Nothing like taking a long, fossil fueled trip to a nation that is based on fossil fuels to complain about Other People using fossil fuels. Should the Pope be a part of a cult? Should he be worshiping false idols and gods?
Pope says he will attend COP28 climate summit in Dubai, a first by a pontiff
Pope Francis said on Wednesday that he will attend the COP28 climate conference starting next month in Dubai, the first time a pontiff will be at the U.N. environmental meeting since they began in 1995.
The pope told Italy’s state-run RAI television TG1 news in an interview that he expected to be in Dubai Dec. 1-3. The conference runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12.
In Dubai, the pope is expected to drive home his recent appeal for action to curb global warming.
“We are still in time to stop it,” Francis said in the interview, speaking of global warming. “Our future is at stake, the future of our children and our grandchildren. A bit of responsibility is needed.”
Perhaps everyone should stop taking fossil fueled trips to visit the Vatican. They wouldn’t mind the loss of revenue, right?
Francis, 86, has made protection of the environment one of the hallmarks of his papacy and met last month with COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber.
Well, I guess if he’s not going to make following the Word of God the hallmark of his papacy, might as well join a cult.

What is royalty to do in the modern world? No one needs kings or princes. They have no real responsibilities. So they find hobbies and spend fortunes on travel to fun places with the other aristocrats. Charles was into climate change. Gore was into it too, back when it was global warming. Princess Di had her landmines and AIDS. Queen Elizabeth was known to support over 600 charities, mostly through patronage, not actually giving them anything.
The Catholic-hater Teach let’s fly at the Pope once again!