It’s an interesting concept. I read a lot of zombie books. A lot. There a bunch of authors I read now, and have read, that have done some great zombie stuff, be it the walking dead type or something similar. Jake Bible had a great series starting in the NC mountains, and has started doing a new series. TW Brown has one of the best, his Dead series and spinoffs, because he made sure you knew it was horror, killing people, even main characters, off. He’s disappeared, though. I wonder if COVID got him? So many more. J.S. Patrick has a great series. As does Timothy Long. I just read book 7 by KJ Jones, reading another by Mark Tufo, who is a master at this. Have another by Scott M. Baker in the hopper, and Baleigh Higgins just released book 6 in her series, I’ll read those last 2 after reading some scifi.
What makes a good zombie book? It’s the people surviving. Not the zombies. It can’t be a constant fight against zombies. It’s like other survival ones, be it nuclear war, an EMP, etc. This is what drove people nuts with The Walking Dead: what happens with people? Can’t have constant zombies. Drives me crazy that some do not pick up on using bikes to travel. And to use a slingshot to hit something noisy to divert the zombies away. Bob Howard has done some interesting things, like, what happens when rats have no one trying to eradicate them and a huge amount of food? Creepy. Oh, and spiders. Yeah, he made it skin tingling horror. But, could you survive?
From The Walking Dead to The Last Of Us, zombie apocalypses have been staple features of science fiction blockbusters for years.
But what would happen if a zombie takeover happened in the real world?
In a new study, researchers at Aalto University set out to answer this question – with terrifying results.
Their simulations suggest that if a single zombie appeared in Helsinki, there would be just seven hours to completely quarantine the capital – or kill the zombies.
Otherwise, zombies would ‘inevitably overrun the country’, the team says.
Seven hours. Population of 631,695. That is frightening. In some books it takes a while, in some it is fast. A lot would depend on the types of zombies. Fast? Slow? How long does it take to turn? Is it just bites, or do scratches cause it? Any transfer of fluid? I’ve read ones where the military fights back and loses. One great one, Zombie War by Nicholas Ryan, reads as a war journalist getting the stories on how the U.S. military fought back and won. Most zombie authors try and make it real, because that is scarier. People hiding their infected relatives, which invariably causes problems. Going out and not being careful. Wearing proper clothing. Makes me crazy when people were shorts and short sleeves when they get infected by being bit.
‘I shouldn’t have found it surprising, but I was surprised at how quickly we have to react to keep our population alive,’ said Professor Pauliina Ilmonen, who led the study.
‘It made me think about moral issues like the rights of individuals versus the rights of a population.’
Should anyone infected be immediately killed? Yes. But, there’s always people who do not think it through. BD Lutz, most definitely a conservative writer, uses the backdrop of an America that split off into Right America and Blue States United, and early on talked about how liberals did not want to kill them because they were living(ish) beings. Most of the politics are just background, wisely, but, can you see liberals doing that? In others they do not want to kill them until they turn, which causes problems.
Would you survive? I know how to. What to wear. What to do. Where to go. How to travel. To shelter and be quiet. But, even the smartest and most knowledgeable can die.
Oh, and technically zombies are alive. Be better to call them the walking dead, infected dead. But, who cares. Zombies. Seven hours is a terrifying timeframe, if they’re correct.

Some CC links for Sunday:
BREAKING NEWS – ‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry dead at 54: Report
Israel-Palestine War LIVE STREAM
Oh BTW – Hamas hides their HQ under a Gaza’s largest hospital – Video
FLORIDA LEADS THE WAY! Florida’s Israel Rescue Operation Update (re-post)
A “zombie” outbreak and the results would depend primarily on the method of transmitting the disease and how quickly the infected become affected. Regardless however it’s probable that the infection would always spread at a faster rate than cumbersome incompetent unwieldy authoritarian government could react to it. Government doesn’t do anything quickly…and rarely competently.
Agreed. How the zombie apocalypse spreads matters. If it’s a virus you catch like in the Stand, you just die and nothing you do helps. If like in 28 days, you can survive by isolation and fortification. Then you have to have enough stored food to get through winter and enough ammo and friends to fight off raiders and raiders pretending to be government to “save everyone by taking your stuff”.
Exactly. So much depends on the type and the response. Is the govt honest or hiding everything? Are people believing or skeptical? Is it a slow burn or do things happen quickly? I have read so many different scenarios, and almost all turn bad.
One I liked (and I don’t usually like the zombie genre) – Cascade Fallen Republic – a three book series.
I’ll have to check that one out.
The interesting thing to me in all the zombie apocalypse movies is how much effort the governmentvelite puts into saving themselves as if a country with 5% surviving population still needs a national government. Once 30+ percent of the population dies, one must always question the legitimacy of the government to continue exercising their authority.
If you have been keeping up with COVID-19 you will realize that the democrats and the liberals in the EU are trying for World War 3 because they have F U C K E D all of us.
The body has spike proteins all throughout and multiple COVID boosters are actually doing damage to our bodies. The pushback is that the spike protein is not the same as covid…Well duh, scream the scientists then what’s the point of the vaccine if it vaccinates us against something else?
The excess mortality should be a result of those over the age of 70 dying because after WW2 the boomers were born and that would make them 70-85 and getting ready to die.
However, the truth is that the extra mortality is coming from those ages 15-54 and not 70-85.
As a result, the left is frantically trying to keep you from reading the news on COVID-19.
Ginormous blood clots, cancer patients dying in days after a COVID shot. The main problem says England’s top researcher with over 538 published studies, is that there is a point in which the body can no longer tolerate being vaccinated against something that no longer exists. It is akin to taking 10 polio shots.
He has tried to publish his most current covid studies and has been turned down. 538 published papers and they tell him that his covid research will NOT BENEFIT THE GENERAL POPULATION.
Translated….what they don’t know…..we ain’t gonna tell them that we forced them to mask up(BAD SCIENCE), lock down, pull out of school, and take multiple boosters which are causing havock in the bodies of most of us. Even athletes in excellent condition are getting sick…not from COVID-19 but from the shots.
I think the Zombie apocalypse is just months away. China has said they must take Taiwan by 2024. The die is cast….we are staring at Armageddon and IMO it is because the left is frantically trying to hide the disaster they forced on the entire world. I mean everyone was poked and prodded and in fact you could hardly even travel or go out of your house without a get out of jail free proof of vaccination in most countries and in half of America.
“Well duh, scream the scientists then what’s the point of the vaccine if it vaccinates us against something else?”
“Traditional vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, like the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, teach cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response if someone gets infected. When the vaccine is injected into the upper arm, the mRNA enters cells near the site of the injection and tells the cells to start making the same protein that is found in the COVID-19 virus. The immune system recognizes this protein and begins producing antibodies that can fight the virus if the vaccinated person is later infected.
None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way,…”,response%20if%20someone%20gets%20infected.
Perhaps do some follow-up instead of cutting and pasting?
we were told the spike proteins stay in the arm.
Many papers have reported that certain antibodies in the blood of infected patients appear to change the shape of the spike protein so as to make it more likely to bind to cells, while other papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the coronavirus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier. These findings may be even more relevant to the pathogenesis of long-COVID syndrome which may affect as many as 50% of those infected with SARS-CoV-2.
ergo the analogy(of defending the spike protein as not being the same as the COVID protein) by the leading pathologist of England with over 500 published papers.
That analogy is that we are continually injecting spike proteins into bodies that have no need for them and they have nothing to do other than begin circulating throughout the body creating havoc.
Moderna paid NIH 500 million dollars just prior to being given authorization to use its vaccine. When questioned the CEO said he was not privy to what the NIH used the money for.
Question? Could this not be considered a bribe and a strong incentive to approve this emergency use, since Moderna’s vaccine is now being discontinued in many, many countries as harmful to its populace?
Finland and Sweden are limiting the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in young people over concerns about rare cardiovascular side effects. Denmark and Japan followed suit.
Do some research. No one is suggesting they alter your DNA, they simply are not working as intended and all medicines have side effects. Some medicines just have nastier side effects than others and now we are finding that the mRNA vaccines created for Covid-19 fall into that nasty category.
The Science was wrong. That does not mean science is bad.
Natural immunity is better than being vacinated as in having had Covid.
Masks don’t work. In fact there are many videos on the internet of doctors performing surgery without masking up.
Vitamin D is a powerful vitamin your body makes from an unlimited supply. The sun. Even animals lay in the sun and sun bathe. Why would drug companies continue to push the fact that Vitamin D is toxic and the supplements should be limited?
The left used to LOATHE Big Pharma. Now they defend them with their dying breath because losing the debate on vaccines means their MEME of Trust the Science is in error.
We are all walking dead. The catastrophic effects on our bodies of these vaccines is incalculable.