They always tell us what they want. She’s not the first to make this call, and won’t be the last. What it means is mass confiscation of firearms
JUST IN: Kamala Harris references Australia as a country the United States should model themselves after when it comes to gun control.
Starting in 1996, Australia collected about 650,000 privately owned guns in a mandatory buyback.
They also established a gun registry and…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 26, 2023
Australia has no 2nd Amendment. Also, only about one third to one fifth of the guns were turned in. They do not really know the exact percent, because no one told the government before or after. The GOP is missing a good opportunity, as usual, to bring legislation to the floor which would take assault weapons away from all who protect the White House, Congress, federal buildings, other than military bases. Restrict pistols to magazines that hold no more than 10 rounds. It doesn’t have to pass, it has to show that Democrats are not OK with not being protected themselves.
Maine Rep. Jared Golden says hometown mass shooting changed his mind on assault weapons ban
Rep. Jared Golden, a Marine Corps veteran who lives in Lewiston, Maine, said Thursday that in light of the recent mass shooting in his hometown he was changing his view on banning assault-style weapons.
“Humility is called for as accountability is sought by victims of a tragedy such as this one,” Golden said at a news conference alongside other officials.
Arguably the most conservative Democrat in the House, Golden said that “I have opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle used to carry out this crime.”
“The time has come for me to take responsibility for this failure,” he said. “Which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing.”
So, because some psycho used one, the rest of us must pay the price?
(Breitbart) Robert Card, the person of interest being pursued by law enforcement in Maine following murders in Lewiston, had reported mental health issues and was evaluated by police in July due to concerns of erratic behavior, according to reports.
Card — a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and a firearms instructor described by CNN as a “skilled marksman and outdoorsman” — is the suspect in the massacre that occurred in Lewiston late Wednesday, leaving 18 people killed and more than a dozen injured, according to an update from Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D).
According to reports, Card had a history of mental health issues and had been evaluated by police at the Keller Army Community Hospital at West Point in July after military officials expressed concern about his erratic behavior.
Maine has a yellow flag law
Maine State Police said that Card reported “hearing voices” and threatened to carry out a mass shooting. It’s the kind of warning signs that red and yellow flag laws are meant to intercept.
Jaclyn Schildkraut, executive director of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the Rockefeller Institute, says policies are only as good as the people behind them.
“So if the policy isn’t being implemented, and it’s not being utilized effectively, that’s a systems failure issue and a human failure issue,” she said.
All those issues with this guy, and no one took the steps to attempt to temporarily pull his guns, and, they had to know he had them. It’s a yellow flag, not red flag, because it takes more steps, but, no one tried. The government system failed, and, because of that, Democrats are looking to disarm Americans.

Democrats are incredibly tone deaf to suggest civil disarmament less than a month after Hamas terrorists slaughtered unarmed civilians in Israel.
As I have said often before, self preservation is the most basic human right. Without that, all your other rights are purely academic and philosophy exercises. Any government that really wishes to remove your effective ability to protect yourself and your community should first demonstrate that such protection is not required because no one every gets harmed or threatened with harm. Solve the skyrocketing crime problem first. Solve the massive foreign invasion first. Solve the problem of some people thinking that killing others is a viable path to achieve political solutions first. Until then, they have nothing to say about this we haven’t heard before and rejected.
Anyone who is against basic human rights has no business running a nation that claims to be the home of the free.
The AR-15 style semi-auto rifle is the weapon of choice for mass murderers. Gun sellers make 10s of billions a year with Modern Sporting Rifles being a big seller.
Gun fetishists intentionally conflate banning AR-15 style rifles with total disarmament.
Now they’re afraid they’re AR-15 is needed to protect themselves against bloodthirsty Muslims!!
By all means, carry your AR-15 every sojourn to McDonalds, Wal-Mart, the movies and Hooters, and wait for the equally armed bad guy.
We know you’re an idiot but you do realize if we get rid of AR-15 style semi automatic rifles something else will become the weapon of choice for mass murderers correct?
Is there any logical or moral reason that you object to gun sellers making billions a year with sporting rifles being a big seller? Because I can’t see what they’re earnings have to do with you.
That’s absolutely not true. Why do you make such an absurd statement? You know it’s a lie.
And you’re afraid AR’s will give us the ability to do just that. You want us disarmed and let the Muslims kill us is that the point?
Your problem is when you lie and say you wanna ban AR-15 “style” rifles we realize that you’re saying you want to ban every semi automatic rifle. You did it before didn’t you? And you’ll do it again won’t you?
Thank you, we will. It seems to us the bad guys already have them because they buy them illegally or in the case of crazies they buy them perfectly legally but guys like you won’t throw crazies and nut houses because the ACLU says that’s bad.
Actually, handguns are the weapons of choice for mass shooters. In fact, more people are killed every year by assailants using only fists and feet than from assailants using all types of long guns combined. So if you panty-wetting hoplophobes really wanted to save lives, you’d ban hands and feet. For that matter, you’d save more lives by banning anything that could be used as a club, such as baseball bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, fireplace pokers, etc. You could also save more lives by banning knives than by banning modern sporting rifles.
We’ll take our chances with mass killers using hammers, golf clubs, hockey sticks, hands and feet, etc.
They have hammers, golf clubs, hockey sticks, hands and feet, baseball bats, cricket bats and knives in Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Japan etc but hardly any mass killings. In fact, they have many fewer homicides than we do.
Why do you believe that the US has almost all the mass killings? You know the reason. Your freedom to have an AR-15 type rifle to play with results in dead children every year.
Rimjob: We’ll take our chances with mass killers using hammers, golf clubs, hockey sticks, hands and feet, etc.
Uh huh.
Why it’s nice to have AR-15 close at hand.
The army, LEO and the health care system KNEW this man was a danger. They had him and let him go…and keep his guns. This was DELIBERATE. The criminals in power want these mass shootings. They will keep facilitating them until that achieve their ultimate goal. Total disarmament of the entire country. NONE of what is happening is accidental.
There’s nothing we can do about mass murders! If we couldn’t do anything after a madman with an AR-15 slaughtered a classroom of 6 yr olds (Newtown, CT), and if we couldn’t do anything after a madman with an AR-15 slaughtered a classroom of kids (Uvalde, TX), we certainly can’t do anything after the Lewiston slaughter.
Speaker Johnson wisely identified the problem as NOT guns but rather our “hearts”. He further hinted that the victims should have been carrying to protect themselves. Every other advanced nation on Earth has been able to control the mental illness, limit the violent video games, reduce the anger of young men to nearly eliminate mass shootings! We should study how the other countries do it.
Dead children are the cost of freedom!
from America’s Finest News Source…
Rimjob: Dead children are the cost of freedom!
Dead children should be used as leftist talking points.
“Dead children are the cost of freedom”
No, they’re political points for communists. Collateral damage. You and that idiot Kaaaaaaaa-mala – along with every other gun-grabbing Democrat moron – are just fine with as many dead kids as it takes to disarm Americans.
We have studied how the other countries do it they don’t have a Democrat Communist Party that keeps telling everybody that they’re special and deserve special rights. They don’t have Democrats allowing criminals out on the streets. They don’t have defund the police. They don’t have the ACLU or the BLM or Antifa. They don’t have bleeding heart judges leftist lawyers and all kinds of advocates for all kinds of weirdos. And they don’t pay their enemies to come in through their southern border and take over their country and even infiltrate their Congress.
Facts argue against your position.
The US has the highest incarceration rate of all developed countries – by far.
Of the developed nations only the United States, Japan and Taiwan still use capital punishment.
And do you think the US is MORE liberal than France, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, Finland, Denmark etc regarding law enforcement???? LOL.
Few, if any, mass shootings in the US are committed by illegal immigrants. Can you identify an illegal immigrant in the US Congress?
Your explanation doesn’t hold up.
Mr Teach repeatedly lies to his hapless readers that the AR-15 style rifle is no different than a hunting rifle. So why did the US military give up their M1 and M14s for the shorter, lighter, easily handled, low recoil, flash suppression, easily switched magazines, etc. Mass shooters like them for the same reasons soldiers like the selective fire versions!
Even a guy committed to 2 weeks mental evaluation deserves one!!
So what are the advantages of the AR-15 for the non-service folks? 1. They’re fun.
That’s it. Home defense? Get a shotgum. Hunting? Get a hunting rifle.
Rimjob: So what are the advantages of the AR-15 for the non-service folks?
Because fuck you. That’s it.
That is a cogent and spot on comment drowningpuppies, thank you.
You and everyone else like you can eat shit and die on this. There will be no negotiation. Stop voting for people who propose to steal my property. I have an AR-15 because fuck you. That’s all the reason you need.
Most mass murders are still done with pistols.
And there you have it, folks – the liberal philosophy in a nutshell.
“OF COURSE we want you to have choices! Here’s the choices WE think should be available!”
But of course, conservatives are the authoritarians.
Conservatives who are over 30 remember that these same groups were always for universal disarmament of the population and always trended towards any firearm they thought was vulnerable. So we had campaigns against “Saturday night specials” (revolvers before the movie lethal weapon made the 9mm Berretta popular), “cop killer bullets” (magical teflon coated bullets that never seems to be in the marketplace”, 50 cal rifles (bolt action), and small pocket automatics that were considered “poorly made” (in other words, cheap to buy), and the ever-popular, “gun show loophole”. It is always something with these guys. Today it is “assault weapons”, but if they get their way it will be 9mm pistols tomorrow. We don’t need to guess about this, they have a long very-public history.
The fact is that more mass (over 4 people wounded including the shooter) shooters are using AR 15-type guns because there are so many of them in the hands of average citizens and some of those people are violent and dangerous. Those people buy them for the same reason everyone else does: they are inexpensive, cheap to shoot, ammo is easily available, it’s easy to become a good shooter with one and they are very reliable and easy to maintain. The exact same reasons people buy other guns. last gun show I went to I saw basic model AR-15 going for about $600, or the same price as a compact 9mm handgun. In the future, even more mass shootings will use ARs, AKs, and Keltecs (what the Nashville psycho used), not because those are perfect weapons for mass shootings, but just because there are so many of them being made. Same reason why most car accidents involve combustion engines and not EVs. It doesn’t mean EVs are safer.
Show us on the doll where Mr. Stoner hurt you.
Damn GunGrabbers tried to take his beloved guns just because he ess feeling a bit blue. That was probably what triggered him
Really, anyone might begin to act out (maybe not to that extreme) if BIG GOVERNMENT tried to steal his guns. The 2nd Amendment says nothing about mental health, it simply say plainly SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
Exactly. It’s Liberal Logic!(pat. pending) at its finest.
Did he deerve to live under the threat of having his guns stolen just because of his short hospital stay?
Have you noticed? The left get all incensed and scream for more gun control when a whacko white man kills a bunch of white people, but when a whacko white female who thinks she’s a dude kills a bunch of kids, not only don’t the left say squat, they try to keep her ‘manifesto’ and other writings a closely guarded secret. And when (mostly) black males kill other (mostly) black males, the left don’t say anything.
The left were aghast when 19-year-old black male (allegedly) murdered 39-year-old homosexual and homeless advocate in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia. The left and the queers — I can call them that now, since they’ve adopted the word themselves! — waxed wroth, and couldn’t give Mr Kruger enough accolades, right up until the (alleged) killer’s family claimed that Mr Kruger had a sexual relationship with their son when their son was only 15.
From the Philly media now? Crickets.