Supporters of unfettered illegal immigration always say that illegal immigration doesn’t cost anything. In fact, they say that all those illegal immigrants put more money into the system then they take out.
And then the cold truth of economic reality slaps them in the face
Eric Adams Announces Funding Cuts For Cops, Schools To Pay For City’s Illegal Migrant Crisis
Democratic Mayor Eric Adams of New York City announced Thursday cops and schools would be subjected to budget cuts to pay for the city’s migrant crisis.
Adams announced that libraries would be closed on Sundays and the New York Police Department would freeze police hiring as part of the efforts to address the costs of housing migrants arriving in the city, according to The New York Times. The city is offering migrants free travel to any location as the number exceeded 130,000, but many say they will not leave the city.
“No city should be left to handle a national humanitarian crisis largely on its own, and without the significant and timely support we need from Washington, D.C., today’s budget will be only the beginning,” Adams said Thursday. The police force is expected to drop below 30,000 as a result of the cuts, The New York Times reported.
But, this is what the Sanctuary City New York wanted when they declared themselves a sanctuary city, right? Illegals overrunning the city, taking up who tracts of space, prostitution and drug use in the streets, people playing loud music at all times, crime increasing, right? Oh, yeah, I forgot that they love illegal immigration, as long as it is Somewhere Else.
Why are the citizens of SCNY not offering up their money voluntarily? Why is SCNY not raising taxes? The people voted for this. Now they will deal with even fewer police in a city dealing with a higher level of violent crime and a much higher level of property crime, in a period where the Democrats hatred of cops keeps the police from often being proactive, as they do not want to be falsely accused of anything. And schools will see a $1 billion reduction over two years. Have fun!
(Judicial Watch) Mass illegal immigration resulting from the Biden administration’s open border policies is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars to provide an unprecedented number of migrants with medical treatment, housing, education, and other welfare services, not to mention law enforcement. A new congressional report that includes federal and state figures reveals the shocking price of supporting an estimated 16.8 to 29 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States. The “net cost of illegal immigration is greater than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of 15 different states,” according to the lengthy report, published this week by the House Committee on Homeland Security. “Illegal immigration costs every American taxpayer a net average of $956—or $1,156 before the taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in.”
Illegals are jamming up hospitals. They are also giving birth to lots of anchor children, which they do on purpose, so that they do not get deported since they kid is now a citizen.
Even France has had enough
The government’s immigration bill was voted through the French Senate with a large majority on Tuesday after most of the key provisions were hardened, access to work visas for long-term immigrants curbed, and medical help for irregular migrants slashed entirely.
The bill also sought to facilitate the deportation of migrants in an irregular situation “who pose a serious threat to public order” while increasing resources to combat smuggling networks, particularly in the Mediterranean.
Finally, a new provision created an automatic granting of a one-year work visa for irregular migrants working off-the-books in economic sectors that face severe labour shortages.
Initially, the bill raised the bar for irregular migrants to gain permission to stay in France – imposing new, stricter language requirements. All migrants applying for a permit would also have to swear to uphold the principles of the French Republic, else their asylum claims could be rejected.
In other words, they are going specifically after those illegals and refugees who are Muslims with extremist views, as they’ve seen lots of issues as of late with all the Jew hatred and having Palestinian flags flown in their streets. Really, this is something that’s been going on for decades, and most of those Islamists are refusing to assimilate. Time for them to go.

Our esteemed host got it right:
The supporters of unrestricted immigration were able to say that the illegals wound up generating more wealth than they cost . . . as long as those illegals were concentrated somewhere else. Governors Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis have shown themselves to be absolute geniuses, shipping the illegals to those liberal sanctuary cities, to teach them the hard lesson, be careful for what you wish; you just might get it.
Sadly, the actions of Abbott and DeSantis will not change a thing. The Democrat communist have a stranglehold on a certain mentality of Americans and they will always vote for these fools no matter how bad it gets. I never believed this before OK but I believe it now. Elwood has shown me that. No matter what evidence is given to Elwood he won’t change his mind, he’s never wrong, and he always takes the anti or unamerican side. Unless he’s taking the anti Christian and anti White side.
But no man his age and he’s almost twice as old as I, can possibly believe the nonsense he believes about “transsexuality”, sexual identity, the COVID hoax, the election hoax(s), and of course the ridiculous and offensive witchcraft commonly known as man made global warming. Only a total moron can believe this stuff especially after all the evidence over the years has shown it all to be ruse.
Now I’m gonna go pick up my girls and take my cruiser out into the gulf. Have a good day.
[…] my good friend and occasional blog pinch hitter William Teach has noted many times, the so-called “sanctuary cities” […]