At what point does their scaremongering, their apoplexy, just become too much for people to even take them seriously? Kinda like with Miley Cyrus when she just ramped up the insane. Do you hear much about her anymore?
Alarmists Threaten ‘Worldwide Societal Breakdown’ from Climate Crisis
A group of climate researchers warned this week that billions of people could find themselves in uninhabitable conditions by the year 2100 thanks to climate change.
“By the end of this century, an estimated 3 to 6 billion individuals — approximately one-third to one-half of the global population — might find themselves confined beyond the livable region, encountering severe heat, limited food availability, and elevated mortality rates because of the effects of climate change,” the authors wrote in their “2023 state of the climate report” published in BioScience.
The researchers, led by Oregon-based climate activists William J. Ripple and Christopher Wolf, stated that the effects of global warming “are progressively more severe, and possibilities such as a worldwide societal breakdown are feasible and dangerously underexplored.”
“Big problems need big solutions,” the authors declared. “Therefore, we must shift our perspective on the climate emergency from being just an isolated environmental issue to a systemic, existential threat.”
This sounds totally sciencey, right? If people in your life start getting hysterical, over-yammering about conspiracy theories, going all doom and gloom, do you start tuning them out? Staying away from them? I do.
But, hey, we can fix this with a tax and taking away all your life choices.

William Teach: Kinda like with Miley Cyrus when she just ramped up the insane. Do you hear much about her anymore?
Miley Cyrus’ ‘Flowers’ Named Most-Consumed Song of 2023
William Teach: This sounds totally sciencey, right?
Anthropogenic global warming is occurring. Global warming is expected to increase migration.
The world is already straining due to migration, economically and politically.
Nope, wrong. Now go away and find some other source for your debate club. Children , like you, should not be on the internet.
Are you denying that Miley Cyrus’s song was incredibly popular??
Are you denying that the Earth is warming??
You are fat and a failure. Now don’t respond to my comments, that one was especially stupid.
Dr Mal Practice x 7,
Fuck you, Killer!
david7134: Nope, wrong.
“Song of the Summer and All of 2023: Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers”
Anthropogenic global warming is occurring.
No, dear child that is the ARGUMENT. You are begging the question, assuming the answer. While the planet does appear to be slowly warming – as typically happens in interglacial periods – it doesn’t even come close to the apocalyptic predictions that the Climate Cultists continue to spew.
If your predictions don’t pan out, but you don’t adjust your theory, it’s religion, not science.
Yes, dear little one, anthropogenic global warming is a fact.
No, it’s not a fact. Periods of global warming and global cooling are facts. We are currently in a period of global warming. The anthropogenic part of it is merely unscientific supposition. That’s based on politics or religion not science.
Fact is people like you have all successfully scared the hell out of weak minded people like yourselves. Just like you convinced the weak minded “educated” children at colleges that Hamas is good and Israel is bad and that there was no stolen election and that disease that had a 98.5% survival rate was somehow the black plague. You people don’t know much but you’re really good at deception and brainwashing.
CarolAnn: The anthropogenic part of it is merely unscientific supposition.
It’s not supposition, but based on physical mechanisms that have been known for over a century. See Arrhenius, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground, London, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1896.
CarolAnn: disease that had a 98.5% survival rate was somehow the black plague.
If you mean COVID, the mortality rate was closer to 99.5%. In any case, a million Americans died during the pandemic. Was that not deadly enough?
Even Arrhenius later admitted that his calculations were WRONG. WAY WRONG!

Something the kiddieZ refuse to acknowledge.
We recommend that the so-called “skeptics” read this article on the history of Arrhenius’s (and others’) work.
Would the commenter please cite the work where Arrhenius “admitted that his calculations were WRONG. WAY WRONG!”
So chubby, are you so fucking lazy that you cannot Copy “Arhennius later admitted that his calculations were wrong.” and paste it into your browser?
Even a 12yr old can do that.
You made the claim, fluffy. We’re forced to conclude you have no evidence. We’re not obliged to do your homework for you.
Conclude whatever you like but you’ve proved that you’re to fucking lazy to look it up on your own. It’s out there, chubby.

No it’s not J, as it’s never been verified with empirical evidence. But keep trying…
Jl: it’s never been verified with empirical evidence.
Anthropogenic global warming is supported by the basic physics of greenhouse warming. See Arrhenius, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground, London, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1896.
The observed rate of warming is consistent with anthropogenic greenhouse warming.
alanstorm: No, dear child that is the ARGUMENT.
The actual CLAIM is whether it “sounds totally sciency.” There is substantial evidence for anthropogenic global warming, and more specifically, global warming will cause increased migration with all the attendant economic, social, and political tensions.
alanstorm: While the planet does appear to be slowly warming
The evidence is that “rate and magnitude of modern warming are unusual relative to the changes of the past 24 thousand years.” See Osman et al., Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum, Nature 2021.
The Earth’s Temperature
that statement is not true at all. There is some evidence that anthropogenic warming is a minor addition to warming. There is no evidentiary proof that it exists in any major amount that could in fact change the climate over the entire planet that’s pure poppycock. Only a diseased mind would believe something that foolish.
Modern warming is not unusual related to the changes over the Millennium not 24,000 years. Neither of which matters since we haven’t had cars and planes and boats and gas stoves for 24,000 years either so none of that matters as far as GW is concerned.
But it is a fact that 99.7% of all climate scientists are paid to predict global warming and therefore stick with it no matter what. Are you a climate scientist today Z? Just like no matter what happens Fauci’s never gonna change what he’s sworn about COVID. That’s how he makes his money.
First of all all you do is complain about first world people first world countries and first world products which is what makes AGW. That’s about 15% of the world’s population. Almost all of which are white. So basically you’re protesting people’s ability to progress and people’s natural born whiteness. Now you can steal all their money but you can’t change their color. Or have you other plans for dealing with white people? Because as we’ve seen through history it seems to be the white people who keep progressing and conquering. I imagine you’re one. A self hating one no doubt but one nonetheless.
Carol Ann: There is some evidence that anthropogenic warming is a minor addition to warming.
What do you think is the cause of the current warming trend? See Huber & Knutti, Anthropogenic and natural warming inferred from changes in Earth’s energy balance, Nature Geoscience 2021.
Carol Ann: There is no evidentiary proof that it exists in any major amount that could in fact change the climate over the entire planet
In fact, Without the greenhouse effect the Earth’s surface would be a chilly -18°C rather than the balmy +15°C that it is. The oceans would be frozen. Small changes in greenhouse gas concentrations are clearly important for explaining Earth’s climate history.
Carol Ann: Modern warming is not unusual related to the changes over the Millennium not 24,000 years.
Z: cites study in the journal Nature
C: Is not!
What you could do is explain why you think the study is in error.
Carol Ann: So basically you’re protesting people’s ability to progress and people’s natural born whiteness.
Please don’t ascribe views to us that we do not hold. The only rational means of addressing global warming includes continued economic progress to provide the resources and the technological innovations required, while also allowing the world’s people to reap the benefits of modernity.
There, that’s more accurate.
One thing is for sure.
These doomsayers all forecast bad things…but they never mention ways that mankind can mediate. IOW, complaints but no solutions.
So come on H, Elwood, Z, et all. Do you think mankind would just roll over and die???
Oceans rising? Ever heard of Holland?
Need to reduce CO2? Plant more trees.
To hot for wheat in KS? Move to Canada.
Heck, I’m sure that super intelligent people like you have some ideas,
James Lewis: Do you think mankind would just roll over and die???
Not at all. Humans are highly adaptable, especially given their technological and scientific abilities. However, part of that adaptability is being able to foresee problems. Mitigating warming will be less costly in the long run, and result in less permanent damage to humankind’s natural inheritance, as well as reducing the dangers inherent in human conflicts over resources.
James Lewis: To hot for wheat in KS? Move to Canada.
As noted above, human migration can cause social and political conflicts. For example, consider how the United States is already straining over current levels of migration.
What Mr Zachriel said…
BTW, JL, kudos for acknowledging that the Earth is indeed warming!
Z and Elwood
So neither of you have any idea on how to mediate what you claim we have, NOW.
Typical Leftie BS.
When in trouble, run in circles, scream and shout.
BTW, you use another typical Leftie tactic. You misstate what others say.
I have never denied climate change. We have had it since day one. The issue is what is causing it.
You claim mankind is the problem and want total control. Yet you offer NO solution outside of destruction of civilization.
That’s bull shit.
Many nations, including the US and in Europe have significantly reduced CO2 emissions while their GDPs have increased! So, no destruction of civilization!
CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning is the most likely cause of global warming.
With no climate controls it’s estimated by 2100 the Earth’s mean surface temperature with be 4C warmer. Under the current scenario 2.5C is likely by 2100. Stricter controls could limit to 1.5 to 2C. Today, we’re already about 1C warmer.
Anyway, let the great-grandkids worry about it, right?
But you used to adamantly claim it was the cause.
So chubby, will you ever make up your little 12yr old mind?
James Lewis: So neither of you have any idea on how to mediate what you claim we have, NOW.
Have no idea what you are saying. Do you mean “mitigate”? If so, please be aware of two salient facts: The current energy infrastructure was largely built over the last century. Infrastructure installations generally get replaced every 50 years or so. Replacing the old technology with new technology makes economic sense while also addressing global warming.
James Lewis: You claim mankind is the problem and want total control.
Please don’t ascribe view to us that we do not hold.
J for the self-own, again . Never said it wasn’t warming, as you know. It’s the cause and more importantly the alleged effects. Those aren’t known. But keep trying
You formerly claimed it was warming, as did Teach, Tony WUWT etc. Remember the claims that the dishonest, bribed scientists like Michael Mann were fudging the data? Since those days you’ve become overwhelmed by the evidence and admit it’s warming. Tony WUWT accepts it. Richard Muller accepts it. Roy Spencer accepts it.
In your mind, is it a “fact” that the Earth is warming?
After being wrong on warming, now you question the cause. Recall too that scientific theories are not proved, but as evidence accumulates (and with the lack of falsifying evidence), the theory becomes accepted, but always provisionally. The overwhelming evidence supports that humans burning fossil fuels are adding enough CO2 to the atmosphere to increase the concentration some 50% and even reduce the pH of the oceans!! It’s a fact that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation keeping the Earth warm.
Why do you believe the Earth is warming?
Oh Jill,
You are such a liar with a short memory. You were denying it was warming even after Teach was resigned to reality.
What is the cause if not CO2? We’ll wait…
Can anyone predict potential effects with continued warming? Will glaciers continue to melt? How about Greenland and Antarctica? Sea level rise? Or do you think the physics of water volume will change by miracle?
What is your theory that the warming that you now acknowledge will end?
We have the left screaming how horrible it is that conservatives don’t believe in prenatal infanticide, the left horrified that the new Speaker of the House is actually a Christian, and the woke parading in the streets telling us that it’s good to kill the Jews, and some are only warning against societal breakdown? It’s already here!
MAGAtism is based on Big Donnie’s claims that America has broken down and must be rebuilt as a Caucasian, conservative, Christian “paradise”.
Yes, a majority of Americans favor access to abortion.
Speaker Mike “Tiny” Johnson (R-LA) is not the first Christian Speaker. In fact, every Speaker has been Christian – even tragically flawed Christians such as Howell Cobb, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert and Jim Wright. Johnson’s tragic flaw is that he is a MAGAt, subservient to Big Donnie’s lack of human decency.
College kids protesting in favor of the Palestinians is hardly worse than right-wing “good people” shouting “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!”
America has problems – always has, always will – but the problems are hardly unsolvable.
Losers like Rimjob tend to stretch things a bit in order to attract attention.
Losers like Humjob type silliness for attention. Some days he/she is more lonely than others. Mommy probably had to work today.
J-“the most likely cause”. Thanks for confirming it isn’t known. “Many countries have reduced emissions while GDPs have increased, so no destruction of civilization..”. Thanks for making my point-so in other words as CO2 emissions have continued to rise world-wide, there’s “no destruction of civilization” as you say. Hmm…. so, no problem..
Z-“supported by basic physics”. But never demonstrated using basic physics or verifiable cause-effect evidence. “The observed rate is consistent..”. If so, that’s still only a correlation, not evidence of causation. And earlier in the Holocene there were much faster world-wide temperature swings with lower CO2
Jl: But never demonstrated using basic physics or verifiable cause-effect evidence.
As already noted, there is substantial evidence that increases in greenhouse gases is causing an increase in the greenhouse effect. Again, it is supported by the basic physics of heat, and by a variety of observations, both direct and indirect. See, for instance, Feldman et al, Observational determination of surface radiative forcing by CO2 from 2000 to 2010, Nature 2015.
Jl: If so, that’s still only a correlation, not evidence of causation.
It’s a verified prediction. There could, in principle, be other causes of the predicted degree of warming, but it still represents one line of evidence. Do you have an alternative theory that can explain the degree of warming as well as the other observations, while also accounting for the effect of greenhouse gases?