…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the land to turn to desert, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Average Bubba, with a post on some truth.

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the land to turn to desert, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Average Bubba, with a post on some truth.
How could I not appreciate
global warmingclimate change?That was 1:04 PM EST. As of 2:38 PM, it’s 76.1ยบ F!
This really ought to help Brandon’s poll numbers.


Bwaha! Lolgf
A gay who gets it.
She’s on my team.
The President of Ukraine announced the extension of martial law and the suspension of elections until further notice. Can we stop pretending that they are a “democracy” now?
Someone also just tried to blow up the leading opposition candidate. In a real democracy, we just use the DoJ and local prosecutors in loyal areas to arrest the opposition on make-believe charges.
The Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of laws prohibiting possession of firearms by those under court orders to stay away from their families.