It’s strange, because I’ve been reliably told that every black person in North Carolina would be unable to vote, because, according to Democrats, black people do not have ID, which is totally not racist because Democrats have said it
Few problems reported as 2023 elections offer first test of new voter ID rules in North Carolina
As voters head to the polls Tuesday to vote for mayors and town council members in dozens of cities all across North Carolina, many will be faced with an unfamiliar new requirement: Voter ID.
The requirement for voters to show photo identification comes after a decade of political and legal battles between supporters, who say it’s needed to stop possible fraud, and opponents, who say it will prevent legitimate voters from casting a ballot.
So far in the ongoing 2023 municipal elections, public records from the state show the new rules haven’t been too cumbersome on voters: Out of more than 150,000 ballots cast during early voting, only 64 were flagged for the voter lacking ID.
Those 64 voters were still allowed to cast ballots. Under the current version of the voter ID laws, people who lack ID can use what’s known as a provisional ballot. To have that ballot be counted, they’ll have to either show back up to their local county elections board office with a valid ID, or fill out a form explaining why they don’t have identification. There are around a dozen acceptable reasons for lacking an ID, ranging from not having transportation to religious objections to photography.
It’s rather hard to believe that people do not have some sort of identification these days. It’s what, .0005% of the voters who did not have ID?
- North Carolina driver’s license
- State ID from the NCDMV (also called “non-operator ID”)
- Driver’s license or non-driver ID from another state, District of Columbia, or U.S. territory (only if voter registered in North Carolina within 90 days of the election)
- U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport card
- North Carolina voter photo ID card issued by a county board of elections (These are available for free in advance. You can’t get one on election day.)
- College or university student ID approved by the State Board of Elections (The state has a long list of acceptable student IDs)
- State or local government or charter school employee ID approved by the State Board of Elections (The state has a long list of acceptable government and employee IDs)
Democrats think minorities, especially Blacks, have trouble getting one of those. Back to original link
While the number of voters who came to the polls without ID was low, there’s also no way of knowing how many didn’t try voting at all because they knew they didn’t have an acceptable ID — and mistakenly thought they wouldn’t be able to vote.
Elections officials tried to get the word out, but they had little to no money to spend on an ad campaign, mailers or other such educational efforts. The new state budget does have some money for voter ID in it, but the legislature was months late in passing the budget, which only became law last month.
Well, of course WRAL goes this way, because, like any good Democrat orgnaization, they do not think minorities, especially blacks, are capable of getting proper ID. They also do not like that people have to prove who they are and that they are eligible to vote.

WRAL leans left because that is where the ad revenue is
WRAL is a for profit corporation.
Fox News leans right because being to be only major right of center media platform is profitable.
Not Many people choose to listen to Christian station WHVN
Mr Teach offers little assurance that the ID laws DIDN’T suppress voter turnout, which is the objective of the laws. We know, we know, propagandists like Mr Teach call this raaaaacism when it’s pointed out that poor people are less likely to jump one more hurdle to vote.
If it turns out that voter ID laws do reduce voter turnout, what is mr Teach’s proposed solution (if any). We know, we know, most Ameri-Cons welcome that fewer minority voters participate.
Rimjob: Mr Teach offers little assurance that the ID laws DIDN’T suppress voter turnout
Yeah, he didn’t prove a negative.
Was it that kind of that kind of logic that sent Galera into the dumper?
Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s not difficult to assess voter turnout, Humjob.
It uses arithmetic!
Yeah. Trust Rimjob when it comes to math.

When cornered, The Humjob </em>always changes the subject!!
Do he/she really believe that it’s difficult to assess voter turnout?
Never miss a chance to respond to your nonsense and take a shot at your fraudulent enterprise.

Anybody too stupid to procure a driving license or at the very least an equivalent ID in 2023 is too stupid and irresponsible to be allowed to vote, so I don’t give a bright blue fuck what kind of “suppression” or “reduced turnout” you insist on bitching about.
The only purpose behind mail-in voting and voting without ID is cheating. Period, full stop, end of story. No wonder you criminal fucks are so insistent upon it.
Commenter Fuck: The only purpose behind mail-in voting and voting without ID is cheating. Period, full stop, end of story.
Bullshit. We fully understand that you Ameri-Cons don’t want certain people to vote. You admitted as much.
So anyone who doesn’t register their countenance with the state should not be afforded a citizen’s most precious right?
Every firearm purchaser should have their mug shot photo taken on the spot and their current photo and passport immediately transmitted to a Federal clearinghouse to check for contraindications. No passport? You’re too fucking stupid to be trusted with a firearm.
Rimjob: Bullshit.–WPXSqK0bI3c171ov_6XvDghhqHmwmMTYsnOTFXXFE

Rimjob: Bullshit.
Try to kee up, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Stupid analogy, as expected. Informing the government when I buy personal property is an infringement of my rights all by itself, and buying a firearm without registering with the government has ABSOLUTELY ZERO EFFECT on anyone else’s exercise of that same right.
Allowing voting without verification of ID renders the election result UNRELIABLE at best.
Yes, I don’t want people too lazy or stupid to acquire the basic ID that the rest of us have to have just to function in this society to vote. There is zero case to be made to allow the vote without identifying yourself. Get the fuck over it. You’re cheating. That’s all there is to it. 81 million votes my ass.
RIMJOB: (whatever, it fits) citizen’s most precious right
Wrong twice! First of all, that most precious right is self-defense, something your party is criminalizing; and second, the time to pretend you gave a damn about “citizens” was long before you imported millions upon millions of not-citizens. Stop pretending you give a shit about “citizenship” or about anything other than your stupid team winning.
RIMJOB: No evidence of cheating!! lala lalalalalalala
RIMJOB: No evidence of cheating …yet insists on changing rules to make results less reliable!!!
Douchebag: I don’t want people too lazy or stupid to acquire the basic ID that the rest of us have to have just to function in this society to vote.
Maybe, just maybe, four more years of Fat Donnie rule will give the Ameri-Cons their delicious wet-dream of only white, male property owners voting! Nirvana!!
Douchebag: First of all, that most precious right is self-defense…
First of all, Douchebag, all humans have the “right” to defend themselves, not just Ameri-Cons. Ameri-Cons, like The Douchebag, fear that they’ll lose the “right” to carry their “right to defend themselves” into McDonalds, the mall, church, little league games, school, airports etc. We get it. The biggest firepower wins! The US has more personal firearms per capita than any other nation but Ameri-Cons still do not feel safe!!
NC has 36000 residents living in nursing homes. Which of those IDs do you think they might be more likely to have in their possession. Many of course would be from The Greatest Generation.
Probably not, Johnny. The youngest, if still alive, would be 96-97. Greatest Generation roughly defined as those born between 1901 and 1927.
The silly thing is that while the Democrats combitch that poor, pitiful minorities can’t be expected to get valid IDs, here in the Bluegrass State we had our IDs ready to vote, I realized that the National Guard Armory, which is the polling place, is out of walking distance for just about everyone.
It’s the perfect place to have the polls, with a very large room which can be set up for that, but it’s out of town, off of Route 52, with only a few houses within nearly a mile.
There’s no bus service out here.
American citizens of legal age are entitled to vote.
In order to do that they have to register, they have to provide identity, they have to go to their voting district, or they need to present a valid reason such as being handicapped in order to send in a mail in vote.
It is not the responsibility or duty of anybody in this country to collect your vote it is your responsibility and duty. If you can’t do it that’s tough titty.
Next they’ll be wanting us to pick them up and drive them to the polls. There are very few responsibilities that American citizens are given they’re always giving all kinds of rights though. Preparing to legally vote and getting your ass to go do it is the responsibility of the individual.
The Democrats have invented entirely new ways of cheating and stealing elections. It’s time they’re old fashioned voter fraud schemes or put the rest. When you count the votes and all of a sudden have 200,000 votes appear at 2:00 in the morning you don’t need to worry about dead people voting people not getting their ID. That ship is sailed.
Hey Rimjob, if you’re going to mouth off like that, at least have the good sense to address things I said, not idiotic fantasies in your empty little head.
I didn’t say “only white male property owners” should vote. I said those too stupid or lazy to identify themselves should not.
If that means “only white male property owners” should vote in your mind, that makes YOU the racist asshole, asshole.
Hey Douchebag, kiss my ass! We understood “who” you meant, but appreciate your light-footedness, asshole.
So you’re the one who brings race into it, and somehow you think that makes me the racist?
You’re LITERALLY SAYING that anyone OTHER than white men are incapable of identifying themselves at the polls. Clearly, your expectations from the more diverse segments of the population are quite low.
It’s been around since the ’60s. It’s called the “soft bigotry of low expectations,” you useless bigot.
No wonder you fucking morons vote Democrat.
You’re not nearly intelligent enough to “understand” who I “meant.”