Perhaps these “faith leaders” should read their holy books for lessons on what their faith means
Global faith leaders call for urgent action on climate change
Professor Mohamed Al-Duweini, the representative of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar; and Cardinal Pietro Parolin, representing Pope Francis, headed a delegation of almost thirty faith leaders who signed an appeal to COP28 delegates to take decisive action to combat climate change.
Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu leaders, along with representatives of other major religious traditions, joined in the appeal, which included calls for the acceleration of energy transitions, protection of the Earth, the transition to circular models of living in harmony with nature, and the rapid adoption of clean energy.
The appeal also included a commitment to supporting the first-of-its-kind ‘Faith Pavilion’ at COP28 and convening at future COP Conventions.
The signing ceremony took place in Abu Dhabi at the conclusion of the first day of the Global Faith Leaders Summit on Climate Change. Each of the leaders walked a path representing the equator and participated in the planting of a ghaf tree – the national tree of the UAE – before signing the document.
Hmm, so, they took long fossil fueled trips to complain about climate doom? Huh.
They emphasized that all religious traditions recognize the relationship between divinity and creation. Common themes emerged, including the moral duty of stewardship, or caring for God’s creation; the need to work together to combat climate change; and the recognition of the urgency of the climate change crisis and the need to take decisive action to meet climate goals.
Being good stewards of the planet makes sense. Joining a cult to get their followers to be a part of that cult and give their lives over to government does not. Matthew 22:21.

No. They took long fossil fueled trips to live like royalty in fancy hotels at someone else’s expense while they signaled their virtue.
And there’s the money line. It’s always all about the money and the wealth transfer. I am guessing there weren’t many representatives from Presbyterians or Southern baptists present.
These are already ecumental weirdos who drive their hybrids around with a Coexist bumper sticker.
U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria have been attacked 27 times over the past week, including five over the past 24 hours, the Pentagon said Monday.
Lets focus on Global warming.
The federal government, disinformation “experts” at universities, Big Tech, and others worked together through the Election Integrity Partnership to monitor and censor Americans’ speech during the 2020 election.
Let’s focus on Global warming.
Monday top brass at the FBI were not concerned about the behavior of pro-Palestinian protesters at a demonstration in Washington, D.C., over the weekend because they share a political agenda.
Let’s focus on Global warming even though scaling or attempting to scale the White House Fence is a felony. NOT FOR LEFTISTS THOUGH….ONLY FOR MAGA.
Let’s focus on Global Warming.
Let us pay for transgender surgeries in the military which has now spiked the number of men and women joining the forces just to get FREE transition surgeries.
This country is fuked. Seriously Fuked.
So bad the USA just openly dispatched an OHIO CLASS Nuclear-armed SUB to the Mediterranean because the USA knows that Israel has a FIRE EVERYTHING endgame if they lose support and start getting over run.
An elderly Jewish man was beaten to death yesterday in Los Angeles I believe by a group of Democrats carrying Palestinian flags and chanting from the river to the sea. He was guilty of the unpardonable sin of carrying an Israeli flag which instantaneously Marxism for death by Democrats. The civil war is upon us folks if you don’t see it you’re blind.
Mr Paul Kessler, 69, died in the hospital 12 hours after an altercation at pro-Palestine demonstration and an pro-Israel counter-demonstration. Witnesses gave conflicting reports of the altercation which resulted in a non-fatal injury to Mr Kessler’s face and a fatal injury resulting from blunt trauma to the back of his head from falling backward. The police identified a cooperative 50 year old male suspect who has been questioned and released. His house was searched.
Recall that a few weeks ago a man attacked a Muslim family, killing the six year old boy and wounding his mother.
Alternate headline:
Pro-Hamas Protestor Kills Man Supporting Israel
And Rimjob still deflects and excuses.

“Biden checks his latest poll numbers to see if Israel still has the right to exist..”
“Here’s a list of the pro-Palestine protesters who are being prosecuted for attempting to storm the White House.”
Protesting is not illegal. Even the pro-Palestinian protesters chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” were within their rights! Did they break down doors and windows and ransack the White House? Did they attack the security personnel with Palestinian flags?
We’re surprised that AmeriCons criticize the pro-Palestine protesters who promise to not vote for Biden in 2024.
You must hate Muslims more than you love Trump.
“Being good stewards of the planet makes sense. Joining a cult to get their followers to be a part of that cult and give their lives over to government does not. Matthew 22:21.”
The Catholic church has a long history of claiming it is the ruler of the masses.
Well… Of course the Cult is the Science Denier Cult. The Cult of Con-servatism. It’s called the MAGAt Cult in the US.
Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hinduist, Jainist etc disagree with the Science Denier Cult. Governments, corporations, scientists, scientific organizations etc disagree with the Science Denier Cult.
Thanks again for spewing your ignominious bigotry and hatred.

Hopefully Rimjob will continue spreading such disinformation throughout the day like a good little 12yr old with nothing better to do.
No one knows more about 12 yr old boys than Humjob!
And no one spreads disinformation like an Amerry-Con!!
On one side we have all religions, scientific bodies, universities, corporations, governments and on the other side we have the far-right and their uber-wealthy benefactors.
Thanks for proving my point, Rimjob.

Continue on.
Wow! We’ll take that as an admission of guilt, Humjob!
yes American muslims are threatening to vote for Trump since he is closely aligned in business with those countries that support Trump/Hamas.
For some weird reason Teach never seems to be critical of Israel for recognizing that man is changing the climate of our planet.
Why is it that Teach hates the leader of the Catholic faith ? Over 50% of Evangelical Christians in the USA acknowledge mans roll in climate change.
You gotta admire a moron stupid enough to believe that a vaccine that didn’t stop the disease worked, that a man can become a woman, and a woman can become a man, people who can’t predict the weather for next week are going to change the entire climate in 100 years actually has the tiny little nuts to call others science deniers. Lol.
I cannot imagine the asinine crap that goes through elwood’s mind. No sane individual, no rational individual, no educated individual could possibly believe and state the ridiculous nonsense that he comments here. Or perhaps he’s completely insane. And by his constant repetition that they didn’t steal the election without ever investigating or auditing the election I would have to conclude he’s insane. When you refuse to explore the alternative because you’re afraid it will expose the lies you’ve been telling you must be insane or the most devious and evil person alive.
His visceral hatred against Donald Trump illustrates how mentally off balance he is. It seems he would rather destroy his country then allow democracy to exist if it means electing Donald Trump. Oh well that’s how great dictatorships begin.
Yeah but ya gotta admit Rimjob is a hell of a businessman.
The drug that Rimjob had a hand in creating didn’t work as advertised to potential investors.

Some would call it fraud.
Poor L.G. has yet to make a reasonable argument about anything! It’s all “truisms”.
Why were the vaccinated 5 fold less likely to die from Covid?
What do you call a human with a vagina, no penis or testicles? Why do you care what they call themselves?
And do you know that weather forecasting differs from climate predictions? How did “they” know that the Earth would keep warming?
Is it at all possible that climate scientists are correct? Could you be wrong?
Is it at all possible that President Trump lost the 2020 election? Could you be wrong? Tell us more about the “audits” you require.
It is my belief that Donald Trump is unfit to be President and getting more unfit daily. And Trump is the current leader to be elected in 2024. But if he’s elected, so be it.
So Rimjob, what do you call a person who invested in your company Galera Therapeutics?