Jewish businesses, or the larger stuff, such as pointing out the Jews who were mostly hidden to the Gestapo. After 1933, the Germans had no opportunity to vote the Nazis out of power, but they still went along with them, in big and little ways.
We knew it! That’s why there were no real objections to the firebombing of Hamburg — a British action in 1943 — and Dresden in 1945. We firebombed Dresden, which was not a truly strategic target, when German civilians were fleeing before the advancing Red Army, for the sole purpose of clogging the roads for the retreating Heer, to enable the Red Army to kill more of them. Incinerated civilians were militarily useful in the war effort!
Need I point out that that was the last war we actually won?
Indeed. Citizens in authoritarian nations can choose to not accede to the authoritarian wishes and risk imprisonment or death for themselves and their families.
World War II was like no war ever.
People like our Jew hating, Christian hating, anti-Semitic commenter from Saint Louis always try and find balance and equilibrium morally between phony Palestinians those really nice neighbor Muslims like he has i.e. terrorists and Israelis. Elwood may not believe that his neighbor is a terrorist enabler but Palestinians and people living in Gaza and all those Muslims are anti-Semite murderers. And they are all terrorists. In the 40s we made no distinction between the people supporting the Nazi regime and the Nazis themselves. Because the only difference was the job they were doing to support the Nazis some were fighting and some were giving the food and equipment to do so. They were all freaking Nazis and all the Muslims today are freaking terrorists you don’t have to accept it I don’t expect you to I thought like that is way too deep for the elwoods of the world.
Like welfare blacks living in ignorance and squalor in inner cities, and Injuns living in abysmal poverty on reservations, Gazans are a failed people who lost a war ages ago but can’t accept it. Yet Gazans are egged on in their discontent by an international community that hates seeing people with whiter or lighter skin prevail over people with darker skin (the same international community that would cheer blacks in the U.S. for slaughtering whites as “revenge” for slavery). And you can believe Elwood would be in that group too.
Palestinians are told, “Keep fighting to get back those olive groves! Hey Abdul, You lost, but you deserve a do-over.” Many far-rightists seem to be on board with this also. And when those rightists decide that blacks, Injuns, and Mexicans also deserve a do-over, then maybe I’ll view their pro-Palestinianism as something other than naked Jew-hatred and sounding like democommies.
A wealthy white man, borne to privilege (thanks to daddy), who spends his time boasting of banging Venezuelans and Cubans, pounds his chest and screams, “Them darker-skinned moslems, “africans”, wetbacks and injuns lost their wars, and to the victors go the spoils!” Lighter-skinned power, mein Gott!
Why not nuke the middle-east and Africa, sterilizing the world of moslems and africans, so we can take the resources (and oil!!) that Jesus put there for us? Think about it.
Dear Elwood:
Educate yourself.
“Really, what did you expect? A considerable portion of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is based on the assumption that Islam in the U.S. will be different: that Muslims here believe differently from those elsewhere, and do not accept the doctrines of violence against and subjugation of unbelievers that have characterized Islam throughout its history. But on what is that assumption based? Nothing but wishful thinking. And future generations of non-Muslims will pay the price.”
“Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.”
I have no idea what your comment of 9:54 AM means. Are you saying that because I come from a wealthy family my opinion is somehow not worthy? And I didn’t pan my test and scream anything I wrote a comment. You’re overreacting. But that’s OK because you side with the Nazis in the Ukraine and the Muslims in the Middle East. That puts you on the side of evil everywhere. So at least you remain in character.
You have accused me and everybody else here how many things from wanting to kill you to wanting to exterminate and genocide other people none of us have ever said anything of the sort. But you project your own feelings onto us. We are not like you we don’t wanna kill all the Muslims we just want them out of America. We don’t wanna kill all the communists or Nazis we just want them out of America. Is that unreasonable? I guess to you it is. You’d rather coexist with the enemies that want to annihilate you then face up to the fact that it’s gonna be us or them sooner or later.
You are giving aid and comfort to the enemy even if only by your writings on the Internet.
It means a wealthy “white man” looking down his nose at less whites, i.e., Muslims, Blacks, Native Americans and Mexicans is an asshole. That’s all. You’re a racist asshole. That’s all. You’re privileged upbringing, you’re privileged existence today, help shape your opinions.
Yes, it is unreasonable to want all Muslims out of America. And neo-Nazis in America are on your team. You’re afraid of those who think differently than you.
Those that support the defense of Ukraine against the authoritarian proto-commie Putin is not “siding with the Nazis”. Just another far-right lie. Those that support justice for Palestinians in the Levant ARE pro-human rights. Those that want to bomb all Muslims back to the stone age are anti-human rights, and are terrorists themselves.
Your ignorance feeds your hatred.
Again… terrorists need to be stopped and destroyed.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
“Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Is snake handling legal?
Can a parent refuse treatment of a sick child because of their “religion?”,regardless%20of%20their%20religious%20beliefs.
The Supreme Court makes these decisions on a case by case basis.
No rattlesnake handling bans have reached the Supreme Court, but state courts have upheld the bans.
Courts have ruled that Christian Science followers CAN be held responsible for a child’s death by withholding life-saving treatment. Why not just deport all Christian Scientists? Because a more immediate solution is available.
So… if you wished to exile all Muslims from the United States you would face a number of court challenges. It wouldn’t take long to conclude your policy was unconstitutional. And kidnapping is against the law. Religious beliefs do not permit one to break the law.
By the way, why is polygamy banned? Anti-Mormonism?
Once again you’re projecting onto me your own hatred. I don’t look down my nose at anybody. Bear in mind I’m a guy who runs into fires to save people like you and your family. What have you done lately?
just like the commie upbringing of your pathetic pinko family made you the jealous hypocrite you are. Riddled with white guilt and the knowledge you really are a worthless trash ball you strike out at others better than you. It ain’t hard since you’re about the lowest degenerate I’ve come across here.
So someone typed –
“Like welfare blacks living in ignorance and squalor in inner cities, and Injuns living in abysmal poverty on reservations, Gazans are a failed people who lost a war ages ago but can’t accept it. Yet Gazans are egged on in their discontent by an international community that hates seeing people with whiter or lighter skin prevail over people with darker skin”
– under L.G.s moniker. My apologies for thinking you typed such an odious screed.
“Keep fighting to get back those olive groves!”
The Palestinians got their olive groves, plus greenhouses, gardens, and ready-made homes when Israel handed them Gaza. Their first action was to smash it all in an orgy of destruction against “anything touched by Jews”, then they elected a government that had no interest in improving their condition, just using donated aid to build more war materiel.
“FBI races past protesters screaming
‘kill the Jews’ to arrest woman praying silently outside abortion clinic”.
Fossil fuel profits support Hamas
Hamas is supported by almost all of the biggest fossil fuels exporters. Russia, the Gulf sheiks, all of whom also have big dollar business deals with Trump
Judge a man by his friends!
Many of the AKs used by Hamas were made in North Korea by Trump’s good friend Kim
Who is supporting Israel? The EuroBiden coalition. The same countries supporting Ukraine. Of course Israel has also supported Ukraine both with military equipment and volunteers.
Always fun to hear Johnny’s rants from the back of his box of Cherrios..
Last several years of US aid given to the terror-loving “Palestinians”
2009 Obama 268 million
2010 Obama 237 million
2011 Obama 249 million
2012 Obama 233 million
2013 Obama 294 million
2014 Obama 398 million
2015 Obama 390 million
2016 Obama 359 million
2017 Trump 359 million
2018 Trump 65 million
2019 Trump 0
2020 Trump 0
2021 Brandon 318 million
2022 Brandon 364 million
2023 Brandon 371 million
All is fair in love and war. Can’t be denied, nor can it be accepted.
It just is, nobody can change it, wars have been here for the last 18,000 years after the Laurentide Ice Sheet melted, humans clash, they’re animals, all of them.
Thou shalt not kill, but humans can and will.
14,000 wars on the books, get used to it.
“So… if you wished to exile all Muslims from the United States you would face a number of court challenges.”
That isn’t the question. Which is…… Is Islam a religion and if it is, then why can’t it be as regulated as some Christian groups??
Poll after poll show that many Muslims want to be judged by Sharia law, not US law. And many support extremism.
“A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community. ”